- To further the mission of the Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension, which is: to discover and advance knowledge in the agricultural and environmental sciences; to provide leadership in the dissemination and application of research-based knowledge to the people of California; and to provide opportunities for education and preparation of tomorrow's leaders in agricultural and environmental sciences.
- To achieve high impact on the productivity and profitability of California agriculture and the sustainability of the state’s natural resources.
- To attain pre-eminence in our research, teaching, and outreach programs.
- To encourage collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts among our AES faculty and CE specialists.
- To foster technology transfer through the research-extension continuum and through commercialization of intellectual properties.
- To leverage core institutional funding with vigorous contract and grant activity.
- To utilize limited resources wisely and efficiently, while building on strengths and comparative advantages.
- To participate in the delivery of the curriculum at UCR and to provide undergraduate students with opportunities for hands-on-research.
- To attract and educate the best graduate students.
- To attract and retain excellent faculty.
- To communicate the impact of our research, teaching, and outreach programs to the people of California.
- To maintain the highest levels of scientific integrity and responsibility.
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