Adriana Tufenkjian


Elementary French

Grade level: 9th grade

Textbook: Deux Mondes

Chapter 1: Ma famille et moi
Section: 1.5

La vie de famille: Page 54

Lesson plan on ‘er’ verbs

Time allocated : 3 sessions

Material : DVD player video clips + transparencies + hand-outs

Specific Objective

Students will able to express themselves with fluency on a variety of simple topics dealing with the first group verbs with "er" ending. They will practice these verbs by asking and answering questions in common situations using the verbs like aimer, chanter, danser in regular forms and irregular forms like acheter, appeler, commencer, on routine activities with family members and friends.

A. Synopsis of the course

At the third month of the semester, students have learned how to greet in a variety of social interactions and, how to describe others. They have already learned how to tell time and describe their academic schedule. They are half way through Chapter 1 where they have learned how to describe family members and favorite activities. In the previous session, they have been introduced to the verb aimer + infinitive, expressing their likes and dislikes.

B. Outline of the session

I. Setting the stage: Video + TPR - 15 minutes

II. Review the verb: aimer + infinitive – 30 minutes

III. Introduction of the new verbs - 35 min minutes

IV. Guided practice: oral and written activities + story telling + song – 40 minutes

V. Cultural exposure Review and portfolio work assignments – 20 minutes

I. Setting the stage

Visual practice: Targeted standards: 3.2 + 2.1 +4.1

A. Review the verb aimer with short video clips showing what people like or dislike.

Ex: Le petit garcon aime manger des biscuits.

Explain: Biscuits means cookie

II. Review the verb aimer + infinitive

Bodily kinestetic:Targeted standards: 3.2 + 2.1 +
A. TPR: practice these verbs by giving commands: hand-out page 19

B. Miming these verbs: game

III. Introduction of the new verbs in er in routine activities in present tense

Verbal-linguistic: Targeted standards: 3.2 + 2.1

A. Brainstorming: Regular + irregular verbs

1.Durant la semaine: travailler, étudier, regarder la télévion, écouter de la musique, téléphoner, acheter des vêtements.

2.Durant le week-end: passer du bon temps, rigoler, regarder un film, rentrer tard, préférer, rester ā la maison.

NB: use negative and question forms as well

B. Reinforcement

1. Reading: La vie de famille page 54 + questions on verbs and family relations

2. Activity: 13 page 57 - Quick review of gender

Ma mère mon père

Ma soeur mon frere

Ma cousine mon cousin

Using the new verbs in context: Dans votre famille qui fait les activites suivantes?
- Singulier:Ma mère aime faire des achats sur Internet. - Pluriel: Ma mère et ma soeur aiment faire des achats sur Internet. - Personne n'aime faire des achats ...

C. Cultural reading: Qui sont les Français? Page 54

Show on the map the francophone countries mentioned in the reading and explain their origin and some historic background.

IV - Guided practice activities with the help of the hand-outs and stories.

Verbal linguistic. Targeted standards: 1.1+1.2 +3.2 + 2.1

A. La famille et les activitées preférées. Pass the hand-out page 24
B. Story telling time: Cendrillon (whole class story telling) et Blanche-Neige(group activity on the board).
C. Entretien ma famille: Activity 15: page 58 # 1,3,5 by writing your partners answers. (portfolio work)

V. Cultural exposure

Targeted standards: 4.2 + 2.1 + 3.2
A. Reading page 56: Quelle est votre definition de la famille?
Compare to the traditional family structure and review family relation with in-laws.
B. Song: Le Sud by Nino Ferrer

Conclusion: Review and expand

1. Review: ask again multiple questions on how to conjugate these verbs.
2. Assignment: Practicing independently, students will have to compose a letter, as a homework, in which they will use the verbs they have seen in this session and expand the vocabulary with the given letter format in the textbook. (page 60 A vous d'ecrire )

Targeted standards: 3.2 + 2.1+ 5.1+ 5.2