Appendix 1. Scientific overview of global sustainability

Cluster #G1: “Fisheries”
4645 nodes, 10.57 years old (average published year based on 2009)
Frequently appearing terms:
Conservation, management, fisheries / Titles of some core papers
“Environment and development - Sustainability science”
“Towards sustainability in world fisheries”
“The struggle to govern the commons”
Cluster #G2: “Agriculture”
4526 nodes, 11.46 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Sustainable agriculture, nitrogen, organic matter / Titles of some core papers
“Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices”
“Soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farming”
“Energy-based indices and ratios to evaluate sustainability: monitoring economies and technology toward environmentally sound innovation”
Cluster #G3: “Management”
2327 nodes, 8.33 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Sustainable development, ecological footprint, industrial ecology / Titles of some core papers
“The competitive advantage of the inner-city”
“A natural,resource-based view of the firm”
“Shifting paradigms for sustainable development - implications for management theory and research”
Cluster #G4: “Renewable Energy”
64 nodes, 5.48 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Biomass, renewable energy, biofuels / Titles of some core papers
“The path forward for biofuels and biomaterials”
“Biodiesel from microalgae”
“So you think your process is green, how do you know? Using principles of sustainability to determine what is green - a corporate perspective”
Cluster #G5: “Water (Resource)”
1106 nodes, 9.80 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Irrigation, groundwater, water resources / Titles of some core papers
“From safe yield to sustainable development of water resources - the Kansas experience”
“Managing water resources systems: Why ''safe yield'' is not sustainable”
“Decision support systems for sustainable management of water resources .1. General principles”
Cluster #G6: “Forest”
960 nodes, 10.89 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Sustainable forest management, biodiversity, boreal forest / Titles of some core papers
“Indicators of biodiversity for ecologically sustainable forest management”
“Natural fire regime: A guide for sustainable management of the Canadian boreal forest”
“Maintaining and restoring biodiversity in European boreal forests by developing natural disturbance regimes”
Cluster #G7: “Water (Urban)"
772 nodes, 9.99 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Reuse, wastewater, sewage sludge / Titles of some core papers
“Separate management of anthropogenic nutrient solutions (human urine)”
“Sustainable water and waste management in urban areas”
“The concept of sustainable urban water management”
Cluster #G8: “Health”
753 nodes, 9.93 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Prevention, health, children / Titles of some core papers
“Making public health programs last: conceptualizing sustainability (Vol 27, pg 121, 2004)”
“Can they get along without us –Sustainability of donor-supported health projects in Central America and Africa”
“Is sustainability possible? A review and commentary on empirical studies of program sustainability”
Cluster #G9: “Tourism”
655 nodes, 11.28 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Sustainable tourism, sustainable development, destination / Titles of some core papers
“Sustainable tourism as an adaptive paradigm”
“Corporate responsibility in the UK tourism industry”
“Tourism, environment, and sustainable development”
Cluster #G10: “Urban Planning”
608 nodes, 9.26 years old
Frequently appearing terms
Sustainable development, cities, construction / Titles of some core papers
“The role of urban parks for the sustainable city”
“Place identification, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability”
“Multi-criteria Optimization System for Decision Making in Construction Design and Management"