Coordinated by:
Please arrive on campus at least 30 minutes prior to the start time for registration.
Friday, March 2, 2012, at 10:00 am
Southern Arkansas University - Magnolia, Arkansas
Childs Hall: Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems, Horse Evaluation
Rider Rink: Electricity
1:00 pm – Reynolds Hall: Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Parliamentary Procedure, and Opening & Closing Ceremonies
Thursday, March 15, 2012, at 10:00 am
Southern Arkansas University - Magnolia, Arkansas
Agronomy, Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Forestry, Land, Livestock Evaluation, Milk Quality and Products, Nursery Landscape, and Poultry Evaluation
Presented in cooperation with
The State FFA Staff has final authority on all FFA events, including contest decisions. These decisions will be made based on the recommendations of the Southern District CDE Committee. This committee met on January 19, 2012 to discuss any changes to the events:
Caleb Plyler, Blevins
John Jones, Glen Rose
Cody Gray, Taylor
Reggie Lamb, South Pike County
Monte Fain, Wickes
Joe Don Greenwood, Hermitage
Mike Collins, Mena (chair)
1. All contests will be conducted, as far as possible, according to rules and regulations set forth for the National contest which can be found on Exceptions are outlined in the District CDE Brochure.
2. We will utilize scantrons for each contest. These will be supplied at the contest site. Scantrons lacking proper identification, improperly marked or illegible will be discarded with no score allowed for contestant. Each contestant will be identified by number and name. It is the responsibility of the instructor to see that the team members receive the correct scan sheets, inform team members as to their correct use, and that contestants are at the proper place at the proper time for their particular events. (The hosting university will not discuss the use of scan sheets.)
Due to the Arkansas FFA Association having to order scantrons based on pre-registrations, if you pre-register for these events but do not attend, you will be invoiced and charged for the cost of your team’s scantrons.
3. Attendance at the individual contests is limited to those actually participating in the contest and those instructors who have been selected by the CDE committee to assist in the contest. Contest committee members will supervise an assigned event. Their duty will be to assist as needed, observe and see that no unauthorized persons are in the grading areas. The assignments are listed on page 4.
Any communication, verbal or non-verbal, between participants during a career development event will be sufficient cause to eliminate the team member involved from the career development event. The only exception to this would be communication between team members during the team activity portion of a given career development event.
4. Contest registration for the March 2 CDE must be completed using no later than February 22, 2012. Registration for the March 15 CDE must be completed on JudgingCard no later than March 2, 2012. Registrations received after this date, will not be accepted and those teams will not be eligible to participate in the contests. If you have problems signing in or registering, please contact Clay Ewell at .
5. Contestants arriving after the contest starts will be slotted into the rotation to complete the contest. They will be allowed whatever time is remaining. There will be no opportunity to make up classes missed.
6. Each contestant should bring sharpened pencils and a clipboard. Clipboards will be plain with no information. Violations will result in disqualification.
7. No cell phones/electronic devices will be permitted and if visible will result in disqualification. All calculators must be non-programmable. Violations will result in disqualification.
8. The top eight teams from district will go on to compete on the state level. If a team chooses not to participate at the state level, no other team will advance in their place.
9. As stated in the national rules and regulations, the participant must be a high school FFA member, (a graduating senior is considered eligible to compete in state and national career development events up to and including his/her first national convention following graduation). (High school refers to grades 9–12.). If you have 8th graders who are on a state winning team, they must pass 8th grade and be promoted to 9th before the National Convention at which they compete.
While in school, the participant must be enrolled in at least one agricultural education course during the school year and/or follow a planned course of study; either course must include a supervised agricultural experience program, the objective of which is preparation for an agricultural career.
Ä Important: Instructors: you are responsible for the conduct of your students while on the campus. If you have a student who will not uphold the good image of the FFA, it would be best for you to leave that student at home.
Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems
Even Year Rotations: arc welding, woodworking, plumbing, graphics,tool sharpening, & ag electrification
· General Knowledge Exam
· ID – using new lists from National FFA CDE Handbook for weeds & crops, 50 samples
· Grain grading - will use old handbook and scorecard. Rotations are: even years (corn, soybeans, and wheat) and odd years (seed analysis)
· 2 placing classes
· Disorders in 2012 (and even years) Insect ID for 2013 (and odd years) - using new scorecards from National FFA CDE Handbook
· Equipment and Machinery ID - will be added in 2013
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed. Every effort will be made for the judges for FFA Creed to be ag teachers from either Eastern or NW district.
See the attachment under Electricity on website
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
The volunteer in charge of the prep room has the authority to allow members to draw for their topic & begin prep more often than every 15 minutes in order to keep the event moving efficiently. Each member will still have the full 30 minutes to prepare. The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed.
Topics will include three each from the following categories:
1. agriscience and technology
2. agrimarketing and international agriculture
3. food and fiber systems
4. urban agriculture.
Farm Business Management
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed.
