Benchmark/P.M. Assessments (Dibels and EasyCBM) / Skill areas to consider when reviewing performance on assessments-
Initial Sound Fluency
picture/initial sound / Phonemic Awareness (which is a sub area of Phonological Awareness)
Letter Names
upper and lower case / Tied to Alphabetic Principle
Letter Sounds
single letters/digraphs- upper and lower case / Tied to Alphabetic Principle, preskill for phonics
Phoneme Segmenting
segmenting words into phonemes / Phonemic Awareness (which is a sub area of Phonological Awareness)
Nonsense Word Fluency
cvc made-up words / Phonics (individual sounds, blending, whole word reading)
Word Reading
Decodable/Sight Words / Word Reading Fluency
Oral/Passage Reading Fluency
1 minute passage reading / Passage Reading Fluency
multiple choice, words to synonyms or phrases / Vocabulary
Word Use Fluency
ability to define target words / Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
literal, inferential ,and evaluative questions over student read story / Reading Comprehension (needs to be reading at the 50th percentile for fluency before considering for a comprehension skill deficit)
ability to retell a passage just read / Reading Comprehension