Go to http://www.psywww.com/asc/dreamfaq/node1.html

Answer the following questions:


Does everybody dream? Why is it that I don't remember my dreams?
How do external stimuli affect my dreams?
How do my dreams interact with my waking life?
How do my dreams interact with my waking life?
What causes dreams, anyway?
How long do dreams last?

Dream interpretation and symbols

What does this symbol mean?
Can you interpret this dream for me?
Is this dream scene common?
Can people dream of their own death?
Common misconceptions about dream content
Why do I keep dreaming the same thing over and over?

Sleep paralysis and nightmares

What causes sleep paralysis?
What causes nightmares?
How can I relieve myself of nightmares?
What is a myoclonic contraction?


What are out-of-body experiences?
Do dreams predict the future?

Lucid dreaming

What is lucid dreaming?
If you are lucid, can you control the dream?
Does lucid dreaming interfere with the function of normal dreaming?
Does everybody dream?
Why would you want to have lucid dreams?
How do you have lucid dreams?
Is there a way to prevent yourself from awakening right after becoming lucid?