Allegan Area Curriculum Directors

August 25, 2015

1:30 – 3:30

AAESA, Learning Lab

Discussion / My Learnings
Staff Introductions & Connector / Big Ideas:
Evy Houser, Teresa Fulk, Gayle Underwood, Corey Harbaugh, Larinda Olds, Kammy Leep, Heather Kortlandt, Bob Van Dis, Jason Gauthier, Mike O’Conner, Becky Corbett, George Mohr, Wendy Dubuisson, Chad Zuber, Pam Rickli, Amy Oliver, Laurie Schmitt
Name/District-Role/Point of Pride/ Wish for this year
Read article on Coaching by Atul Gawande. See his TED talk if interested.
Good Reminders: Interest in
Family Literacy
Learning Together
What will I do with this information:
Please sign up for 1:1 meetings with Wendy and Laurie
MDE Updates:
·  MSTEP/SAT (Jason/Rhonda)
·  School Improvement/Tech Planning
·  Ed Evals
·  SCECH Changes
·  Science & Social Studies
·  Early Literacy
·  Title 1/31a
·  Seat time waiver pre/post testing
·  Global PD- update list / Big Ideas:
Jason shared an update. He and Pam are willing to deliver additional SAT sessions for teachers this fall. August 20 SPOTLIGHT has testing windows.
Tech activities are built into the ASSIST platform where schools complete their SI plans. More to come in Mapping the Future.
MTRAX will have modules on tech readiness.
Good Reminders:
Social Studies:
What will I do with this information:
RtI Academy
·  Roadmaps
·  Formative Assessment Books / Big Ideas:
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information:
If you didn’t pick up a formative assessment book, I have one for you. We will update new RtI roadmaps at our first Mapping the Future meeting.
Mapping The Future Agenda
·  Update Roadmaps
·  Behavior Next Steps?
·  Preparing for Paul Farmer / Big Ideas:
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information:
Look for a meeting wizard… we are rescheduling from September 18.
Curriculum Crafter (Gayle) / Big Ideas:
Gayle provided an update (there is a document posted). AAESA will no longer be paying for this subscription. If you want to see what the “new and improved” curriculum crafter can do, let Gayle know, she will help facilitate.
Good Reminders:
What will I do with this information:
Determine interest.
Around The Table:
Amy Oliver- Look for a year in review on the Science Inquiry work. There is a change in dates for Elementary science. Is there a preference of Oct. 1 or 2.
Becky- Is there an interest in PLC for specials teachers- starting with technology?
Heather K- what assessments are you looking at for seat-time waiver? 31a Update? (Laurie will check in with MDE)

Reminders/Important Upcoming Dates:

·  Please sign up for times to meet with Laurie

·  Fidgits

·  September 18th - Personal Curriculum with Rashall Bowerman

·  October 4th-7th - AAESA AdvancED External Review


·  Curriculum Directors

·  CD Meeting Schedule 2015/2016

·  Leading for Learning Activities from MASA:

·  Global PD access:

·  Teacher Evaluation Changes:

Next CD meeting: September 22, 2015