Authors and their Websites
July 22, 2005
Patricia Ernst
I teach semester classes usually with 6th graders. Last year, we conducted author studies, studying the author in depth. We then read many of the books by the author if not all. I then look for art activities and other ideas to complement the books read. This website list will be most helpful to me in the fall.
Henkes, Kevin
Meet Kevin Henkes
This site gives a biography of Kevin Henkes and lists the picture books and novels he has written. Gives a connection to each of his novels with a short description of each.
Internet School Library Media Center
This site gives a biography of Kevin Henkes and lesson plans for such books as Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse and Chrysanthemum.
Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site
This site was put together by Carol Hurst. It lists various picture books by Kevin Henkes. This site also has great teaching ideas for working with bullies in literature.
Myschoolonline – Ponton’s Pond,1872,12026-171840-15-45106,00.html
This website lists books by Kevin Henkes dealing with character development. It also lists literature extensions. It also lists other websites on Kevin Henkes.
Wisconsin Authors and Illustrators
This website lists a biography of Kevin Henkes. It discusses the books All Alone and Chrysanthemum.
Virginia Center for Children’s Books
This website lists an alphabetical listing of Kevin Henkes’ books and a 1 or 2 sentence description of the book.
Paulsen, Gary
McGraw-Hill Companies
This website lists writing from his Iditarod journal plus has links to About Gary and Ask Gary. It also lists his books by category such as books about Brian, true adventure, back in time, etc.
Internet School Library Media Center
This website offers biographical information as well as lesson plans. It gives other biographical links as well.
Web English Teacher
This site gives links to biographical information on Gary Paulsen but also contains lesson plans for Hatchet and other novels.
Virginia Center for Children’s Books
This website gives bullets of information on Paulsen’s life. Gives an extensive list of titles written by Paulsen.
Pinkney, Brian
Houghton Mifflin Reading
This website lists a short biography on Brian and lists books written by him as well as books he has illustrated.
Children’s Literature Teaching Guides
This website contains a pull down bar that has you meet the authors. Under the features tool bar, you can find teaching materials.
Author Study Brian Pinkney
This website lists a thorough biography of Brian Pinkney. It also gives a link to other African American literature.
This website contains a biography of Brian Pinkney. It lists many other authors by searching by last name. It also lists the 2005 winners of Newbery, Caldecott, and Coretta Scott King award winners.
Polacco, Patricia
This website lists her books and activities to go with them.
The middle web listserv
This website gives a “how to” as to teaching children how to choose a mentor author when writing. It also gives a bibliography as a resource.
Questioning Realistic Fiction and Nonfiction (4 weeks)
This website gives model questions to use with such books as Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco but lists others. Also gives examples using nonfiction books and mentions the books by Stephanie Harvey.
Patricia Polacco Scavenger Hunt
This site gives a scavenger hunt on Patricia Polacco’s books and her life.
Making Connections: Realistic Fiction and NonFiction (4 weeks)
This site gives ideas for working with realistic fiction and nonfiction questioning. Asks questions using books by Patricia Polacco and Eve Bunting to name a few. Uses Stephanie Harvey’s book as a reference.
Van Allsburg, Chris
The education place author spotlight
This website gives an author interview and book connections. This site states that there are 15 Van Allsburg books.
Internet School Library Media Center
This site gives internet ideas and lesson plans for many of his books. This is one that I need to start with in planning my Van Allsburg unit in the fall.*******
Curry Education School in Virginia
This website is very similar to a webquest giving you tasks to complete. Another great one when doing initial planning in the fall. Many of the questions about Chris and his work take you to another website. teacher links – Chris Van Allsburg
This website contains an interview with Van Allsburg. He talks about two of his books, Jumanji and The Polar Express.
Web English Teacher
This site contains lesson plans for Jumanji, Polar Express, and others. This site also contains word search puzzles, Venn diagrams, and other ideas for teaching his books.
Emints National Center
This website is an author study on Chris Van Allsburg. Contains many activities.
Chris Van Allsburg Author Study and Thematic Unit
This website contains an author study and thematic unit. It also gives links to other Van Allsburg websites.
Woodson, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Woodson frequently asked questions
This website gives a question – answer session with Woodson. It also lists her books by level – elementary and middle readers.
Teen Reads
This website gives a bio of Woodson but then lists the books she has written (more for teens on this site) with a picture of the cover and a description of the book.
Jacqueline Woodson Resource File
This website gives biographies of Woodson from different sources. It also gives lesson plans for some of Woodson’s books. Ideas are given for the book I Hadn’t Meant to Tell You This.
Scholastic Web Site
This website is by Scholastic. It links you to different activities but also offers teaching materials for purchase.
Readers Talk to Writers: A Lesson Idea or Two
This website contains a lesson idea or two for using with Woodson’s books.
Tough Issues, Tender Minds – Jacqueline Woodson – Critical Essay
This website contains an interview with Woodson in which she talks about why she focuses on the difficult questions in her books. At the end of the interview there is a list of her picture books.
Hyperion Books for Children – Jacqueline Woodson
This website lists the books written by Woodson and also has a section for teachers and librarians which contain lesson ideas.
The Alliance for the Study and Teaching of Adolescent Literature at Rhode Island College
This website lists all kinds of activities to do with young adult literature including the work of Jacqueline Woodson. It also contains many more links to book lists and reviews.
National Book Foundation – Family Literacy Author Residencies 2002
This website is produced by the National Book Foundation. It talks about Woodson conducting an author residency at Harlem in 2002. It lists other others and illustrators that have conducted residencies at Harlem.
Kids – Jacqueline Woodson
This website gives a review of Woodson’s book Miracle’s Boys. I may choose to use this book with one of my reading groups.
McGraw – Hill Reading – Jacqueline Woodson
This website offers internet activities for Woodson’s book Last Summer with Maizon.
It specifically links to bridge and subway activities.