African Slave Stations Name ______

Station One

1. What were the top overseas destinations for African slaves?

2. What do you notice about the statistics and maps that you find surprising or significant?

Station Two

3. Define slavery.

4. What two religious texts mention the practice of slavery?

5. What ancient civilizations kept slaves?

Station Three

6. In general, how were slaves treated in Africa prior to European involvement in the slave trade?

7. Which European country established the first slave castle?

8. Why didn’t European countries penetrate into the interior of Africa to obtain slaves?

Station Four

9. What are your reactions to these images?

10. Why did African kingdoms cooperate with Europeans and provide slaves for them?

Station Five

11. Describe the East African slave trade.

12. What distinguished the Atlantic slave trade?

Station Six

13. What were some of the horrific problems that slaves faced during the Middle Passage?

Station Seven

14. Considering this station and everything else you have investigated, how does it seem the slave trade impacted Africa, economically, socially and politically?


15. Why is it important to understand the key elements of African slavery and the slave trade?

16. Fill out the following triangular trade chart.

Trading area / What was imported? / What was exported?
West Indies
North America / Europe