September 30, 2010
ANSI Congressional Standards Update
ANSI Congressional Standards Update is a monthly, electronic newsletter produced and distributed free of charge to members of Congress and their staff by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For a complete listing of ANSI news and events, please visit our website, ANSI Online. >>>
A summary of this issue’s top stories
WSD Exhibition on Capitol Hill Highlights Standards for Accessibility
Nearly one hundred Congressional staff members, representatives, and other stakeholders gathered on Capitol Hill on September 24, 2010, to attend the Standards for Accessibility exhibition.
ANSI Receives Continued Recognition by NIST as an Accreditor of Telecommunications Certification Bodies
ANSI is pleased to announce that the National Institute for Standards and Technology has extended its recognition of ANSI as an accreditor of Telecommunications Certification Bodies for an additional two years.
ANSI and ACLASS to Provide Joint Accreditation for ENERGY STAR® Requirements
ANSI and the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB/ACLASS) are launching a joint program to provide dual accreditation from each organization’s ENERGY STAR® accreditation program.
October ANSI Caucus to Feature Deputy Commissioner for Foods at the FDA
ANSI has announced that the next monthly Caucus Luncheon will be held on Friday, October 8, 2010. The meeting will feature guest speaker Michael R. Taylor, J.D., deputy commissioner for foods for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Agenda Released for Upcoming HSSP Plenary
The ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel has released an agenda for its ninth annual plenary, which will be held November 9-10, 2010, in Arlington, VA.
2009-2010 ANSI Annual Report Now Available
The 2009-2010 Annual Report from the American National Standards Institute, Solutions through Collaboration, is now available.
Record Number of Countries Attend the 2010 ISO General Assembly in Oslo
Over 400 delegates from over 120 countries met last week for the 33rd General Assembly of the International Organization for Standardization. Held in Oslo, Norway, the event represented the largest number of countries ever to attend the annual ISO meeting.
People on the Move
People on the Move spotlights trailblazers in standardization, highlighting their latest achievements, advancements, and contributions to the standards community. In this issue: Paul Weintraub and Molly Mowery.
Did You Know?
Did You Know? offers a quick look at the broad scope of activities underway within the ANSI Federation, highlighting the people and initiatives making waves in standardization. In this issue: Toy Industry Association hosts CPSC commissioner; EPA awards grants for students to design sustainable technologies; ASHRAE holds design competition for students; upcoming ATIS webinar to detail policy management standards; and IEST provides resources through Young Professionals Network.
ANSI actively participates in a number of social media websites, making pertinent information about events and initiatives readily accessible and providing a place of discussion for the U.S. standardization community.
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Take advantage of more great information…
Change Is Built on a Foundation of Strength
This document targeting Congress and members of the new administration outlines the benefits and contributions of the U.S. standards and conformance system and its use of a consensus-based, public-private partnership model.
Overview of the U.S. Standardization System
This document will provide a greater understanding of the U.S. voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment infrastructure.
United States Standards Strategy
The USSS establishes a framework to advance trade issues in the global marketplace, enhance consumer health and safety, and further U.S. viewpoints in the regional and international arena.
National Conformity Assessment Principles for the United States
This document articulates principles for conformity assessment activities in the United States.
2009-2010 Annual Report
This year's annual report, Solutions through Collaboration, describes how ANSI and its Federation of members have continued to use the power of collaboration to develop solutions for economic growth, innovation, and global priorities, fortifying the U.S. marketplace position in the global economy through standards-based solutions to national and global priorities.
Check out our other publications and documents of interest.
Please check the Events Section of ANSI Online regularly for updated and new event information.
November 9-10, 2010
Arlington, VA
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ANSI’s Washington, DC-based government affairs staff stands ready to provide you any additional information that you may need about significant developments within the standardization community. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Scott Cooper, ANSI vice president, government relations (; 202-331-3610).
American National Standards Institute • 1819 L Street, NW • Washington, DC • 20036