
Annual Output Statement 2008


The Minister for Defence is pleased to present the Output Statement for the Defence and Army Pensions Votes to the Dáil Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women’s Rights.

Output Statements are a key element of the Budget and Estimates Reform measures announced by the Minister for Finance in Budget 2006. The Defence Output Statement describes the joint outputs of the civil and military elements of Defence and matches key outputs and strategic impacts to financial and staffing resources for the financial year. Information on performance against targets for 2007 is contained within the statement.

This is the second year of the Annual Statements and as anticipated, the Statements will continue to be refined and developed in the future with continued engagement with the Select Committee. Suggestions for improvement relating to this year’s Output Statement for the Defence Group of Votes should be addressed to: or

1. Summary of Defence Mission and High Level Goals

The Defence mission, as stated in the Strategy Statement 2008- 2010[1], is:

to provide for the military defence of the State, contribute to national and international peace and security and fulfil all other roles assigned by Government’.

The Strategy Statement sets out four High Level Goals for the Defence Organisation.

High Level Goal 1

To provide for the Defence of the State against armed aggression, by maintaining and developing appropriate military capabilities.

High Level Indicators

·  The Defence Forces, as envisaged in the White Paper – 10,500 Permanent Defence Force personnel, flexible, interoperable, well trained, with capabilities appropriate to the defence and security environment, comprising of an Army based on light infantry forces with an appropriate level of all-arms capability, a Naval Service based on an 8 ship flotilla, an Air Corps and, in addition, a re-organised Reserve with enhanced capabilities.

·  The Defence Forces meet capability development targets. See Defence capabilities framework (Annex A), for further information.

High Level Goal 2

To contribute to on-island security and stability by providing, on request, aid to the civil power (ATCP), aid to the civil authority (ATCA) and other emergency and non-emergency services.

High Level Indicators

·  100% response to all approved ATCP and ATCA requests.

·  Other emergency and non-emergency services delivered to defined Memoranda Of Understanding (MOU) and Service Level Agreement (SLA) specifications.

High Level Goal 3

To contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security through participation in approved UN- mandated peace support, crisis management and humanitarian relief operations.

High Level Indicators

·  Meet all Government requirements for overseas peace support missions, etc.

·  Meet Mission Sponsor’s standards and requirements.

High Level Goal 4

To provide the best possible defence policy advice and military advice to the Minister in order to support management of all aspects of defence provision and facilitate planning for future needs.

High Level Indicators

·  Provision of high quality and timely policy advice and military advice.

·  Customer Service satisfaction rating.

·  Successful completion of Decentralisation programme.

Strategies and Programmes

The High Level Goals are pursued through the strategies outlined in the Department of Defence and Defence Forces Strategy Statement 2008 - 2010. The outputs required to implement these strategies are grouped into five discrete programme areas as follows:

Programme 1. Contingent Capabilities.

The primary outputs under Programme 1 are contingent capabilities, which are measured in terms of progress towards White Paper objectives and capability development targets. This programme’s objective is to maintain an appropriate level of defence capability in the light of the legitimacy of, and the necessity for, a military response to certain situations. When not engaged in operations, the focus is on training and preparation.

Programme 2. On Island Security & Support to other agencies

Programme 2 outlines the activity and associated costs in developing and deploying in ATCP and ATCA. Typical outputs under this programme are Cash & Prisoner Escorts, Portlaoise Prison Guard, Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams, Ceremonial services, Fishery Protection Patrols, Ministerial Air Transport Services and Air Ambulance flights. In addition, the costs of preparing for and responding to interruptions to essential services are included under this programme.

This programme also encompasses Civil Defence, which is funded by a Grant-In-Aid from Vote 36.

Programme 3. International Peace and Security.

Programme 3 focuses on meeting Government commitments for overseas peace support, crisis management and humanitarian relief operations. The main outputs for this programme are overseas missions under UN authority (these may be led by the UN, EU or NATO) together with OSCE missions. Similar to ATCP activities, the Defence Forces continue to develop and maintain military capability while deployed overseas, through operational experience. These deployments have the effect of expanding organisational corporate knowledge and experience in terms of military best practice and enhance overall Defence Forces military capabilities. Personnel are expected to deploy on international security operations on average once every 3 years.

Programme 4. Defence Policy, Military Advice and Corporate Services.

