Aries (Male, Cardinal, Fire) “I WANT” Rules the head

Traits: initiating, starting, pioneering, innovative, inspiring, daring, spontaneous, childlike, direct, innocent, assertive, headstrong, active, courageous, fearless, competitive, selfish, impulsive

Taurus (Female, Fixed, Earth) “I HAVE” Rules the throat and back part of brain

Traits: earthy, practical, productive, prudent, conserving, sensual, steadfast, reliable, dependable, loyal, artistic, aesthetic, materialistic

Gemini (Male, Mutable, Air) “I THINK” Rules the lungs, shoulders, hands, arms and nervous system

Traits: mental, intelligent, witty, curious, inquisitive, alert, logical, literary, fluent, studious, communicative, articulate, sociable, adaptable, jack-of-all-trades, flexible, inventive, changeable

Cancer (Female, Cardinal, Water) “I FEEL” Rules the breasts and stomach

Traits: emotional, feeling, receptive, sensitive, psychic, gentle, tender, vulnerable, sympathetic, protective, maternal, domestic, shy, retiring, tenacious, moody

Leo (Male, Fixed, Fire) “I WILL” Rules the heart and spine

Traits: self-assured, self-confident, dynamic, powerful, radiant, commanding, impressive, dignified, honorable, regal, thrives on appreciation, loyal, self-expressive, creative, loving, dramatic, warm, big-hearted, generous, playful, flamboyant, romantic.

Virgo (Female, Mutable, Earth) “I ANALYZE” Rules the intestinal tract

Traits: practical, efficient, clear, analytical, dividing, differentiating, discriminating, precise, detailed, meticulous, economical, disciplined, skillful, serving, efficient, health-conscious, unselfish, sanitary.

Libra (Male, Cardinal, Air) “I BALANCE” Rules the kidneys and lower back

Traits: relating, caring, sharing, cooperative, partner-oriented, agreeable, sociable, gregarious, balanced, weighing, just, fair, diplomatic, charming, mediating, impartial, aesthetic, artistic, refined, beautiful, harmonious, tasteful.

Scorpio (Female, Fixed, Water) “I CREATE” Rules the generative system

Traits: regenerating, transforming, cathartic, healing, renewing, penetrating, piercing, erotic, sexual, intense, magnetic, powerful, emotional, mysterious, occult, deep

Sagittarius (Male, Mutable, Fire) “I PERCEIVE” Rules the hips and thighs

Traits: wise, understanding, sage-like, philosophical, aspiring, metaphysical, ethical, balanced, religious, idealistic, visionary, moral, truth-seeking, open-minded, optimistic, tolerant, jovial, generous, exploring, adventurous, freedom-loving, frank, outspoken, truthful, loves animals

Capricorn (Female, Cardinal, Earth ) “I USE” Rules the bones, skin, and knees

Traits: organized, practical, responsible, disciplined, dutiful, conscientious, structured, systematic, hard-working, mature, law-abiding, dependable, industrious, pragmatic, realistic, constructive, planning, patient, orderly, deliberate, efficient, cautious, frugal, ambitious, successful, recognized

Aquarius (Male, Fixed, Air) “I KNOW” Rules the circulation and the ankles

Traits: reforming, liberal, progressive, democratic, altruistic, tolerant, friendly, social, people-oriented, independent, freedom-loving, original, bohemian, eccentric, experimental, unorthodox, unconventional, innovative, New Age, metal, intuitive, quick, brilliant, electric, scientific

Pisces (Female, Mutable, Water) “I BELIEVE” Rules the feet

Traits: unifying, dissolving, boundless, flowing, imaginative, dreamy, poetic, emotional, idealistic, inspiring, visionary, romantic, mystical, intuitive, spiritual, impressionable, mediumistic, receptive, psychic, empathic, compassionate, healing, gentle, sacrificing, humble, unselfish, retiring