IRSC Adult Education E-Learning Program

Adult Education

E-Learning Program


For further information contact:

Indian River State College

Adult Education Program:



Fulfilling the IRSC mission statement in serving the community, the Adult Education E-Learning Program shall deliver quality instruction electronically to meet the needs of the student of today’s demanding lifestyle. The E-Learning program will enable students to foster their dreams into a reality.

Mission Statement

Indian River State College Adult Education E-Learning program serves the diverse and multicultural communities of Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie Counties. The program strives to provide students with an equal educational opportunity in a quality learning environment.


Each student’s success is embraced in the Adult Education E-Learning environment. Thus, the E-Team’s paramount focus shall be upon affecting the learning outcomes through a quality education positively communicated electronically, by phone, or in person to meet the needs of the individual student.

In keeping with the Learning and Teaching with Technology vision of the college, the E-Learning program fosters a transition from individual excellence to a culture of excellence.


þ  Increase enrollment.

þ  Demonstrate student success by literacy completion point attainments.

þ  Increase post-secondary class enrollment.

þ  Achieve 90% or more overall student satisfaction.

E-Learning Student Criteria

E-Learning Information Sheet

Most potential e-Learning students will be looking for E-Learning courses. The following guidelines will facilitate effective communication with students who are seeking an e-Learning class. The following qualifications will help identify the student for whom E-Learning is directed:

·  Exhibits patience and persistence

·  Shows signs of maturity and responsibility

·  Self-starter, self-directed and self-disciplined

·  Willingness to commit necessary time to each class

·  Possesses the following skills:

1.  STRONG communication skills

2.  Adequate writing skills

3.  Adequate reading skills

·  Has access and ability to utilize a computer with e-Learning capability (high speed internet access preferable)

·  Ability to maneuver through an e-Learning class and proficiency in computer skills such as (but not limited to):

o  Using a mouse

o  Typing skills

o  Understanding basic concepts, such as logging onto the Internet and Web site, typing and saving a text file to a designated location, and downloading and uploading documents

o  Communication through electronic mail

o  Manual dexterity and computer skills necessary to maneuver through the program

·  Access to software programs including:

·  Microsoft Word or similar word processors

·  Specific Student Qualifications for Entry into GED Review e-Learning classes:

TABE Reading Score: 9.0 D level ***

The student will be required to read and understand English at a 9 grade level, as so determined by the standardized TABE test given upon his/her entrance to the college. Flexibility will be allowed in TABE scores when considering admission to the program. The student will also need to be able to make an initial visit to IRSC to take this test, as it is not be offered e-Learning at this time.

E-Learning Enrollment


Facilitation Procedures

E-Learning Enrollment Procedure

·  Individuals must take the TABE test, offered at any one of the IRSC campuses, prior to enrolling in an Adult Basic Education, GED, AHS, or ESL course.

·  Students must meet with an Adult Education facilitator and be recommended for the E-Course based on above E-Student Criteria and TABE scores where required.

E-Learning Facilitation Procedure

·  Facilitation shall take place as per departmental Adult Education Facilitation procedure manuals.

·  Provide E-Learning folder to all students

o  Inclusive of:

1.  For facilitator to complete with student:

Check list, registration form, application form, E-Student Agreement

2.  For student:

Internet Protocol, Welcome Letter, LMS Navigation, GED Essay or Grading Scale

Please complete the following for new Adult High School E-Learning students:

____Signed application

·  Make certain to sign your name on the Developmental Educational signature line

·  Students under 18: Parent must sign

____Signed registration

·  Make certain to sign your name on the Developmental Educational signature line

·  Students under 18: Parent must sign

·  Student’s high school counselor must sign

____Signed Student Code of Conduct (Make one copy for student)

____Signed Student Agreement (Make one copy for student)

____Signed Internet Policy (Make one copy for student)

____Input registration and application into Mariner

____File all documents with registration and application

____E-mail the following to the Teacher and Suzanne Ensmann ()

(This will provide the student with a User ID and password for virtual class):

Course ID and teacher ______
· Name ______
· Date of birth ______
· Phone # ______
· Email Address ______
·  Co-enrolled in college class (yes or no)
· High school currently attending ______
· Campus registered: (Chastain, Main, St. Lucie West, Okeechobee, Vero)
· How discovered our program ______
· Field of interest ______
____Give student E-Learning Folder and tell them to look forward to hearing from their
instructor soon!

