Basic Computer B.pharm PU

CSC 191 (Credit hours 3)

Computer Science (Introductory)

B. Pharm., First Year, First Semester

Course Objectives:

The objective of the course is to provide the students with a general view of computer architecture, its operation and application, familiarize the students with the existing technologies, and provide them with hands on experience on personal computers.

Course Contents:

1.  Introduction to Computers 3 hours

History of Computers, Classification of Computers, Functioning of Computers, Computer Hardware, Software, Firmware

2.  Number System 6 hours

Decimal number system, Binary number system, Hexadecimal number system, Octal number system, Conversion of a number from one system to other, Addition and Subtraction of binary numbers, Compliments, Subtraction by 2’s compliment method

3.  Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates 5 hours

Introduction, Basic operations of Boolean algebra, DeMorgan’s Theorem, Boolean variable and function, Boolean postulates, Dual and compliments of Boolean expression, SOP and POS standard forms, Canonical forms of Boolean expression, Simplification of Boolean expressions by Karnaugh method, Logic Gates-AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XOR, XNOR

4.  Arithmetic Logic Unit and Memory Element 2 hours

Half adder, Full adder, Flip-flop, R-S flip-flop

5.  Memory 3 hours

Classification, RAM, ROM, Floppy disk, Hard disk

6.  Input Output Devices and Computer Network 5 hours

Role of input and output devices, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanners, MICR, Video terminals, Printers, Plotters, Digital to analog conversion, Introduction to computer network, Sharing, Network types

7.  Word Processing 4 hours

Introduction, Concept of file, Inputting the text, Formatting, Inserting the files and Symbols, Mail merge facility, Grammar checking, Auto correct feature (MS-Word is to be used)

8.  Spreadsheet Analysis 4 hours

Introduction to spreadsheets, Workbook and worksheet, Formula, Formatting and Graphics (MS-Excel is to be used)

9.  Database Management 4 hours

Data, Database, Input, Processing, Storage, Output (MS-Access is to be used)

10.  Internet and Multimedia 4 hours

Introduction to Internet, e-mail, Introduction to slide, Making a presentation (MS-PowerPoint is to be used)

11.  Programming Concepts 5 hours

Difference between a computer and calculator, Algorithm, Flowchart, Program, Programming language

Reference Books:

1.  B. Ram: Computer Fundamentals, 1999, Willey Eastern Publication, New Delhi.

2.  O. S. Lawrence: Schaum’s Outline of Computers & Business, 2000, Mc-Grew Hill International., New Delhi.

  1. Suresh Basandra: Computer Systems Today, 1999, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi.
  2. M. Busby and R. A. Stultz: Office 2000, 2000, BPB Publication, New Delhi.


A computer is an electronic machine operating under human/user control that accepts data using some input devices performs certain operations and displays the results in output devices.

Computers are used in wide areas of fields like house, schools, colleges, hospitals, business, and industries. They are used to accomplished job in fast and efficient way. Computer is devices that can not do noting alone without certain programs and instruction. A program is a set of code /instructions which causes a computer to perform particular operations.

Computer System

The computer is called computer system because of different components work together to produce the desired result to the user. The various components of computers of computer systems are as follows:

Hardware: All the physical components of the computer system are called hardware such as Monitor, CPU, and Mouse etc.

Software: The collection of instruction or logical components that instruct the hardware to perform certain task is called software.

Producer: The way of operating computer is called procedure.

Data /instruction: The raw data under which computer work and produce the useful information.

Connectivity: When two or more computers and other peripherals are connected to communicate in the computer system.

Computer Architecture

Computer architecture is the theory behind the design of a computer. The digital computer can be divided into 3 major sections are CPU, Memory and I-O unit. The simple architecture of computers are as follows. The CPU and other Units are linked with the parallel communication channels data channels, address channels and controls channels are called bus/cable.

Processor (CPU): The processors is a computer chip( Heart of computer) that receives the data input form the input devices , processes the data in some way by performing calculations or reorganizing it, stores the results in memory until it sends them to an output devices or stores them in a backup storage devices. The CPU is divided into 3 major sections are follows:

Control Unit (CU): The control unit manages program instruction, so that data is received form input devices and send to output devices at right time. It sends output control signals at a speed that is measured in meghthertz (MHz).

