India Review
You will have a History test on India on Friday 3/20. The following is a list of terms and concepts that will be covered on the test. You will notice that we have not yet covered some of these things.
Ancient India: geography, early cultures, and religions
Basic geography facts
Early civilizations: Indus River Valley and Aryans
Hinduism: Basic beliefs and practices
Caste System (know the castes, jatis, varnas, untouchables)
Brahaman (and other major gods)—monotheistic and polytheistic
Major texts
Buddhism: How it developed and its basic beliefs
Siddhartha Gautama (his story)
Four Noble Truths
Eight Fold Path
The Colonial Era
The British East India Company (when and why went to India)
The Sepoy Rebellion: causes and effects
British policy in India: “Jewel of the Crown”
How assimilation, divide and conquer, etc. worked in India (examples)
How the British government ran India
Hindu vs. Muslims in colonial India
Effects of colonialism on India
Indian Nationalism
Indian National Congress
Muslim League and Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Gandhi (his whole story, his legacy)
Civil Disobedience
Amritsar Massacre
Cloth Boycott
Salt March
“Quit India” campaign
Indian independence (reason it happened when it did); debates over what independent India should look like
Creation of India and Pakistan—impact of the partition
Jawahalal Nehru and his successors
India vs. Pakistan today
Challenges facing India today