Society of Black Scientists Constitution

Article I: Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy

Section 1: Name

Society of Black Scientists (SBS)

Section 2: Purpose

To provide a supportive environment for minority students to succeed in the sciences by inspiring, mentoring and developing programs to recruit and retain minority students in the sciences, thereby increasing the number of diverse students pursuing a graduate or professional degree in the sciences.

Section 3: Non-Discriminatory Policy of Organization

This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for any reason of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, or handicap status.

Article II: Membership

A. Eligibility for Active Membership. Only students enrolled at the Ohio State University and committed to the purpose of the society are allowed active membership. Active members must attend at least three meetings a quarter.

B. Eligibility for Inactive Membership. Students who are enrolled at the Ohio State University and committed to the purpose of the society are to be allowed inactive membership if they do not attend meetings regularly.

C. Eligibilty for Honorary Membership: Faculty, alumni, and professionals committed to the purpose of the society are allowed honorary Membership.

Article III-Organizational Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders

There will be four executive board positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, however new executive positions can be created by a 2/3 majority vote of the active members and advisor(s). All positions will have one year terms. Elections will be held annually at the end of spring quarter and voting will be limited to active members. All new executives will be selected by the active members. All prospective executives must be active members. The election process includes an application by interested candidates, selection of these candidates, and a short speech to the voting members. The position of President includes a provision that any candidate for president must be a member of the current executive board, barring circumstances where no current executives choose to run for the President position. Board members may be elected more than once. The voting will be done via e-mail after all candidates have presented their speeches.

The roles of the executive board can be more defined by each successive President; however, general guidelines will apply.

1. President will be the figurehead of the organization and shall call to order general body meetings, as well as executive meetings. The President will attend any necessary meetings as outlined by the requirements of the University or needs by the organization. The President will oversee the duties of the other executives.

2. Vice President shall assist the President in the case that he/she is absent. The Vice President will focus on the outreach efforts of the group.

3. Treasurer shall have access to the checking account of the organization and make sure that the liabilities are paid and income deposited. In addition, the treasurer may be required to budget funds and make a quarterly report on the status of funds. Another duty is to find fundraising opportunities/activities.

4. Secretary will handles all logistics and organization needs of the society, including taking attendance and outlining what was discussed at each meeting. The Secretary is also responsible for all advertisements.

Article IV – Advisor(s) or Advisor Board:

Advisors of SBS must be full-time members of the University faculty or Administrative & Professional Staff. The responsibility of the advisor is to locate resources for the organization and provide advice should the organization need it. The advisor will be a key contact and liaison with University officials.

Article V – Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency

Active members must attend three meetings per quarter to keep their status. Meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings and executive board meetings arranged regularly.

Article VI – Method of Amending Constitution

Proposed amendments should be in writing and be reviewed at a general meeting in which votes will be taken. Amending the Constitution requires a two-third majority of active members. The Constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.

Article VII – Method of Dissolution of Organization

When the students and advisors decide that the group is no longer necessary, a two-thirds vote will suffice to disband it. Should any debt exist at this time, dues will be collected from all active members.

The By-laws will be voted upon at the last meeting of each academic year.


Article 1 – Parliamentary Authority

Though the minority shall be heard and absentees protected, the majority will decide. The rules contained in the Constitution shall govern the organization.

Article II – Membership

Membership and termination of membership are voluntary. A minimum of at least three meetings a quarter must be attended.

Article III – Elections

Officers shall be elected annually at the end of spring quarter. In case of resignation, an election will be held as soon as possible. In the need of an impeachment a three-quarter vote of all active members is required.

Article IV – Advisor Responsibilities

An advisor will be present the majority of general meetings.

Article V – Meeting Requirements

At least two members of the executive board will be present at all meetings. The majority of active members must be present in order to hold an election.

Article VI – Amending By-Laws

Proposed amendments should be in writing and be reviewed at a general meeting in which votes will be taken. Amending the By-Laws requires a two-thirds vote of all active members. The By-Laws will be voted on annually at the end of spring quarter.