Romeo and Juliet
Act Five (study guide)


1. How does Romeo's dream, which he describes in his opening speech, compare with the news brought to him by Balthasar? His dream indicates good news is coming but Balthasar brings him bad news.

2. How does Romeo convince the apothecary to sell him poison? He gives him money.

3. What does he plan to do with the poison? Kill himself.


1. Explain the conversation between Friar Laurence and Friar John. Friar John tells how he could not deliver the letter to Romeo because he got quarantined due to the plague.

2. What does Friar Laurence now plan to do? Release Juliet from the tomb and send Romeo another letter.


1. Why does Paris come to Juliet's burial place? To mourn her death and place flowers at her grave.

2. What happens when Romeo and Paris meet? They fight and Romeo kills Paris.

3. Romeo enters the tomb and sees Juliet. He takes the poison, and no sooner does Romeo die, than Friar Laurence comes along - but too late.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN JULIET WAKES UP? She finds Romeo dead. She stabs herself and dies.

4. Complete this paraphrase of Friar Laurence's speech.
(lines 229-269)

I will be brief, for I don't expect to live long. Romeo and Juliet are husband and wife. I married them in secret, and that same day was Tybalt killed and Romeo banished. Juliet pined for her bridegroom and not for Tybalt. You (Capulet) while trying to make her happier promised her to Paris and would have ordered her to marry him. Then she came to me asking that I devise a plan to prevent her second marriage, or she would have killed herself right there in my cell. So I gave her a sleeping potion, which was intended to make her appear dead. Meanwhile, I wrote a letter to Romeo telling him to come here to take Juliet from her borrowed grave when the potion wore off. But Friar John, who was sent to deliver the message, was detained and brought the letter back to me. So I came alone at the time when Juliet was to wake up to take her from the vault and hide her in my cell until I could send another message to Romeo. When I got here, just a few minutes before Juliet should awaken, I found both Paris and Romeo dead. Juliet woke up, and I tried to get her to leave. I heard some noise and was scared away, but Juliet would not come with me. It seems that she stabbed herself. This is the whole story, and Juliet's Nurse also knew of the marriage. If this is all my fault let me be sacrificed to the full extent of the law.

5. Describe the conclusion of the drama and explain how poetic Justice operates in the play. There had been a long-time feud between two families that flared up. Members of both families had to die before the ancient feud finally ends.

6. What is Romeo and Juliet's tragic flaw? How does it lead to their destruction? They were always in a hurry and acted rashly. They did not consider the consequences of their actions before rushing to satisfy their own wishes.


The entire course of action in this drama took place within five days. Starting with the first street brawl which occurred early Sunday morning, trace the day by day events of the drama. Use the PowerPoint template to create your timeline.