Moderation Portfolio Assessment Tasks

Come and See Autumn 2012

Advent/Christmas – Loving

AT1 iii

In line with the new diocesan advice on assessment which has been shared at RE Coordinators’ meetings this term, the following assessment tasks have been compiled for inclusion in school portfolios. These will enable

·  Schools to produce a moderation portfolio of assessed work using common tasks for years one to six

·  Consistency of levelling locally, at diocesan level, and nationally, across topics and strands

·  The collation of exemplars showing secure levels within each strand

It is important to remember that this task only serves as part of the evidence used to support the ‘best fit’ level of attainment achieved by the pupil in this term. The task should be given a straight level and not sub-levelled. Teachers should award a sub-level to each child at the end of each term taking into account their work across that term.

The timetable for assessment work for school portfolios is as follows. Over the next three years, all strands will be covered.

Year / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15
Autumn / Christian Living Theme
̴ Loving / Church Theme
Domestic Church
̴ Family / Sacramental Theme
̴ Belonging
Spring / Church Theme
Local Church
̴ Community / Sacramental Theme
̴ Relating / Christian Living Theme
̴ Giving
Summer / Sacramental Theme
̴ Reconciliation / Christian Living Theme
̴ Serving / Church Theme
Universal Church
̴ World

The tasks this term are based on activities within the Reveal section of Come and See for the Advent topic and have been adapted to meet the focus of AT1 iii. While each task is based on one level, they can be differentiated either by adjustment or by outcome. This is clearly shown for each task. Driver words are in bold to assist you with the planning and assessment of the task. In the grid the teacher should highlight the level achieved and add reasons for awarding the level in the commentary box.

The sheet serves as a cover sheet to the given task. It should be attached to and annotated for each piece of work in the portfolio. This sheet will be used at diocesan moderation meetings so please add your school name, badge or crest to the top of each sheet.

Please note that evidence of a pupil’s response can be scribed by an adult if the pupil is unable to record his/her response independently in written form.

Name of school/school badge

or crest to be inserted.

Year 1 ‘Waiting’ Autumn 2012

Level 1/2 AT1 iii

Name of pupil:



During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Waiting’, pupils explore Advent, a time of waiting to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas.

Within Learning Focus 6 pupils will learn about the meaning of ‘Christingle’.


Adapt Learning Focus 6 page 91 Activity 3.

Key question ‘What ways can we share our love at Christmas?’

·  Pupils make a Christmas card to show how they will show love at Christmas’.

·  Pupils decide who to send their card to and inside the card write the words ‘I will share my love with you at Christmas by’

·  Pupils choose from or draw their own (recognise) a range of Christmas symbols, pictures and simple greetings (religious and secular) which express sharing love. They make their own simple collage of sharing (and showing) their love as Christians at Christmas time inside the card (Level 1).

Pupils can describe either verbally or in writing what is happening in their collage (Level 2).

Learning Objectives (choose appropriate learning objective for groups)

·  To recognise that Christians act (share and show their love) in a particular way because of their religion (Level 1)

·  To describe some of the ways in which Christians act (share and show their love) because of their religious belief (Level 2)

Level Achieved
(highlight one) / Commentary
Pupil has recognised that people, because of their religion, act in a particular way (share and show their love for Jesus) Level 1 AT1 iii
Pupil has described some of the ways in which religious belief is lived out during advent (share and show their love for Jesus) Level 2 AT1 iii

Name of school/school badge

or crest to be inserted

Year 2 ‘Preparing’ Autumn 2012

Level 1/2/3 AT1 iii

Name of pupil:



During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Preparing’, pupils explore Advent, the four weeks of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Within Learning Focus 2 the pupils learn about how the people had been prepared for the birth of Jesus many years before.


Adapt Learning Focus 2, page 86, Activity 3.

·  Pupils make a candle drawing with rays describing some of the ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus and bring light to the people around them (Level 2).

Pupils can give reasons for the ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus (Level 3).

Pupils recognise that Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Level 1).

Learning Objectives (choose appropriate learning objective for groups)

·  To recognise ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus (Level 1)

·  To describe ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus (Level 2)

·  To give reasons for the ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus (Level 3)

Level Achieved
(highlight one) / Commentary
Pupil has recognised ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus Level 1 AT1 iii
Pupil has described ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus Level 2 AT1 iii
Pupil has given reasons for the ways in which Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus Level 3 AT1 iii

Name of school/school badge

or crest to be inserted

Year 3 ‘Visitors’ Autumn 2012

Level 2/3 AT1 iii

Name of pupil:



During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Visitors’, pupils explore Advent as the time of waiting for the coming of Jesus.

Within Learning Focus 3 the pupils learn about how, during Advent, the Church prepares for the visit of God in the person of Jesus.


Adapt Learning Focus 3, page 88, Activity 3.

