Apex Superlube® - Mixing Process
- Start with an approved batch sheet; obtain raw materials to be charged into the mixer. Mixer should be properly grounded.
- Validate the raw materials correctness as approved raw materials.
- Weigh the correct quantities of raw materials.
- Dig a hole in the metal powder before it is charged into the mixer.
- Place all of the Apex additives needed into the hole created in the metal.
- Apex Superlube®
- Apex Enhancer ST
- Apex flow concentrate
- Cover the additives with metal burying them to avoid compaction on the mixer lids.
- Charge the metal containing the additives into a Double Cone or V-Mixer.
- Verify the lids on the mixer are closed.
- Mix for ten (10) minutes.
- Stop the mixer and open each lid.
- Clean each lid and the corner between the lid and mixer brushing any adhered material back into the mixer.
- Replace the lids.
- Mix for an additional ten (10) minutes
- Start screening mix thru a 74 TBC screen in production
- Obtain a one (1) pound sample of the production screened mix
- Screen the sample through a (74) mesh TBC lab screen to verify the mix is homogeneous.
- If material homogeneous and no residual lumping are found on the screen the material is ready to be continued discharged from the mixer thru the screener.
- If material is not consistent with a homogeneous mix, the process should be stopped and the material needs to be evaluated further.
- Discharge the material into approved containers.
- Perform any required internal testing / verification.