Ashley E. Gorham


University of Pennsylvania (781)264-0485

Stiteler Hall

S. 37th St., Room 217

Philadelphia, PA 19104


Expected May 2018 Ph.D., Political Science

Dissertation: “Information and Democracy: A Critical Reappraisal for the Internet Age.”

May 2015 M.A., Political Science

1st field: Political Theory

2nd field: Comparative Politics

University of Pennsylvania

December 2011 M.A., Government and Politics

University of Maryland

May 2008 B.A., Politics (High Honors)

Oberlin College


2017 “The Glory of Anonymous” (Work in progress)

2017 “Big Data and Democracy: Facts and Values” PS: Political Science and Politics (In publication)

2017 “The Political Meaning of Hacktivism.” Limn 8.

2015 “Does Information Want to be Free? Hacktivism and the

Democratization of Information.” The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies and Development 1, no. 1.

Academic Awards and Fellowships

2017-2018 Penn Program on Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Citizenship Graduate Fellowship

University of Pennsylvania

2016-2017 Dissertation Research Fellowship

University of Pennsylvania

2015-2016 School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Graduate Student

University of Pennsylvania

2015-2016 Feirson Family Fellow

University of Pennsylvania

2014 President Gutmann Leadership Award

University of Pennsylvania

2009-2010 Government and Politics Graduate Fellowship

University of Maryland

2008 John D. Lewis Memorial Prize

Oberlin College

2008 Comfort Starr Prize

Oberlin College


2017 “The Audacity of Anonymous”

Duke University Graduate Conference in Political Theory

2016 “Freedom in Communicative Capitalism: The Case of Anonymous”

Crisis of Collectivity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives in Political Theory

Northwestern University Graduate Conference in Political Theory

2016 “The Audacity of Anonymous” (Poster)

Great Transformations: Political Science and the Big Questions of Our Time

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association

Philadelphia, PA

2016 Guest Lecture

Digital Media, Networks, and Political Communication (DiMeNet) Research Group, Sandra González-Bailón

University of Pennsylvania

2016 “Audacity: Democracy’s Lost Virtue”

The National Capital Area Political Science Association

Graduate Student Political Theory Conference

The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.

2015 Guest Lecture

PSCI182: Contemporary Political Thought, Nancy Hirschmann

University of Pennsylvania

2015 “Information and Democracy: An Ambivalent Relationship”

Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2015 “The Well-Informed Citizen: A Critique”

The Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism Graduate Workshop: “Economics, Information and Democracy”

University of Pennsylvania

2015 “Big Data: Facts and Values”

MZES Conference, The Empiricist’s Challenge: Asking Meaningful Questions in Political Science in the Age of Big Data

University of Mannheim, Germany

2014 Guest Lecture

COMM213: Social Media and Social Life,

Sandra González-Bailón

University of Pennsylvania

2014 “Does Information Want to be Free? Hacktivism and the

Democratization of Information” (Poster)

Politics After the Digital Revolution

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association

Washington D.C.

2014 “Does Information Want to be Free? Hacktivism and the Democratization of Information”

AGS Annual Graduate Student Conference

Cyber-Developments in International Relations: Impacts on an Evolving World

American Graduate School in Paris, France

2011 “Understanding the Evil of Stalin.”

Georgetown University Graduate Student Conference

Georgetown University

2011 “Stalin: An Arendtian Interpretation.”

Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association

Chicago, Illinois

Teaching Experience

2015 Teaching Assistant

University of Pennsylvania

PSCI181: Modern Political Thought, Ellen Kennedy

2015 Teaching Assistant

University of Pennsylvania

PSCI182: Contemporary Political Thought, Nancy Hirschmann

2014 Teaching Assistant

University of Pennsylvania

PSCI183: American Political Thought, Anne Norton

2013 Instructor

University of Pennsylvania

PSCI181 601: Modern Political Thought

2012 Teaching Assistant

University of Pennsylvania

PSCI181: Modern Political Thought, Anne Norton

2012 Teaching Assistant

University of Maryland

CPSP 119N: College Park Scholars First-Year Colloquium II, James Glass

CPSP239N: Individual Practicum: International Studies, James Glass

GVPT 241: The Study of Political Philosophy, Fred Alford

2011 Teaching Assistant

University of Maryland

CPSP118N: College Park Scholars First-Year Colloquium I, James Glass

GVPT 200s: International Political Relations, Richard Boyd

GVPT 241: The Study of Political Philosophy, Ian Ward

2011 Teaching Assistant

University of Maryland

CPSP 119N: College Park Scholars First-Year Colloquium II, James Glass

CPSP239N: Individual Practicum: International Studies, James Glass

GVPT 241: The Study of Political Philosophy, James Glass

2010 Teaching Assistant

University of Maryland

CPSP118N: College Park Scholars First-Year Colloquium I, James Glass

GVPT 200s: International Political Relations, Richard Boyd

GVPT 241: The Study of Political Philosophy, Fred Alford


2016-2017 Coordinator for the Guest Speaker Series in Political Theory

University of Pennsylvania

2016 Graduate Student Organization Co-Chair

University of Pennsylvania

2015-2016 Planning Committee

Political Science Department’s Graduate Student Conference

State, Economy, and Inequality

University of Pennsylvania

2014-2015 Planning Committee

Biocode: Performing Transgression after New Media

University of Pennsylvania

2010-2012 Political Theory Subfield Representative

University of Maryland

2007 Student Senate

Oberlin College

2006-2007 Judicial Board

Oberlin College

Other Professional Activities

2017 AALAC Workshop on Data Ethics

Pomona College

Claremont, CA

2016 Hackademia: Empirical Studies in Computing Cultures

Leuphana University

Lüneburg, Germany

2016 Commerce and Character

Jack Miller Center Summer Institute

Philadelphia, PA

2015 Summer Doctoral Programme at the Oxford Internet Institute

The University of Oxford

Oxford, England

2014- Member of the Media Activism Research Collective (MARC)

University of Pennsylvania