Yavapai County Water Advisory Committee: April 15, 2009 Regular Meeting
Agenda Item 4: Coordinators Report and TAC Report
Coordinators Report and TAC Report
From preliminary “March 2009 Financial Report”: Account balance (March 31, 2008): $316,927.91; YTD Deductions: $126,331.65. (County Fiscal Year begins July 1).
Recent expenditures: (USGS pending $25,000 pending; NAU approx $17,500 pending)
Coordinator Updates:
2008 WAC Annual Summary Report (and 2009 Priorities as identified at time of preparation):
The report has been placed on the WAC website. Comments can be sent to the WAC Coordinator.
WAC Agendas/Speakers:
Speakers have not been confirmed for 2009. Please provide suggestions and or comments on this list.
Anticipated presentations include:
Scenarios – Population & Water Use Estimates for USGS regional model: Hoyt Johnson (H3J Consulting)
USGS Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model – Update and Results: Don Pool/Jim Leenhouts (USGS)
Verde Valley Surface Water Modeling, NAU – Rob Ross/Charlie Schlinger/Abe Springer (NAU)
The WAC has indicated that speakers must be directly relevant to WAC projects, in order to maintain focus on defined WAC objectives. The following list is from 2008. While interesting, many of the topics may not meet the “WAC-Project relevance test”. The TAC has not reviewed this list.
Agenda Items under consideration:
1. USGS Model Report (Don Bills and Jim Leenhouts) – Update on completed model and timeframe for scenarios
2. ADWR Verde Programs (Leslie Graser, ADWR) (Will need further definition Need to link to a need of the WAC (e.g. Monitoring in Verde Basin, General Programs Review, RWI, Conservation, etc)
3. Scenario Development Project (Hoyt Johnson, H3J Consulting, TAC first)
4. CYHWRMS – Update/Progress report (Phase 1 Results) (Leslie Meyers, Reclamation)
5. LDIG Report Presentation
6. Conservation Easements and Purchase of Development Rights
7. TAC issues (e.g. USGS Model interpretation; Adequacy rulemaking issue paper; science/monitoring results, etc.)
8. “Conservation Survey Results and next steps” (Shaun Rydell, City of Prescott)
9. “Conservation effort by Coalition” (e.g. Intent and findings, and applicability to the rest of the County)
10. Legal Issue (Federal position, State Process)
11. Agua Fria Needs assessment and plans (TAC first)
12. Phase II Verde Valley Surface System - NAU work (TAC first)
13. City and Town Updates
14. Monitoring – Data, Maps, Needs, Plans (review WAC sites and others) (TAC)
15. TNC, VRBP, UVRWPC, and other groups. Verde River Ecological Flows Study (Jeanmarie Haney, TNC)
16. “HCP’s follow up” – USFWS John Nystedt, Brenda Smith
17. Water Quality (e.g. arsenic updates)
18. Colorado River Water Issues (NAMWUA – Herb Dishlip)
19. Coconino Plateau WAC issues (regional planning)
20. ADWR Water Adequacy follow up
Reclamation Appraisal Level Water Supply Study (WAC, ADWR, USBR)
The Technical Working Group (TWG) continues to compile the Demand Analysis Table Upon completion of the table, the unmet future demands will be estimated.
The WAC website has information on the study (http://www.co.yavapai.az.us/Content.aspx?id=20562)
Currently, the working group is gathering the information to complete the demand analysis table. In order to determine and document the amount and location of potentially unmet future demand, each planning area contact(s) has been queried on the population (2006 and 2050); current supplies and demand, and future demand. The TWG has discussed exempt and non-exempt wells, irrigation, municipal and private water suppliers, etc. The table development is necessarily an iterative process and several issues will be addressed and documented during its construction such as, what is meant by GPCD? What is a current supply? Is the table consistent and defensible?
A sheet for tracking staff time on the project was distributed to the TWG (For tracking in-kind service contributions). This time will count as in-kind services (cost share). The ADWR has contributed $150,000 in cash to the project (it is not spent yet, but is in a dedicated account at Reclamation). The budget will be reconciled after each year of the study. The Cost Share Agreement was signed in July, 2008.
Meetings of the TWG will typically be on the first Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM in either Cottonwood or Prescott (usually a video link will be established between the County Buildings). The next meeting is scheduled for May , 2009 in the Cottonwood County Building at 10:30 AM.
Local drought Impact Group (LDIG) (WAC, Coop Ext, Yav County, ADWR, NRCS)
No Change from previous month: A draft of the Preparedness report has been circulating in the preparedness committee and should be made available for review soon.