Programme 4 outlines the costs associated with the formulation of policy and military advice and includes the corporate support functions for the Defence Organisation. It also includes the support provided by the Office of Emergency Planning to the Government Task Force on Emergency Planning. While this programme contributes to developing and maintaining capability, it also links directly to the formulation of Defence Policy and Defence Strategic Goals & Objectives. The Grants-In-Aid to the Irish Red Cross Society and Coiste an Asgard are also comprehended within this programme.

Programme 5. Military Pensions and Gratuities.

The programme outlines the costs of the various pensions, gratuities and other analogous benefits paid from Vote 37.

Cross cutting nature of programmes

The following table outlines the relationship between the different programmes and the Defence High Level Goals. It is clear that some programmes may contribute to more than one high level goal. This displays how Defence capabilities developed under the differing programmes can also be utilised in pursuit of different High Level Goals.

High Level Goal 1 / High Level Goal 2 / High Level Goal 3 / High Level Goal 4
Programme 1 / ü  / ü  / ü 
Programme 2 / ü  / ü 
Programme 3 / ü  / ü 
Programme 4 / ü  / ü  / ü  / ü 
Programme 5 / ü  / ü  / ü  / ü 

2.  Total Budget for the Department

The total Budget for Defence is provided in the Defence Vote (Vote 36) and the Army Pensions Vote (Vote 37).

Vote 36 provides for the pay and allowances of the Office of the Minister, civil service and military personnel, military equipment and infrastructure and other expenses. This Vote also includes grants-in-aid to the Civil Defence Board, Irish Red Cross Society and Coiste an Asgard.

Vote 37 provides for the pensions and retirement gratuities of retired military personnel and for other analogous payments.

Vote 36
€ Million
Estimate / € Million
2007 Outturn / € Million
Estimate / %
Change on Outturn
Net Voted Expenditure / 797.1 / 792.9 / 875.1 / 10.4 %
Appropriations in Aid / 25.0 / 21.3 / 13.0 / - 39.0 %
Gross Expenditure / 822.1 / 814.2 / 888.1 / 9.1 %
Deferred Surrender / 2.6 / 2.6 / 3.0
Total Gross Expenditure / 824.7 / 816.8 / 891.1 / 9.1 %

Vote 37

€ Million
Estimate / € Million
2007 Outturn / € Million
Estimate / %
Change on Outturn
Net Voted Expenditure / 177.9 / 181.7 / 183.8 / 1.2 %
Appropriations in Aid / 5.8 / 6.7 / 6.8 / 1.5 %
Total Gross Expenditure / 183.7 / 188.4 / 190.6 / 1.2 %

3.  Breakdown of total gross expenditure at 2 above by Programme

The total gross expenditure outlined at 2 above is broken down across the Programme areas listed below. These are consistent with the Programmes set out in the Strategy Statement 2008-2010.

Vote 36

Gross Programme Expenditure / € Million
2007 Estimate / € Million
2007 Outturn / € Million
Estimate / % Change on Outturn
Programme 1 / 527.6 / 511.4 / 508.7 / - 0.5 %
Programme 2 / 132.5 / 136.1 / 141.3 / 3.8 %
Programme 3 / 115.8 / 121.3 / 188.7 / 55.6 %
Programme 4 / 48.8 / 48.0 / 52.4 / 9.2 %
Total Gross Programme Expenditure / 824.7 / 816.8 / 891.1 / 9.1 %
Exchequer pay and pensions included in above gross total / 569.7 / 555.8 / 597.7 / 7.5 %
Number of associated Public Service employees and pensioners. / 11,852 / 11,623 / 11,815

Vote 37

Gross Programme Expenditure / € Million
2007 Estimate / € Million
2007 Outturn / € Million
Estimate / % Change on Outturn
Programme 5 (Vote 37) / 183.7 / 188.4 / 190.6 / 1.2 %
Total Gross Programme Expenditure / 183.7 / 188.4 / 190.6 / 1.2%
Exchequer pay and pensions included in above gross total / 183.5 / 188.3 / 190.5 / 1.2 %
Number of associated Public Service employees and pensioners. / 11,745 / 11,663 / 11,671

4.  Individual Programme details for each programme

Programme 1 - Contingent Capabilities

The main outputs under Programme 1 refer to contingent capabilities, measured in terms of progress towards White Paper objectives and meeting capability development targets. This programme contributes to Defence High Level Goals 1, 2 and 3

The Key Strategies pursued through this programme are:

·  The continued implementation of the White Paper on Defence.