Arithmetic and Logical Unit:

The arithmetic and logical Unit carries out all the arithmetic and logical operations that are needed to produces data.

Register Unit:

It is special temporary storage location of CPU. Registers are very quickly accept, store and transfer data and instruction that are being used currently.

Bus: A bus is simple a parallel communication pathway over which information and signals are transferred between several computer components.

Address bus: The address bus is used to carry address signals for addressing data in different location in computer memory. So that it is Unit directional bus.

Data bus: The data bus is used to communicate data form CPU and other internal unit of computer system. Data bus is bi-directional.

Control bus: The control signals transmitted on the control bus to ensure that proper timing does occurs.

Affecting Factors for Speed of CPU

System Clock Rate: It is the rate of an electronic pulse used to synchronize processing and measured in MHZ ( 1 MHz= 1 million cycles per second).

Bus Width: The amount of data the CPU can transmit at a time to main memory and to input and output devices. An 8 bit bus moves 8 bits of data at a time. They are 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 so far.

Word Size: The amount of data than can be processed by the CPU at one time. An 8 bit processor can manipulate 8 bits at a time. Processors can 8, 16, 32, 64 and so far. The bigger the number means the faster the computer system.

Characteristics of Computer

Speed: Computer performs complex calculation at a very high speed. The speed of computer at performing a single operation can measure in terms of Millisecond, Microsecond, Nanosecond and Picoseconds.

1/1000(10-3) sec-1 Millisecond

1/1000000(10-6)- 1 Microsecond

1/1000000000(10-9)-1 Nanosecond

1/1000000000000(10-12) Picoseconds

Storage: A large amount of data can store in computer memory. The storing capacity is measured in terms of Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, and gigabytes and Terabytes

1024 Bytes= 1 Kilobytes (KB)

1024 Kilobytes =1 Megabytes (MB)

1024 Megabytes= 1 Gigabytes (GB)

1024 GB= 1 Terabytes (TB)

Accuracy: A computer can perform all the calculation and comparison accurately. Sometimes errors may produce by computers due to the fault in machine or due to Bugs in the programs. If input data are not correct, this may also lead to incorrect output. The computer follows the simple rules of GIGO (Garbage in, Garbage Out).

Reliability: Computer never tired, bored or lazy to do task i.e the computer is capable of performing task repeatedly at the same level of speed and accuracy even if it has to carry complex operations for a long period of time. Computers are quite capable to performing automatic, once the process is given to computer.

Automatic: Computer is an automatic machine. Everything that is given to computers is processed and dome by computers automatically according to the instruction proved.

Versatility: A computer has wide range of application areas ie computers can do many types of jobs. IT can perform operations ranging form single mathematical calculations to high complex and logical evaluations for any extended periods of times. Some of the areas of computers applications are Educations, Sciences. Technology, Business, Research etc.

Diligence: A computer can perform respective tasks without being bored, tired and losing concentration. It can continuously work for several hours without human intervention after the data and program are feed to it. They can handle complicated and complex task. There is not aging effect on computer ie efficiency does not decrease over the years of use.

Limitations of Computers

  1. Sometime the failure in devices and programs can produce unreliable information.
  2. Computer is dull machine. It does not have intelligence on it.
  3. Computer can not draw conclusion without going through all intermediate steps.

Historical Development of Computer

The computer which is one of the most advanced discoveries of making has got a long history. Around 3000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, there were no any kind of number system. So people had to remember a lot of information. They felt the need to count the cattle. Then they started counting using their fingers. But the limited number of finger had made difficult for them to remember more facts. So they used stone for counting. As result around fifth century Hindu Philosopher could develop new methods of counting using numbers 1 to 9. In 8th century Alkhawarism of Iraq developed 0. Since there are ten digits these number systems method was called decimal system.

