Tails of Hope Dog Rescue Foster Application


Address: Apt#:

City: State: Zip:

Daytime Phone: Evening Phone:

Please list pets you now have in your home:
Do you currently have pets?
Yes No
If yes, please fill out the following information
Type/Breed / Gender / Spay/Neut. / Age / Owned Since:
Male Female / Spay Neut.
Male Female / Spay Neut.
Male Female / Spay Neut.
Male Female / Spay Neut.

*Tails of Hope Dog Rescue Policy is that we will not adopt to or allow a foster home to have unaltered animals. The only exception is if the dog cannot be altered due to medical problems (veterinarian verification required).

Name of vet: Contact number:

Would your pets accept a new dog into the household?
Yes No

If you now have a pet(s), is it up-to-date on its vaccinations, rabies and heartworm prevention?
Yes No

Foster homes must have a home visit. Are you receptive to this?
Yes No

How many adults in your household?
Ages of children:

Do you:
Own or rent?
HouseApartment Condo ?

If renting, please give landlord's name, address, and telephone number. We require the landlord's written consent for your having a dog.

Landlord's Name:

Tails of Hope Dog Rescue has a total restraint policy. Do you have a securely fenced yard?
Yes No

How high?

What are the working hours of the adults in the house or list the maximum number of hours the dog would be left alone?

What characteristics would you find undesirable in a foster dog? Please be extremely honest in what you cannot or will not accept in a foster dog. Dogs coming into foster care often have a number of issues that need work, housetraining, behavior, separation anxiety, etc. If you feel you cannot handle anything specific, please tell us. We do not want to ask you to foster a dog for us if you cannot handle certain situations. Tails of Hope Dog Rescue strives to find a foster dog that can fit easily into a foster home. We do not want the foster dog to move again until it has found its forever home so it is very important that the foster home be a good match.

Would you accept a dog that is older? Yes No ;
has been abused? Yes No
is not reliable with children? Yes No;
has a physical handicap? Yes No ;
is pregnant and will be whelping? Yes No ;
is recovering from medical treatment ? Yes No ;

As Foster Caretaker I agree to comply with the following regulations:

1.  The said dog(s) shall become the sole property of Tails of Hope Dog Rescue ( referred to as THDR.) I understand that custody of said dog(s) will be temporary, and the dog will be made available by me for a minimum of 2 adoption events per month.

2.  If I am unable to attend an adoption event, I am responsible for setting up other arrangements to get the dog to the event. If the dog is not available at any adoptions within three (3) months, THDR has the authority to terminate the foster, and that foster is responsible for the payment to THDR of all expenses incurred by THDR for said animal(s).

3.  I shall provide said dog(s) with good care, including but not limited to, proper food, fresh water, shelter, exercise, grooming (bathing and free of parasites), training, and medication when required.

4.  I will comply with all instructions received from THDR and will not alter from any instructions as to the care and maintenance of said dog(s) without consulting with a representative of THDR.

5.  I agree to provide competent annual veterinary care to said dog(s) under THDR’s direction, paid for by THDR, before said dog(s) is brought to an adoption event. If said dog(s) is a personal pet being surrendered by the temporary foster, the current vaccinations, Spay/Neuter and other annual veterinary care prior to entering the THDR system is the monetary responsibility of the temporary foster.

6.  I agree to provide competent veterinary care in the case of illness or injury to said dog(s) under THDR’s direction, paid for by THDR. In the event of an emergency, I will contact THDR before seeking veterinary care.

7.  While in foster care, I will not mistreat or abuse a THDR foster. I understand that if I do or THDR finds I have been negligent, I will have the foster dog removed immediately and will no longer be able to foster for THDR. I understand that if a foster dog has an accident that is due to my lack of care or my pet injures the foster, I am responsible for the medical bills for the THDR foster. I understand I have a requirement to meet or exceed proper care while a THDR foster is in my home.

8.  The fostered THDR dog will wear an ID and rabies tag at all times provided by THDR.

9.  I agree that should the said dog(s) require extensive medical treatment THDR will consult with the veterinarian for the best course of action.

10.  I agree to maintain said dog(s) as I do my own household pet and companion.

11.  I agree to comply with all Mississippi/Tennessee laws and local ordinances applicable to said dog(s).

12.  I agree to properly supervise said dog(s) at all times. When said dog(s) are allowed outside, said dog(s) must be confined within a secure fenced-inarea or walked on a leash.

13.  This agreement is not transferable. If I am unable to care for the said dog(s), I will contact THDR. If the dog(s) must be removed from my home, I agree to give THDR at least 45 days notice. I understand and acknowledge that I do not have any right or authority to place the said animal(s) in other homes or places with other individuals.

14.  I give permission to THDR to enter upon my premises at any time upon reasonable notice for the purpose of determining whether or not I am complying with this Agreement, and to remove the said dog(s) in the event that I violate the terms of this Agreement.

15.  I understand that THDR will be involved with the adoption screening and placement of said dog(s).

16.  If I decide to adopt a foster dog in my care, I will be responsible for the adoption fee.

17.  I agree not to attempt to hold THDR responsible for any damages, which said dog(s), may do to any person or property. I specifically relieve THDR of any responsibility pertaining to any damage to property or personal injury or any occurrence relating to said dog(s) and shall hold THDR harmless regarding any damage or injury(ies) of any nature whatsoever, and agree to notify THDR immediately of any damages and/or injury(ies).

18.  In any litigation arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

By signing below, I agree to the above statements and release and covenant to hold harmless THDR, Inc. and its members from any claims, damages, costs, or actions incurred as a result of the foster care or actions of the foster dog. I will notify THDR immediately should the foster dog become lost, stolen, seriously ill or die. The foster dog will wear a THDR ID tag at all times. I understand that should I decide to permanently adopt the THDR foster dog in my care, I will pay THDR the full adoption fee to help defray the costs of spaying, neutering, shots, heartworm test and other medical expenses that have been incurred by THDR. I certify that I am at least 21 years of age and that I will be solely responsible for the care and well-being of any dog that I foster care for THDR. Any misrepresentation of the true facts in this foster home application will invalidate the foster home agreement and will give THDR the right to immediately reclaim the foster dog.

My signature
