America’s Topical Study Guide

Directions: Summarize each topic in 2-3 main points. Page numbers refer to pages in text book.


Mexican/South American (198-210)

European Colonization

Spanish (400-401)

French (458)

Latin America (621)

American Imperialism and Panama Canal (682-684)

Independence/Modern Histories

Mexican (686-687)

Canadian (606-607)

Central American/South America (624)

Caribbean (922-928)

South America (929-932)


Mexican (915-916)

Canada (841, 946)

Latin America Economic Changes (774)

20th Century Central American Conflicts (918)

Central American Problems (912)

Europe’s Topical Study Guide

Directions: Summarize each topic in 2-3 main points. Page numbers refer to pages in text book.

Ancient Governments

Greek Democracy (106)

Philosophers (133)

Roman Republic (150)

Ancient Empires

Athens/Sparta (113)

Greek Empire (121, 138)

Roman Empire (158)

Franks (288)

Early Countries


Anglo Saxon (304, 336-7)

Monarchy (470)

Civil War (480)

Becoming Great Britain (488)

Ireland (740)

North Ireland (949)


Early History (304, 336-7)

French Monarchy (454)

French Revolution (512)


Early History (310, 339-40)

Isolation (465)

Unification (637)


Early History (310, 339-40)

Unification (632)


Early History (338)

Moors (Chapter 11)

Spanish Civil War (784)


Romans (168)

Crusades (318)

Reformation/Martin Luther (363)


Foundations of Exploration (388)

English Expansion (490)

English Changes (606)

French Expansion/Napoleon (521)

Spanish (400-401)

Portuguese (389-399)

Dutch (403)


Black Death (329)

Economic Changes

Domestic/Barter (325)

Industrial Revolution (554)

Mass Production (556)

Strikes/Unions (562)

Inventions (576)

New Ways of Thinking

Renaissance (354)

Capitalism (555)

Socialism/Karl Marx (565)

Communism (566)

New Thinkers

Darwin (584)

Freud (585)

Beethoven (593)

Tchaikovsky (593)


Crimean War (617)

Franco/Prussian War (618)

Bismark (639)

WWI (698)

14 pts (715)

League of Nations (723)

Great Depression (736)

WWII (799)

Hitler (745)

Mussolini (743)

German Occupation (820)

Middle East and Russia’s Topical Study Guide

Directions: Summarize each topic in 2-3 main points. Page numbers refer to pages in text book.

Ancient Empires

Fertile Crescent (30-42)

Byzantine Empire (222)

Islamic Empire (248)

Russia (229)

Ottomans (432)

Religion Beginnings

Judaism (42-46)

Islam (240)

Modern Histories


Isolationism (459)

Empire (647)

1900s Revolution (711)

Lenin (712)

USSR (749)

Stalin (751)

WWII/Cold War

Warsaw/NATO (830)

Berlin (828)

Khrushchev (835)

Fall of Communism (956)

Ottoman Empire Uprising (655)

Turkey (762)

Middle East Post WWII (760)

Middle East Violence/Conflict

Israel (892)

Iran (896-903)

Turkey (897)

Iraq (904)

OPEC (901)

Gulf Wars w/ USA (904)

Far East, India and Australia’s Topical Study Guide

Directions: Summarize each topic in 2-3 main points. Page numbers refer to pages in text book.

Unit 4: Far East, India, Australia

Ancient Empires

India (52-56)

Indian Dynasties (66-70)

China (74)

Chinese Dynasties (80-88)

Modern Dynasties (266)

Monguls (272)

Ming Dynasty (412)


Beginnings (272)

Shogun Dynasty (422)


Buddhism/Hindu (60-66)

Chinese Philosophy (89-92)

European Control

China and Europeans (417)

GB and Australia (607)

GB and India (675)

Japan and Imperialism (676)

Europe and SE Asia (679)

Asian Independence


Gandhi (760)

Independence (847)


Revolution (765)

Dalai Lama (850)

Communism (852)


Imperialism (770)

Prosperity post WWII (859)

Korea (856)

Bangladesh (851)

Pakistan (851)

SE Asia (863)

Afghanistan (944, 968)

Modern Conflicts

Japan and China (782)

Japan and Russia (771)

Japanese Actions leading to WWII (782)

Korean War (856)

Vietnam War (866-867)

Soviets and Afghanistan (944)

Africa’s Topical Study Guide

Directions: Summarize each topic in 2-3 main points. Page numbers refer to pages in text book.

Ancient Empires

Egypt (26)

Kush/Aksum (187)

African Trade (191)

European Imperialism

French (666)

English (668)

Slave Trade

Sub-Saharan Africa (670)

African Calls for Independence

Egypt (758)

Rest of Africa (764)

Africa during WWII

Independence from GB (879)

Independence from France (882)

Independence from Belgium (883)

Independence from Portugal (883)

Post WWII Issues

South Africa (885)

Violence (887)

Egypt (893)