Read each of the following sample essay answers and evaluate them using the criteria that were discussed in this chapter. Evaluate each answer and assign a grade from one to ten points (no grade is used more than once). Which are the three best essays? _____ _____ _____ Which are the three worst essays? _____ _____ _____

Question: Compare and contrast a catch word and a catch phrase.


1. A catch word are key words or identify the begininig of a word by making a rhymn for each letter and a catchphrase is having a key or clue in a sentence that will help you identify (recall) the information for an test or essay question.

A catchword and a catchphrase are both helpful in learning information but it can't be used in the wrong way. You can use up to 7 phrases and memorize but if you do to many of your notes this way it can cause alot of confusion. In reality you just wasted your time because you have just overloaded your memory.

Grade ______

2. A "catch word" is a word made up of letters from information which you must know. Say for example you had to remember these items in order: Legalize, evaluation, system, social conduct. You could make up a word like: 1. L - Legalization

2. e - evaluation

3. s - system

4. s - Social contract

A "catchphrase" is when you convert single word phrases into a formation of a sentence or phrase. An example would be. 1. Sound

2. hate

3. appreciate Sally has a uguly sister.

4. usual

5. seat

By using "catch words" and "phrases" you can improve you memory retrievement and it should show up on your test grades.

Grade ______

3. Catchwords and catchphrases can be very easily compared, as well as contrasted. Both of these are memonic devices that are used to retrieve information; however, by using these words and phrases, you still need to study. Catch words and phrases do not replace studying. These are just strategies used to help in retrieval.

One of the major differences between these two items is one is a word and one is a phrase. The catch word is used if you need to know a list of information. One picks out the key word or words that will help them remember that phrase. Then you take the first letter (or letters) of that key word and make a word out of all the letters you have. An example we used in class was REOCA. On the other hand, a catch phrase is used whenever you can not make a word up, you make a phrase or a sentence out of the first letters of the key words you picked out. An example we used in class was Every good boy does fine. This can help one remember the letters that are placed on the lines of the music staff.

Catch words and phrases can be very beneficial to a student; however, they do not replace studying.

Grade ______

4. Catchword are easier to make up and remember in comparison to catchphrases. Catchwords should use each letter of the list and if there are words using the same alphabit it makes using catch words difficult. In using catchphrases you can always use words that contain the first and second letter or more if necessary. Names should alway be used in catchphrases when possible which makes it easier to remember.

Catchphrases are better when trying to keep a list in order than catchwords. Catchphrases can keep the list in order and words can be made up in that order. Catchwords need to be made up by rearranging the words from the list to make up the word. Catchwords even though they are easier to make up are not as good as catchphrases.

Grade ______

5. Catchword and catchphrases are both types of mnemonic aids. They both allow you to use clues or keywords to pull or encode the information out of your long term memory onto the paper. They are both aids to your memory.

The difference between catch words and catch phrases is that catchwords are nonsense words not sentences. You develop a catch word by taking the first letter from each word and making a nonsense word or a word. For example a nonsense word can be REOCA, and a word could be SOAP. A catchphrase can either be a sentence or a story about someone you know or relevant to what you are studying.

Both of these are called acronym or acronomics. They are both very helpful to your studying strategies but you should try to start with the catch words since they are easier to prepare. Whereas catch phrases causes you to think more of what you want to write for your mnemonic aids instead of what you are learning. Either way, they are both good strategies to study with.

Grade ______

6. Both a "catchword" and a "catchphrase" have many things in common. Both fall under the category of a mnemonic, which is a retrieval cue in the form of a word/phrase which aids in memory. A catchword is a word made from the first initials of a list which needs to be memorized, while a catchphrase uses the first letter to make a phrase or sentence to aid retrieval. An example of a catchword would be YOUR if memorizing a list of things which first letters are Y, O, U, and R. A catchphrase, on the other hand, would be something like you, our invited resident, once again using the letters Y, O, U, R but now forming them into a sentence or phrase which can be easily remember.

Catchwords and catchphrases are both used for the same reason, to aid retrieval. They are also used because if you can remember YOUR or you, our uninvited resident it will help pull out the "drawer" in your memory which contains the answer to the question you are trying to answer.

The main difference between a catchword and a catchphrase is the fact that one is a simple word and one is an entire phrase. Other than that fact they both operate on the same principle. These are a few of the comparisons and contrasts that I found.

Grade _____