Arlington School District #16 FEES: $455.oo
Driver's Training Application 8:00am.-10:00am or 11:00am.-1:00 pm.
Summer session 2015: Please return to the AHS Attendance Window by Fri., May 29th. A list of eligible students will be posted at the AHS Attendance Window, Weston, Freshmen Academy and Stilly Valley on Mon., Jun. 8th. Students will be given until Fri., Jun. 12th to pay a fee of $455.oo or have made payment arrangements with Mr. Brooke. Payments can be made at the AHS Attendance Window. Students are NOT enrolled until they pay the fee or completed a payment plan. If you do not attend any of these schools please contact James Brooke, Traffic Safety Coordinator, at 360-618-6300 ext. 3242 to check for eligibility. All classes are in Room #C212 There will be two MANDATORY PARENT & STUDENT meetings Mon., Jun. 15th and Mon., Jul. 6th both in the commons at 6:30-8:00 p.m. *Alternate students will be added on Mon., Jun. 8th if needed. Summer session Driver's Ed. will be from Jun. 15th till Jul. 16th. Classes will be in the mornings from 8:00-10:00am or 11:00-1:00 p.m. in Rm. #C212 Mon.-Thu. Students will drive 6 hours throughout the session and driving may be scheduled any day Mon.-Sat.
If you have any question, please call James Brooke at 360-618-6300 ext. 3242. Office hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00-1:00 p.m. Students are not enrolled until payment or payment plan has been accepted.
Circle the class of your choice: 8:00am.-10:00am. or 11:00am.-1:00pm.
Student's Full Name:_________________________________________________ Summer Session ‘15
Date of Birth:_________________________ Age:___________yrs. ___________mos.
Grade:________________ School of Attendance:_____________________________
Phone Number (Day):___________________ (Evening):________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________
Is there any medical history, emotional or physical conditions that limits the student's ability to drive or any pertinent information.
No:_________ Yes:_________ If so, please give a brief description.
Does the student have a car available to them at home to practice with? Yes:______ No:______
*As a parent/guardian, do you agree to supervise a minimum of 20 hrs. of In-Car, guided practice; Yes:_____: ________initial No:_____: ________initial
*As a parent/guardian, do you agree to attend the two parent nights;
Yes:________: ________initial No:________: ________initial
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________DATE:_______
Student Signature: ___________________________________________DATE:_______