· The written exam tests the ability of the participants to use decision-making and problem analysis skills while applying economic principles and concepts taught in business management.
· Identification of plant materials and equipment
· General Knowledge Examination. Questions will be taken from National tests for the past several years.
· 3 or 4 Placing classes from:
1. Handling a Hazardous Situation
2. Make a Dish Garden
3. Make a Product Display
4. Growing Procedures
5. Media Selling
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed:
Each member will
· Tree Identification Tree ID list will be the Arkansas list
· Tree Measurement—Timber Cruising for Board Volume
· Equipment Identification
· Two Individual Practicums
· Use only scale stick without string, no clinometers
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed
· Two Breed/Color/Marking/Tack Identification classes (10 ID per class)
· Four classes of halter
· Two oral reasons classes
Use the Arkansas 4-H Land Judging manual. (B 305)
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed
· Six classes of four animals each. Classes may be breeding or market animals from beef, swine, sheep or meat goat species
· Two oral reasons classes
· One Keep /Cull class of eight animals
Milk Quality and Products
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed
Nursery Landscape
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed
· General knowledge exam
· ID of plants, pests, disorders, equipment and supplies
· Landscape drawing
· 2 or 3 Placing classes and/or practicums
Parliamentary Procedure
Every effort will be made for the Parliamentary Procedure judges to be ag teachers from either the Eastern or NW district and will be asked to provide motion cards & list of oral questions.
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed
· General Knowledge Examination
· Presentation
· Oral Questions
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed:
The event will be the same at District and State except as noted on the reasons classes.
· Past Production Hens
· Broiler Carcass Grading
· Turkey Carcass Placing
· Bone In Further Process Products
· Boneless Further Process Products
· Exterior Eggs
· Interior Eggs
· Poultry Parts ID
· Live Broilers
Prepared Speaking
The rules as written in the National FFA Career Development Event Handbook will be followed
Every effort will be made for the judges for O&C contest to be ag teachers from either Eastern or NW district. O&C judges will be asked to bring paraphernalia for use in the contest.
In an effort to reduce confusion, miscommunication and related problems associated with large group activities, the Southern District CDE Committee has recommended teachers to assist at each site.
This assistance is limited to transporting students, organizing groups and maintaining discipline during the contest. Confusion, horseplay, and other forms of unacceptable conduct detract from the activity and make it more difficult for all concerned. Remember, your primary objective is student supervision. Circulate through the contestants; your presence will go a long way to help.
If before or during the contest you observe something that could improve the contest, bring it to the attention of the Southern District CDE Contest Committee member at the end of the day.
John Gentry and Melvin Daniel will set up and officiate.
Harold Dean McCain, Greg Goss, & Copie Moore will set up and officiate.
1. Jeff Hanson
2. Terressa Curtis
1. Heath Lee
2. David Streeter
1. Mark Fullenwider (BUS)
2. Mark Clampet (BUS)
3. Reggie Lamb (BUS)
1. John Jones
2. Alex Dykes
1. Jennifer James
2. Terressa Curtis
3. Cody Gray
1. Joe Don Greenwood (BUS)
2. Monte Fain
3. Perry Richard (BUS)
1. Mark Fullenwider (BUS)
2. James Cannon
1. Dennis Guidry (BUS)
2. Bryan Maye (BUS)
3. Caleb Plyler (BUS)
1. Jennifer James
2. Cody Gray
1. Reggie Lamb
2. Jason Braziel
3. Mike Vines
SAU Campus Map
1. Agriculture Education2. Arkansas National Guard Armory
3. Athletic Weight Training Building
4. Auburn Smith Field House
5. Band Practice Field/Soccer Field
6. Baseball Field
7. Bell Tower
8. Brinson Fine Arts
9. Brown HKR Complex
10. Bruce Center
11. Business/Agri Business
12. Bussey Hall
13. Childs Agri
14. Cross Hall
15. Dolph Camp / 16. Donald W. Reynolds Campus and Community Center
17. East Hall
18. Faculty/Staff Apartments
19. Greek Theater
20. Greene Hall
21. Harrod Hall
22. Harton Theater
23. Honors Hall
24. Intramural Field
25. Kiosk
26. Magale Library
27 Mulerider Activities Center
28. Nelson Hall
29. Overstreet Hall / 30. Peace Hall
31. Pond
32. Practice Field
33. Rider Rink
34. Talbot Hall
35. Talley Hall
36. Tennis Courts
37. Track
38. University Village
39. University Village Clubhouse
40. Watson Athletic Center
41. Welcome Center
42. Wharton Nursing Building
43. Wilkins Stadium
44. Wilson Hall
*On March 2nd, buses need to be parked in front of the SAU Welcome Center & a shuttle bus will bring drivers/advisors back to Watson Athletic Center where students will assemble. Buses being used to transport students to a contest site should line up in front of Watson Athletic Center.
*On March 15th, a concession stand will be available on the front lawn of Child’s Hall.