Baroque and Classical Test

Arts and Humanities




Answer the following (2 points)

1.  What are the dates for the baroque period?

a.  1700’s

b.  1600’s

c.  1500’s

d.  1400’s

e.  None of the above

2.  Name one of Newton’s laws.

3.  Where was Louis XIV king?

4.  What were the people that were at the Council of Trent?

a.  Pope

b.  Cardinals

c.  Archbishops

d.  Bishops

e.  All of the above

5. Who was the artist who painted The Calling of St. Matthew and Death of the Virgin?

6.  What are some of the characteristics in Baroque visual art?

7.  Rembrandt used ______and ______to draw the attention of the viewer to the important areas of the painting.

  1. text and texture
  2. shadows and darkness
  3. shadows and light
  4. nothing and more nothing
  5. none of the above


Match the following terms with the correct definitions. Put the letter to the correct definition in the blank next to the term

8.  key _____

9.  temperament _____

10.  concerto _____

11.  fugue _____

12.  suite _____

13.  program music _____

14.  absolute music _____

15.  cantata _____

16.  sonata _____

17.  dynamics _____

18.  symphony _____

19.  opera _____

20. What did Handel write?

f.  Messiah

g.  Passion

h.  In the Garden of Eden

i.  Form

j.  None of the above

21. What is the idea of a free market economy called?

22.  What is the idea of a free market economy called?

23.  What did Watt invent?

24.  Name one philosophy during the classical period.

25.  What is the idea of a free market economy called?

26.  Which artist painted Venus consoling Love?

a.  Boucher

b.  Hogarth

c.  Picasso

d.  N. Smith

e.  None of the above

27.  T or F. The Rakes Progress: The Orgy was a political satire.

28.  A scene where a human is not the center of attention and it looks like a snap shot

is a ______.

29.  Describe sculptures during the enlightenment. (be specific)

30.  What was the main city for American Theatre?

31.  What is Empfindsamer Stil?

  1. Empathy still
  2. Expressive style
  3. Endpass Style
  4. Very smooth and pretty
  5. None of the above

32. How big was an orchestra during the classical period?

f.  10-20 strings

g.  20-30 strings

h.  30-40 strings

i.  40 plus strings

j.  no strings

33.  What country was the main place for music?

34.  T or F. Mozart composed opera.

35.  What Symphonies of Beethoven’s were classical?

36.  What was the main theatre dance?

  1. Folk
  2. Swing
  3. C-Walk
  4. Ballet
  5. None of the above

37.  Describe French theatre.

38.  What was the style Hogarth painted in?

39.  Who was the first with a revolution?

40.  What is Greek Revival?

  1. A tent revival for the Greek orthodox church
  2. Reviving a dead Greek
  3. Reviving the style of Ancient Greece
  4. Building Greek temples
  5. None of the above


1.  What does Beethoven mean?

2.  How old was Mozart when he composed his first keyboard work?

3.  What was the chicken’s favorite composer?

4.  What happened to Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI?

Open Response

Read the prompt and answer to the best of your ability with your own organization.

1. Describe British theatre. Who did they play to? What is a play and playwright in British theatre? Describe the design of a british theatre?

2.  Choose a famous composer. List the period in which they composed. Tell the genres they composed in and why the composer was important. Describe the general style of their work.