AIHA EUNY LS Telecon Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2016


Srinivas Durgam – Present

Michele Shepard - Present

Lilia Chen – Absent

Ed Jerome – Absent

Brenda Streeter – Present

Liesel Welch – Present

Caroline Boisclair – Present

Jane Whitehouse – Absent

Lisa DeLugo – Absent

Review of Open Action Items from last meeting

·  AI – Ed Draft Honorarium proposal

May 10 meeting logistics

·  SD - bring projector, screen

·  BoD – Collect nominations

·  LC Sign-in sheet, annual schedule printouts

·  LC + EJ Update paid member list for 2016 (paid during National dues submittal)

·  SD Bio and introduce speaker

Meeting Start Time

Discussion of feedback provided after the last meeting on disruption for meal delivery during the speaker presentation. Also discussed the advertised vs. actual start time for meetings to date and agreed to change the meeting start time and description asking participants to arrive by 5:30 if planning to order a meal: 5:30-6 networking, drinks and order/receive meals; 6 pm start of speaker presentation. Caroline to update flyer and send to Lilia, also need to update invite and meeting info for EventBrite. BOD to update on website/LinkedIn.

ASSE Joint meeting

Discussion of Q1-2017 event with 3 volunteers from each organization to lead the planning, and a 50/50 split of the upfront costs and of the profits.

Still need to identify EUNY volunteers willing to play a lead and supporting role. Caroline volunteered to help, Brenda will help.

BOD and Officer Roles

Roles and responsibilities for all positions were included in attachment to the March minutes.

BOD to discuss specific responsibilities; Liesel to talk to Brenda and follow-up with Srinivas.

Srinivas to check slide deck.

Discussion of need to identify candidates for BOD (June, Jan) and for Officers.

Open positions coming up – Jun 2016 - 1 BoD position; Dec 2016 - 1 BoD, Secretary, Treasurer, President-Elect

Srinivas indicated that the Secretary and Treasurer roles currently have a 1 year term according to the generic by-laws from AIHA. Discussion and agreement among Board members on the call to extent the Secretary and Treasurer roles to a 2-year term.

Action Item / Owner / Due Date/Status
Status of LS PO Box, fees, key, etc. / Jerome / Ed sent mail update 4.13.16
Update paid members xls on google drive / Jerome / May meeting
Please show up before 5:30PM to greet members if you can / ALL / May meeting
Collect nominations for BOD / Bod rep / May meeting
sheet, annual schedule printouts / Chen / May meeting
Draft honorarium proposal and send to executive leadership group / Jerome / Mar 18
Update calendar and May meeting invite to reflect revised start time and requested arrival time if ordering meals, send to LC / Boisclair / Completed 4.18.16
Update EUNY website and LinkedIn to reflect changes in meeting start time / BOD rep
Provide bio to SD for May meeting / DeLugo / May meeting
Discuss BOD specific responsibilities – LW to talk to BS and update SD / BOD rep
Identify volunteers to plan Q1-2017 joint AIHA EUNY/ ASSE Eastern NY event / Durgam / Solicit volunteers at May meeting
Respond to approve change to 2-year term for EUNY Secretary and Treasurer / ALL
not on call / May 2