The acting steering committee consists of Jeff Schalau (Chair of Education Participant Group; County Extension), Nick Angiolillo (Chair of Preparedness Group; County Emergency Management), Bob Adams (Chair of Monitoring Group; NRCS) Crystal Frost (ADWR), Tom Thurman (BOS), John Rasmussen (WAC Coordinator), Bob Arambula (NRCS), and Kresta Faaborg (NRCS). The primary meeting topics have been the nature of the participant groups, participant group goals/strategies, state involvement, and next steps.
Education: Cooperative Extension Position (Project WET and other Programs)
No Change from Previous Meeting: A workshop for private well owners was held on February 2, 2009. The workshop was organized and conducted by Edessa Carr and Jeff Schalau of the University of Arizona Yavapai County Cooperative Extension’s Prescott office.
A U of A sponsored website for well owners was advertised: www.wellownerhelp.org. The website has a great deal of information for well owners including, but not limited to water quality testing, the “well owners guide” and a link to the “Arizona Wells” website www.sahra.arizona.edu/wells where information about registered wells in the state can be found.
Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model (NARGFM) (USGS)
The steady state version of the model is complete (matching predevelopment conditions). The USGS is doing some sensitivity analysis on portions of the model. The USGS is attempting to have the transient model and model report complete by late summer 2009. Following this, scenario runs will occur and be reported to the WAC and others.
WAC is preparing a set of scenarios for some of the initial models runs. One scenario is complete, and work on additional scenarios is nearing completion. The additional scenarios will be presented and explained to the WAC prior to submittal to the USGS.
In addition to testing and evaluating the model as constructed, the primary purpose of the initial runs will be to provide decision makers with some preliminary results and a sense of the models capabilities. More detailed runs and analyses will occur after the report is put together and the “bugs” are worked out.
USGS Verde River Seepage Run (Synoptic sampling) (USGS)
No change from previous month: A presentation by the project chief Don Bills (USGS) to the WAC was item #6 of the November, 2008 WAC meeting. Background material was submitted with the agenda and the presentation is available on the WAC website. Further discussion will occur in the TAC and the geochemistry thesis from U of A (Caitlan Zlatos) will be obtained for TAC or WAC reviews.
A poster was presented on this work at the AHS meeting in Flagstaff this month (Sept, 2008). Data has not yet been officially published. Data is being used by USGS NARGFM modelers and U of A geochemists. Upon scheduling, the WAC will receive presentation from USGS (Don Bills, Project Chief).
Long-term Scenario Development Project (H3J Consulting - Hoyt Johnson)
The project for the next scenarios is nearly complete. It will be on the next TAC agenda (May 7, 2009) Contractor has all the key components of “aggressive population growth”. All results and products will be reviewed by TAC and WAC prior to distribution. The WAC will receive a detailed summary sometime in the next few months.
A project summary/review will be presented to the WAC when the following TAC review and prior to distribution of the final two scenarios to the USGS.
Verde Valley Geospatial Database – Phase II (Rob Ross, Dr. Abe Springer, Dr. Charlie Schlinger NAU)
The TAC received an update by Rob Ross and Abe Springer at this months TAC meeting (March 5, 2009). The model is under construction. Model software has been determined (HEC-RAS in WMS (watershed modeling system), and population of the model has begun. Data is being obtained related to elevation profiles, stream bed characteristics, stream cross sections, and flow.
Flow monitoring devices have been or will be installed soon on inputs and returns from some of the ditches (Eureka, Diamond S, OK, and Verde).
The TAC is recommending continuing with the third phase of the project. A draft phase 3 proposal was distributed prior to the TAC meeting that indicated the desire to obtain data on the Cottonwood and Hickey ditches, amongst other things to expand the study and make the model more complete and representative.
A new Phase 3 proposal has been prepared that clearly indicates permission form the ditch companies is required prior to doing any work on ditch company property.
Sustainable Planning (e.g. “Conservation Subdivisions”) (County Planning & Zoning)
The latest draft documents are available on the County website (Sustainable Planning Committee Information (http://www.co.yavapai.az.us/Content.aspx?id=36224))
An “Open Space and Sustainable Development Option 4/3/09” and a “Cluster and Open Space Option 4/3/09” will be discussed in joint session with the Board of Supervisors and Planning and Zoning Commission on April 13, 2009.
The purpose of the development options is “to provide an alternative, voluntary method of land division that encourages sustainable development and the preservation of open space through flexible lot sizes and locations of single-family residential dwellings”
Please contact Margie Bryan () at the County for more information on meeting dates and agendas (e.g. to be added to the email list).
SB 1575 Water Adequacy Rules (ADWR)
No change from previous month: Rule making has been suspended
The ADWR website contains information on the Water Adequacy Rules such as presentations and reports (http://www.azwater.gov/dwr/default.htm). Clarkdale has adopted the rules. No other cities in Yavapai County or Yavapai County have taken action on the issue.
