Aerospace Taskforce Meeting Minutes – Page 2
Aerospace Taskforce Meeting
Friday, April 4, 2008
Meeting Summary
Attendees: Richard Caime , Consultant; Bonnie DiGiallonardo, Nova Southeastern University;
Andrew Duffell , Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Dennis Gallon, Palm Beach Community College; Gary Hines , Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Bill Howden , William B. Howden & Associates; Becky Magaw , Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Patricia Richie, Palm Beach Community College; Regina Schawaroch, Nova Southeastern University;
Jim Scott , Professor Emeritus, Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University; Kelly Smallridge , Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Kathy Stepanek, Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, Inc.
Welcome and Self- Introductions , Kelly Smallridge , President and CEO, Business Development Board
Kelly thanked the participants for their attendance and explained that they had been selected to assist the BDB in keeping the Aerospace industry active in Palm Beach County. The purpose of the taskforce is to discuss and design a strategy to address the issues that have been brought to our attention by members of the Aerospace Cluster.
Aerospace Cluster Description and Purpose of Taskforce , Becky Magaw , Business Development Board
The Aerospace Cluster is made up of aerospace/aviation related companies throughout Palm Beach County who gather approximately 5 times per year. Each meeting is generally hosted at a different company location, giving the company the opportunity to showcase their company and their work in the aerospace industry. The group also discusses topics that are relevant to the industry. A common issue that these companies face is finding skilled workforce.
Targeted Strategy
The group discussed training and education needs to develop workforce in Palm Beach County. Bill Howden provided the group with several articles relevant to training and development, and the importance of math and science curriculums in grade schools, high schools, secondary and post-secondary education. The group agreed that collaboration has to occur between all levels of education, the local workforce board, and the business community.
Dr. Gallon described PBCC’s Secondary Math and Science Program where 10th and 11th grade students could apply to take classes at PBCC.
The group agreed that we need to secure involvement from The School District of Palm Beach County, Workforce Alliance, and the Education Commission.
Florida Pension Fund Investment Plan , Andrew Duffell , Business Development Board
Recently, Senator Ring introduced Senate Bill 2310 which would authorize 1% of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund to invest in economic endeavors that create jobs in high-tech industries. The BDB will be writing a letter to the legislators, the County Commissioners, and the Governor urging them to consider this bill for the development of the life science industry. However, the Bill is applicable for all high-tech industries. It was recommended that the BDB develop a similar letter for the Aerospace Industry.
BD B Aerospace Collateral Piece
The BDB is developing a new aerospace collateral piece that will be used in our prospect packets.
Action Steps
1. The BDB will try to secure Jody Gleason of the Education Commission, Kathryn Schmidt of Workforce Alliance, and Dr. Johnson, Fred Barch and Mary Vreeland of the School District of Palm Beach County for the next meeting.
2. Andrew Duffell will develop a support letter for Senate Bill 2310 and its importance for the Aerospace industry to be sent to the Governor, Legislators, Enterprise Florida, County Commissioners, and the Asst. County Administrator.
3. All members can begin to research examples of education, workforce and economic development sectors working together to develop math/science initiatives.
Next Meeting Date/Location
We would like to meet again at the end of April or early May. Kathy Stepanek of the BDB will arrange for the next meeting.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Kathy Stepanek at 835-1008 or via email at .