·  Implement best-practice human resource strategies in the organisation, civil and military; implement the Defence Forces Training Concept 2004-2009; continue to support the Representation process and the Partnership process in the Defence Forces; continue the programme of legislative and regulatory reform; implement relevant provisions of the civil and military Action Plans agreed in the context of Towards 2016.

·  Continue the ongoing policy of annual recruitment and maintain the strength of the Permanent Defence Force at 10,500.

·  Implementation of multi-annual equipment and infrastructure plans.

·  Continue the implementation of the Reserve Defence Force Review Implementation Plan.

·  Further development of Special Operations Capabilities; continued development of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) capabilities; development of Defence Forces Intelligence Organisation and continued work of Defence Forces Doctrinal Committee.

·  To enhance and build on progress already made in the area of joint operations between the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service by ensuring commonality of doctrine, inter-service training and exercises, improved coordination and integration at the command, operational and tactical levels. A replacement programme for Naval Service vessels will be a key enabler in this context and will further enhance the utility of new Air Corps equipment already provided.

Programme 1
Contingent Capabilities / € million
Estimate / € million
Outturn / € million
Estimate / % Change on Outturn
Programme Expenditure
-  Current
(includes pay, allowances, equipment and other current).
-  Capital / 488.1
30.2 / 474.8
26.8 / 468.2
30.4 / - 1.4 %
13.4 %
Programme Administration
-  Pay / 9.3 / 9.8 / 10.1 / 3.1 %
Total Gross Programme Expenditure / 527.6 / 511.4 / 508.7 / - 0.5 %
Number of Staff employed on Programme / Permanent Defence Force – 6,850
Civilian Employees[1] - 725
2007 / 2007 / 2008
Output Target / Output Achieved / Output Target
(As per 2007 AOS)
1. Meet White Paper targets for numbers, investment, training,etc in army, AC, NS, RDF
2. Meet Force Readiness targets as per Capability Framework (Annex A) / 1. Detailed review of White Paper implementation was published in 2007. Significant progress was identified.
2. Capability development targets for 2007 met. / 1. Continued implementation of White Paper.
2. Meet capability development targets for 2008.

Programme 2 - On Island Security & Support to other agencies

Programme 2 outlines the activity and associated costs in developing and deploying capabilities to ATCP and deploying capabilities in ATCA. Typical outputs under this programme are Cash & Prisoner Escorts, Portlaoise Prison Guard, Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams, Ceremonial services, Fishery Protection Patrols, Ministerial Air Transport Services and Air Ambulance flights. In addition, the costs of preparing for and responding to interruptions to essential services are included under this Programme. The principal objective of this programme is to meet all ATCP requests and SLA targets. This Programme also encompasses Civil Defence.

This programme contributes to High Level Goals 1 and 2.

The Key Strategies pursued through this programme are:

·  Development, maintenance and delivery of the capabilities required to meet approved requests for ATCP and ATCA operations.

·  Maintenance and delivery of the capabilities required to meet agreed MOU and SLA targets.

·  Participation in inter-agency planning exercises and evaluations; continued liaison with Local Authorities and other agencies in relation to services provided by Defence.

·  Continue to support the Civil Defence Board in accordance with the Civil Defence Act, 2002.

Programme 2
On Island Security and support to other agencies. / € million
Estimate / € million
Outturn / € million
Estimate / % Change on Outturn
Programme Expenditure
-  Current
(includes pay, allowances, equipment and other current).
-  Capital / 131.6
0.3 / 135.0
0.4 / 140.2
0.3 / 3.8 %
- 25.0 %
Programme Administration
-  Pay / 0.6 / 0.7 / 0.8 / 14.3 %
Total Gross Programme Expenditure / 132.5 / 136.1 / 141.3 / 3.8 %
Number of Staff employed on Programme / Permanent Defence Force – 1,598
Civilian Employees – 115
Staff of Civil Defence Board - 22
2007 / 2007 / 2008
Output Target / Output Achieved / Output Target
1. Meet all ATCP and ATCA approved requests.
2. Meet SLA and MOU commitments. / Output target achieved as per Annex B / 1. Meet all ATCP and ATCA approved requests.
2. Meet SLA and MOU commitments.

Programme 3 - International Peace and Security.

This programme aims to meet Government commitments for overseas peace support, crisis management and humanitarian relief operations.

Outputs for this programme are overseas missions.