Almost a Woman True or False?

______ 1. The film begins in Puerto Rico in 1961.

______ 2. Mami, Negi, Edna, and Ramón leave by bus.

______ 3. Negi steps in a puddle.

______ 4. Mami believes her marriage can be saved.

______ 5. Negi won’t look at comic books.

______ 6. Ramón doesn’t cry or whimper in the doctor’s office.

______ 7. The nurse speaks Spanish.

______ 8. Negi is good at “figuring out” what English words mean.

______ 9. Yolanda checks out library books for Negi.

_____ 10. Mami gets a job in a laundry.

_____ 11. The “viejos” dance in the apartment.

_____ 12. Negi has to go back to the 7th grade.

_____ 13. Yolanda calls some girls hanging out in the street a “gang.”

_____ 14. Edna says, “Stop molestation me!”

_____ 15. Francisco Cortez helps Mami fix the leaking faucet.

_____ 16. Papi writes that Negi should face life without fear.

_____ 17. The rest of the Santiago family (minus Papi) arrive in New York.

_____ 18. Negi learns that Papi has another woman besides Mami.

_____ 19. Mami is happy that Negi’s using make-up like American girls do.

_____ 20. Negi says, “Hablar es más dificil.”

_____ 21. The bra factory closes.

_____ 22. Mami and family roll a bed on a grocery cart along the sidewalk.

_____ 23. Some girls in the class laugh at Negi’s reading.

_____ 24. Francisco and Mami dance to fast rock ‘n roll music.

_____ 25. Negi (Esmeralda) recites a Spanish poem for the counselor.

_____ 26. Francisco says Negi should go to Performing Arts High School.

_____ 27. The counselor wants Esmeralda (Negi) to use lots of gestures.

_____ 28. In Puerto Rico Negi learned to count in English.

_____ 29. Negi does a pantomime where she acts as a hair stylist.

_____ 30. Negi (Esmeralda) vomits.

_____ 31. The “gang girls” attack Esmeralda (Negi).

_____ 32. Negi says she misses her other life in Puerto Rico.

_____ 33. Negi finds Francisco unconscious on the floor.

_____ 34. Francisco refuses to hold the new baby.

_____ 35. Franciso says, “Yo no voy a mejorar.” (I’m not going to get better.)

_____ 36. Francisco dies.

_____ 37. The family moves to yet another apartment.

_____ 38. A teacher says that actors don’t need to study dance.

_____ 39. Negi says she’s going to act the role of Queen Mary.

_____ 40. A teacher tells Esmeralda that she’s not “college material.”

_____ 41. Mami doesn’t go to the dance because she’s in mourning.

_____ 42. Nestor and Esmeralda (Negi) dance together.

_____ 43. Esmeralda returns to the Performing Arts High School.

_____ 44. Negi takes out the trash in order to meet Nestor.

_____ 45. Nestor gives Negi (Esmeralda) a bouquet of flowers.

_____ 46. Negi won’t let Nestor kiss her.

_____ 47. Esmeralda invites Papi to attend her graduation.

_____ 48. There are “ 9 children and 3 fathers” in Mami’s family.

_____ 49. Esmeralda wants very much to marry Nestor.

_____ 50. Esmeralda says she doesn’t belong anywhere.

_____ 51. Papi arrives in New York to attend Esmeralda’s graduation.

_____ 52. At her graduation, Esmeralda is strangely sad and depressed.