Please complete the following for new GED E-Learning students:

____Signed application

·  Make certain to sign your name on the Developmental Educational signature line

·  Students under 18: Parent must sign

____Signed registration

·  Make certain to sign your name on the Developmental Educational Signature line

·  Students under 18: Parent must sign

o  Place students scoring 4-8.9 on TABE in any subject into ABE class

o  Place students scoring 9.0 or above in ALL subject areas into GED class

____Signed Student Code of Conduct (Make one copy for student)

____Signed Student Agreement (Make one copy for student)

____Signed Internet Policy (Make one copy for student)

____Input registration and application into Mariner

____File all documents with registration and application

____E-mail the following to the Teacher and Suzanne Ensmann ()

(This will provide the student with a user id and password for virtual class):

Course ID and teacher ______
·  Name ______
·  Date of birth ______
·  Phone # ______
·  Email address ______
·  Co-enrolled in college class (yes or no)
·  Campus registered: (Chastain, Main, St. Lucie West, Okeechobee, Vero)
·  How discovered our program ______
·  Field of interest ______
TABE Test Results / Test Date / Test Level / Test Form / Score
Total Battery
____Give student E-Learning Folder and tell them to look forward to hearing from their
instructor soon!

E-Student Agreement

·  I am in 9th grade or above.

·  I will select and adhere to my own pace chart, engaging in the minimum amount of hours as required by the class. I will complete all assigned modules and submit work to the instructor for grading within the time frame, as designated on my pace charts or by the instructor.

·  Grace Period/ Drop Procedure: A 30-day grace period starts from the day I am registered. If I fail to complete assigned work or perform below instructor expectations during this time, the instructor will remove me from this course.

·  Only I may complete the course work. Having someone else do the work is grounds for suspension.

·  I possess basic computer skills such as the ability to navigate the Internet, send and receive e-mail, and download attachments.

·  I am required to maintain weekly communication with the instructor via submission of work, e-mail, instant messenger, or phone calls. This regular communication with the instructor regarding progress is important to my success in this course.

·  I will take initiative, stay organized, and be disciplined to engage in my learning experience.

·  I will contact the instructor for assistance when facing problems with course content or computer concerns.

·  I will engage in one phone conversation with the instructor per month. If I am under 18, I will have my parent with me during these conversations.

·  I will give credit to references. Plagiarism is grounds for legal action.

Student: ______Date: ______

Parent (If student under 18): ______

E-Instructor Information

IRSC Adult Education E-Instructor Job Description

The E-Instructor is responsible for providing an educational atmosphere where students have the opportunity to achieve academic success in accordance with IRSC, state policies and laws.

The exemplary E-Instructor profile includes the following traits:

v  Possesses ability to think out of the box

v  Enjoys change and thrives on challenges

v  Demonstrates commitment to success of students, colleagues, and IRSC

v  Acts as a team player with high integrity and professionalism

As we look for instructors in the E-Learning environment, we seek those that relate mastery of the following characteristics through examples and experiences they share with us. Each E-Instructor will be evaluated regularly to assure E-Instructing is the best environment for their teaching style.

Self-motivation - Without the energy that comes from group interaction in a conventional classroom, E-Instructors must maintain, communicate, and promote enthusiasm in the e-Learning environment. The instructors must be excellent time managers and possess the intrinsic motivation to work in an environment without specific start and end times. They must address a continuous workflow, providing feedback and evaluation in a timely manner. While training and support are provided, it is important that E-Learning instructors are able to work independently with little direct supervision.

Growth-motivation - IRSC Adult Education E-Learning program seeks instructors that are life-long learners. Instructors are expected to contribute to their own professional growth, as well as the professional growth of the organization.