The informal comment period ended on November 14, 2008. Text of recent email is below. A comments and responses document was also distributed along with draft rule language.
ADWR – Well Sweeps in Yavapai County – NOTICE (from ADWR)
Hydrology Field Staff to Measure Water Levels in Yavapai and Coconino Counties
Throughout March and April 2009, the ADWR Hydrology Field Services Section - Basic Data Unit will have crews traveling throughout Coconino and Yavapai Counties to take “basin sweep” measurements of water levels in local wells.
A basin sweep is an intensive effort within a groundwater basin to measure as many wells as possible to obtain a comprehensive picture of the groundwater system.
The last Verde River Groundwater Basin (Big Chino and Verde Valley Sub-basins only) and Prescott Active Management Area (AMA) basin-wide measurement effort took place in 2004. Approximately 1,000 wells were measured over a six-week period.
The last basin-sweep of the Verde Canyon Sub-basin was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) back in 1976. This will be the first time the ADWR has measured water-levels in the Verde Canyon. The data are used to develop water-level maps and to support scientific, planning, and management studies of the groundwater basins and AMA’s aquifer system.
ADWR staff visits about 6,000 wells each year statewide. Measurements are stored in a database known as the Groundwater Site Inventory (GWSI), available online at http://arcims.azwater.gov/gwsi/waterresourcedata.aspx . A CD version of GWSI is also available through the ADWR bookstore at (602) 771-8627.
Data are used for:
· Resource management
· Preparation of groundwater models
· Water level trend analysis
· Water level map construction
· Development of annual water budgets
· Assured & adequate water supply analysis
For additional information, contact:
Jack Lavelle, PIO, (602) 771-8430
Legislative Updates
WAC member Ton Whitmer (ADWR) has provided regular Legislative updates via email. These have been distributed to the WAC and the WAC email list. A recent summary is reproduced below. It appears the budget is going to occupy most of the legislators time for at least several weeks.
ADWR - 2009 Legislation Summary - March 20, 2009
49th Legislature, First Regular Session
§ ADWR Legislation
HB 2440 (drought emergency groundwater transfers)
Prime Sponsor: Rep. Mason
Summary: This is the “annual” drought emergency groundwater transfer session law that allows the Director to permit an interbasin groundwater transfer if certain requirements are met, including that there is a drought emergency declared by the Governor or a water shortage pursuant to section 35-192, Arizona Revised Statutes.
Status: Assigned to Water and Energy (WE). Passed WE on 2/19/09 (8-0-0-0-0).
§ AMWUA & CAGRD Legislation
SB 1288 (CAGRD revenue bonding; sustainability policies.)
Prime Sponsor: Sen. Nelson
Summary: Subjects include revenue bonding for the CAGRD, CAGRD enrollment and ADWR oversight of the CAGRD Plan of Operation.
Status: First read.
§ Other Water Legislation
HB 2142 (county water authority; Colorado river)
Prime Sponsor: Rep. McLain
Summary: Eliminates the industrial use restriction on a portion of Mohave County Water Authority’s Colorado River allocation in order to make that water available for municipal use.
Status: Assigned to WE and House Natural Resources and Rural Affairs (NRRA) committees. Passed WE on 2/5/09 (8-0-0-0). Passed NRRA on 2/9/09 (7-0-0-1-0).
HB 2157 (wildlife; aquatic invasive species)
Prime Sponsor: Rep. McLain
Summary: Establishes an aquatic invasive species program in the Department of Game and Fish. Creates civil and criminal penalties for violating prohibitions on transporting, possessing, importing, shipping, placing or planting, selling, purchasing, bartering or exchanging aquatic invasive species. Establishes an Aquatic Invasive Species Fund.
Status: Assigned to NRRA and House Appropriations (APPROPS) committees. Held in NRRA on 1/26/09. Passed NRRA on 3/2/09 (7-0-0-1-0). Withdrawn from APPROPS on 3/19/09.
HB 2176 (water improvement districts; rates)
Prime Sponsor: Rep. Konopnicki
Summary: For Domestic Water Improvement Districts (DWID), requires rates, fees and charges for water to be just and reasonable. Also requires that costs of water must be shared proportionately among classes or categories of water users in the district.
Status: Assigned to WE and NRRA.
HB 2202 (county stormwater management, reference correction.)
Prime Sponsor: Rep. Barnes
Summary: Corrects a reference to the Arizona Administrative Code relating to exclusions for discharges under local stormwater quality programs.
Status: Assigned to House Environment (ENV). Passed ENV on 2/3/09 (8-0-0-0-0).
HB 2247 (home sales; water supply disclosure)
Prime Sponsor: Rep. Ableser