·  Using the scripture reading on page 87, pupils create a ‘Charter to Live by’ describing how Christians might ‘live out’ the messages within the reading e.g. explore the opposites of greed, lying, stealing etc and anything else Christians might do to love their neighbour. (Level 2)

Pupils can give reasons for these actions (Level 3)

Learning Objectives (choose appropriate learning objective for groups)

·  To describe some ways in which religious belief is ‘lived out’ during Advent (Level 2)

·  To give reasons for these actions (Level 3)

Level Achieved
(highlight one) / Commentary
Pupil has described some ways in which religious belief is lived out during Advent Level 2 AT1 iii
Pupil has given reasons for these actions Level 3 AT1 iii

Name of school/school badge

or crest to be inserted

Year 4 ‘Gift’ Autumn 2012

Level 2/3/4 AT1 iii

Name of pupil:



During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Gift’, pupils explore Advent and Christmas – the Church’s seasons of preparing to receive God’s gift of love and friendship in Jesus.

Within Learning Focus 1 the pupils learn about God’s gift of love and friendship.


Adapt Learning Focus 1, page 91, Activity 1.

·  Pupils design a simple booklet/leaflet entitled: ‘Preparing for Jesus, God’s gift to the world’, which describes and gives reasons for the actions of Christians during Advent (Level 3).

Pupils describe (without giving reasons) (Level 2)

Pupils show understanding of how belief in being a child of God shapes their lives (Level 4) (see background notes for Level 4)

Learning Objectives (choose appropriate learning objective for groups)

·  To describe the actions of Christians during the season of Advent (Level 2)

·  To give reasons for the actions of Christians during the season of Advent (Level 3)

·  To show understanding of how belief in being a child of God shapes their lives (Level 4)

Level Achieved
(highlight one) / Commentary
Pupil has described the actions of Christians during the season of Advent Level 2 AT1 iii
Pupil has given reasons for the actions of Christians during the season of Advent Level 3 AT1 iii
Pupil has shown understanding of how belief in being a child of God shapes their lives Level 4 AT1 iii

Name of school/school badge

or crest to be inserted

Year 5 ‘Hope’ Autumn 2012

Level 3/4 AT1 iii

Name of pupil:



During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Hope’, pupils have been learning about Advent- the church’s season of waiting in joyful hope for the coming of Jesus, the promised one.

Within Learning Focus 1 the pupils learn about Advent as a time of waiting.


Adapt Learning Focus 1, page 86, Activity 2.

Using Isaiah 25: 8-9/ 40:9-11, the children learn about the Church’s teaching on Advent and the meaning of the Advent wreath (see also background notes for Level 4).

·  Pupils write a script for a radio broadcast or design a PowerPoint presentation for school assembly which explores how the Christian belief in ‘Waiting in joyful hope’ is expressed in and gives shape to lives of Christians (Level 4)

Pupils can give reasons for the actions of Christians during Advent (Level 3).

Pupils describe actions (Level 2).

Learning Objectives (choose appropriate learning objective for groups)

·  To describe actions of Christians during the season of Advent (Level 2)

·  To give reasons for the actions of Christians during the season of Advent (Level 3)

·  To show understanding of how religious belief in hope shapes life (Level 4)

Level Achieved
(highlight one) / Commentary
Pupil has described actions of Christians during the season of Advent Level 2 AT1 iii
Pupil has given reasons for the actions of Christians during the season of Advent Level 3 AT1 iii
Pupil has shown understanding of how religious belief in the meaning of hope shapes the lives of Christians Level 4 AT1 iii

Name of school/school badge

or crest to be inserted

Year 6 ‘Expectations’ Autumn 2012

Level 3/4 AT1 iii

Name of pupil:



During the Reveal section in the topic ‘Expectations’, pupils have been learning about Advent, a time of joyful expectation of Christmas, the Word becoming a human person, Jesus.

Within Learning Focus 5, the pupils learn about John the Baptist’s expectations of Jesus.


Adapt Learning Focus 5, page 99, Activity 3.

Using the words of John the Baptist and the scripture covered in Learning Focuses 1-4

·  Pupils design a set of guidelines that demonstrate how Christian belief in the coming of Jesus shapes Christian living (Level 4).

Pupils can give reasons why Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus (Level 3).

Learning objective (choose appropriate learning objective for groups)

·  To give reasons why Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus (Level 3).

·  To show an understanding of how the Christian belief in preparing for the coming of Jesus shapes Christian living (Level 4).

Level Achieved
(highlight one) / Commentary
Pupil has given reasons why Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus Level 3 AT1 iii
Pupil has shown understanding of how the Christian belief in preparing for the coming of Jesus shapes Christian living. Level 4 AT1 iii

This activity cannot be extended to cover the level 5 descriptor.