Computer literacy and aptitude - Computer literacy, or an aptitude for computers, is necessary in order for the instructor to concentrate on teaching and relationship building, as opposed to the tools for delivering instruction. Patience and aptitude for technical troubleshooting is a must.

Effective written and oral communication skills - Without the opportunity to interpret body language or the ability to synchronously respond to clarifying questions, precision and clarity in all forms of communication is essential. It is also important to know which form of communication is most appropriate for a given situation. Model professional and ethical standards when dealing with students, parents, and the community.

Ability to Motivate and Coach – E-Instructors must have optimism and an encouraging nature. They must have the ability to motivate students in a distance-Learning environment. Instructors must coach students to become self-disciplined and effective time managers.

Content Knowledge – E-Instructors need to be knowledgeable in their content area in order to facilitate a knowledge and love of the subject.

Personal commitment - Because there are no bells that begin and end classes, E-Instructors must be able to organize and plan their daily schedule that allows them to meet the needs of their students. Making a commitment to teach in this manner is a very personal decision and requires a strong commitment to perform in order to achieve academic success. Overall, the E-Team believes that every individual who has the motivation and self-direction to take our courses will achieve success in our virtual environment. Meeting the needs of our individual students is our top priority.

E-instructor Equipment Minimum Technology Requirements


·  PC (IBM compatible) computer with the

following specifications:

o  Pentium II (233MHz minimum, higher recommended)

o  Windows 98, NT, or higher

o  256 MB RAM

o  12x CD-ROM (CD/DVD Recommended)

o  56Kbps Modem

o  Display setting 800x600 resolution (1024x768 recommended)

o  Printer required

o  3 ½” Disk Drive


·  Windows XP is the preferred operating system, as e-Learning technical support

is provided via Windows Messenger. Hardware support is not provided.

·  Microsoft Office package (Word,

PowerPoint, Excel)

·  High Speed Internet access

·  Internet Explorer (web browsing software) – version 5.5 or higher:

·  Flash 6 Player:

Specific Job Duties

·  Undergo initial and ongoing training.

·  Provide all students with syllabus, welcome call, and follow-up welcome E-mail.

·  Maintain student contact log of all phone calls, emails, meetings, etc.

·  Make contact with students weekly.

·  Contact parents of students under 18 at the beginning of semester and regularly providing progress updates.

·  Work at least two hours on campus each week.

·  Work eight more hours fulfilling job responsibilities with class each week if have 12 or more students to warrant hours.

·  If off-campus, required to have access to all computer requirements necessary to serve students in e-Learning environment (high speed Internet access).

·  Be responsible for holding set hours and providing contact number and address for student to reach instructor via phone line and Internet.

·  Be responsible to return calls of student within ½ hour of contact during those virtual office hours, within 24 hours all other hours during the semester.

·  Create and maintain a faculty web page for student to access curriculum and contact information of instructor. This availability and Email will be provided by the College.

·  Plan, prepare, and implement instructional activities that contribute to a climate where students are actively engaged in meaningful learning experiences.

·  Identify, and modify instructional resources to meet the needs of the students with varying backgrounds, learning styles and special needs.

·  Assist in assessing, changing curricular needs and offering plans for improvement.

·  Maintain effective and efficient record-keeping procedures.

·  Provide a flexible, positive environment in which students are encouraged to be actively engaged in the learning process.

·  Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with student, parents, and/or other professionals on a regular basis.

·  Collaborate with peers to enhance the instructional environment.


The virtual instructor:

·  Must demonstrate cooperative working relationships with students, parents, school/district (where applicable) and college personnel.

·  Must submit Instructor Log and Student Contact log regularly.

·  Must submit all student enrollments to the Adult Ed Coordinator.

·  Must submit students’ Literacy Completion Points gains to the Adult Ed Coordinator.

·  Achieve Literacy Completion Points in student performance.

·  Must meet with Adult Ed Coordinator and Dean not less than twice per semester.