Ad Analysis Worksheet
Ads always try to communicate a message. Both the image and the text work together. Some parts of the ad state the message very openly and directly. Other parts of the ad use hidden messages in the colors, images, and symbols in the ad. Use this worksheet to discover the hidden messages in your ad.
What do I see? And read?
I see ________________________________
I see _______________________________
I see ________________________________
I read ______________________________
I read ______________________________
What do I think?
And it wants me to feel/think: ___________ ____________________________________
And it wants me to feel/think: ___________ ____________________________________
And it wants me to feel/think: ___________ ____________________________________
And it wants me to feel/think: ___________ ____________________________________
And it wants me to feel/think: ___________ ____________________________________
I wonder______________________________________________________________________
What does this ad want you to do? _________________________________________________
What type of ad do you think this is? Product? Service? Political? Other? And what did you see that led you to think so? _________________________________________________________
Mark each reaction about to show what type of appeal the ad was using.
· R = appealing to your logic or reason
· E = appealing to your emotions (patriotism, love, pride, fear, anger, hate for example.)
· S = appealing to your self-interest
· I = appealing to your beliefs (religion, ideals, morals for example)
· A = appealing to your desire for adventure, fun, new experiences
If this ad were created today, how would it be the same? ________________________________
If this ad were created today, how would it be different? _______________________________