Mechanical Era/ the Age of Mechanical Calculator

The most significant early computing tools is ABACUS, was developed in 1000-1500 AD, a wooden rack holding parallel rods on which different sizes balls are stung. The arithmetic operations can be carried out with the help of breads on the wire. The frame consists of upper parts and lower parts. The upper part is called heaven and lower is called earth. Each part consists of five beads on earth part and heaven parts consist of two beads. This is used for addition and subtraction. In 1500, Leonardo da Vinchi developed mechanical calculator, that was very heavy. A Scottish mathematician, John Napier (1614) invented another calculator which was made of bone had more functionality add and multiplication of numbers. These are analog computers which have been replaced modern times by pocket calculators. The significant evolution of computing system was the invention of by French Mathematician, Blaise Pascal (1642). La Pascal machine could also multiply, divide and find square root. In 1822 a professors of mathematician, Thomas (Charles Xavier Thomas) developed a machine called differential engine was the first commercially mechanical calculators. Charles Babbage (1792- 1871) at Cambridge was developed the first digital computer. By 1822 he built an automatic mechanical calculator called difference engine. Unfortunately, Babbage analytical engine was never completed because its design required fabrication precision beyond what was feasible at that time. In 1840 Augusta (first programmer) suggested binary storage.

In 1887 an American statistician Herman Hollerith constructed a tabulating machine to compute the statics of 1890 US census. He used the punch cards to store data. This machine can read 200 punched cards per minutes. In 1900 Johan Amberose Fleming invents the vacuum tube to store data and instruction, which was very big. The major step in the evolution of computer system is invention of punch card which was first used during the U.S similarly; Lee de Frost invented triode and Semiconductors. After his retirement in 1913 Thomas J Watson becomes president of the company which become International Business Machines Corporation in 1924.

Electronic Era/Age of Electronic Mechanical Computer

The electronic era was the time when computers were made with electronics components. Following are some of the historical keys dates and inventions in this era.

1937- John V. Atanasoff Designed the first special purpose digital electronic computer. Professor Howard Akine constructed electro-mechanical computer named Mark I, which can perform according to pre programming instructions automatically. It was based on Charles Babbage principle after 100 years of his death. Although it was very huge with 51 feet log and 8 ft height and 3 ft wide using 18000 vacuum tubes, similarly Howard Aiken modified Mark 1 and invented Mark II which used 19000 vacuum tubes.

1945- John w Mauchly and Presper Eckert built ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) for the U.S. army. ENIAC was the first machine to use more than 2000 vacuum tubes and 18000 vacuum tube ENICA was the first high speed general purpose electronic digital computer was produce.

1946 UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) was designed by Persper Eckert and John Mauchly, inventors of the ENICA. The UNIVAC was completed in 1950. It was the first commercial computer produced in the United States.

1948- Howard Aiken developed the Harvard Mark III electronic computer with 5000 tubes. The Harvard Mark III, also known as ADEC (Aiken Dahlgren Electronic Calculator) was an early computer that was partly electronic and partly electronic mechanical. It was built at Harvard University under US Navy.

1952- Remington Rand bought the ERA in 1951 and combined the UNIVAC product in 1952; the UNIVAC 1101 was used to calculate the presidential election.

1950-National Bureau of Standards(NBS) introduced its standards Eastern Automatic Computer with 10000 newly germanium diodes in its logic circuits, and the first magnetic disk drive designed by Jacob Rainow.

1953-Tom Watson and IBM introduced model 604 computers, its first with transistor, which becomes the basic of the model 608, the first solid state computer for the commercial market.

1964- IBM produce SABRE, the first airline reservation tracing system for American airlines, IBM announce system 360 all purpose computer using for 8 bit character word length.

1968- DEC introduced the first mini computer, the PDP-8 named after the mini skirt, DEC was founded in 1975 by Kenneth H. Olsen who came for the sage project at MIT and began sales of PDP in 1960.

1969-developemtn began son ARPAnet, founded by DOD (Department of Defense)

1970 – First microprocessors and Dynamic RAMs were developed Hoff developed the first microprocessors 4004.

1971- Intel produces large Scale Integrated circuits that were used in the digital delay line, the digital audio device. Gilbert Hyatt at micro computer company introduced 4 bit 4004, a VLSI of 2300 components for Japanese company business to create a single chip for calculator. Similarly IBM introduced the first 8 inch memory disk; it was called then floppy disk.

1972- Intel made the 8 pins 8008 and 8080 microprocessors; Gary Kildall wrote his control program/ microprocessor disk operating system to provide instructions for floppy disk drivers to work with 8080 processors.