OSI Software, Inc.

ABB IMS Advant Station
(ABB Master, ABB Mod 300)
Interface to the PI System

version 4.0 and greater

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Ó 1997 OSI Software, Inc. All rights reserved
777 Davis Street, Suite 250, San Leandro, CA 94577

May 1998 5

OSI Software, Inc.

Table of Contents

Introduction 6

Version Overview 6

A general note about supported object types, attributes, transfer methods, input and output 9

Documentation 10

Supported features 11

PI Point Configuration 12

Hints for Point Configuration for HP-UX 13

Increasing number of points per Advant Station on HP-UX 15

I/O Rate Counter 16

Performance Point Configuration 16

Interface Files for HP-UX 18

Installation Kit 18

Additional Files after Link 18

Installation on HP-UX 19

Definition of Environment Variables 19

Installation of the PI-API on HP-UX 19

Configuration of the Point Source Table for PI 2 Systems 20

Interface Installation 20

Interface Upgrade 20

Linking – HP-UX only. 21

Linking the Interface for HP-UX only. 21

Linking the Interface Control Program – HP-UX only 21

HP-UX Ownership of Interface Files 22

Interface Installation on NT 22

General 22

Naming conventions and requirements 23

Microsoft DLLs 23

Interface directories 23

Setting the interface node clock 24

Security 24

Interface Installation procedure 24

Installing the Interface as an NT Service 25

Configuring the Interface to Start and Stop with PI 26

Buffering on the PI Server Node 27

Interface Administration on NT 29

Upgrading an Interface 29

Moving an Interface to a New Directory 29

Uninstalling an interface 30

Startup 31

Description of the Startup parameters 31

Matching PI Tags with Interface 34

Automating Startup 35

Shutdown on HP-UX 36

Error and Information Messages 37

Log files 37

Interface output file on HP-UX 37

pimesslogfile 38

Messages on NT 38

Translation of error codes 38

How Interface operates 40

Data Acquisition 40

Input 40

Quality check for selected attributes 41

Output 41

Connection Problems 41

Connection to the PI Server 42

Connection to the DCS 42

Time stamps 42

Sign-up for Updates 42

Hints for PI System Manager 42

Automatic Interface start on HP-UX System Startup via ABB’s Process Supervision 43

Graceful Interface stop on System Shutdown 44

IMS 1.x (HP-UX 9.05) 44

IMS 2.0 (HP-UX 10.20) 44

Examples 45

sitestart 45

sitestop 45

Automatic interface start on NT – practical experiences 45

Interface Control Program- Only on HP-UX 47

Practical experiences: How to achieve better interface performance 48

Use more interface copies 48

Use scan class offsets 48

Use a separate interface copy for a fast scan class 48

Consider the transfer method “On Event” 48

Test Environment 49

IMS 1.2 49

IMS 2.0 49

Appendix A – Attribute lists via getObj 50

Revision History 55


The ABB IMS Advant Station 500 to PI Interface provides the read/write transfer of data between an ABB Master or ABB MOD 300 process control system and the Plant Information (PI) System using the AdvaInform UserAPI. The interface can run in both an IMS 1.x environment under HP-UX 9.05 and an IMS 2.0 environment under HP-UX 10.20.

Starting with version 4.0 of the PI-ABBIMS interface, the interface can also run on an INTEL-NT PC running the ABB Advant Enterprise Historian.
Version 4.x of the interface does not run on HP-UX 9.05 and therefore no longer supports IMS 1.x.

The interface was designed according to the capabilities of the AdvaInform UserAPI contained in IMS Software version 1.2. The interface is also compatible with IMS Software version 1.3. It uses the bciDoRequest call.

If you continue to use IMS Version 1.1, you can use Version 1.03 of the ABB IMS Advant Station to PI Interface, which only supports the ABB Master DCS. (Version 1.03 also runs with IMS 1.2, but in this case, please take care of the “USEOLDAPI=y” make file option as described in the installation chapter of this manual.)

The AdvaInform UserAPI is now included in the ABB Advant Enterprise Historian Select package. Previously the AdvaInform UserAPI was included with the ABB Advant Enterprise Historian. The Select package DOES NOT contain the ABB Enterprise Historian.

Note on HP-UX: There are limits on the number of points and events per second that can be retrieved from a single IMS station. An IMS station with an RTA card that contains 8 Mbytes of RAM will allow between 4000 – 6000 tags to be retrieved from the control system. The expected throughput for a machine with 64 Mbytes of RAM is approximately 300 calls/sec.

Version Overview

Product /
Version /
Provided by / Does it support ABB Master? / Does it support ABB MOD 300? / Does it support DoRequest? / OS Platform /
ABB IMS Advant Station to PI Interface / 1.x / OSI / Yes / No / No / HP-UX 9.05
(Interface uses the AdvaInform UserAPI) / 1.1 / ABB / Yes / Yes / No / HP-UX 9.05
PI-API-HPUX / 1.224 or higher / OSI / - / - / -
Product /
Version /
Provided by / Does it support ABB Master? / Does it support ABB MOD 300? / Does it support DoRequest? / OS Platform /
ABB IMS Advant Station to PI Interface / 2.x / OSI / Yes / Yes / No / HP-UX 9.05
(Interface uses the AdvaInform UserAPI) / 1.2 / ABB / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 9.05
PI-API-HPUX / 1.224 or higher / OSI / - / - / -
Product /
Version /
Provided by / Does it support ABB Master? / Does it support ABB MOD 300? / Does it support DoRequest? / OS Platform /
ABB IMS Advant Station to PI Interface / 3.00 – 3.01 / OSI / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 9.05
(Interface uses the AdvaInform UserAPI) / 1.2 and 1.3 / ABB / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 9.05
PI-API-HPUX / 1.224 or higher / OSI / - / - / -
Product /
Version /
Provided by / Does it support ABB Master? / Does it support ABB MOD 300? / Does it support DoRequest? / OS Platform /
ABB IMS Advant Station to PI Interface / 3.11 or
higher / OSI / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 9.05
HP-UX 10.20
(Interface uses the AdvaInform UserAPI) / 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0 / ABB / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 9.05
HP-UX 10.20
PI-API-HPUX / 1.224 or higher / OSI / - / - / -
Product /
Version /
Provided by / Does it support ABB Master? / Does it support ABB MOD 300? / Does it support DoRequest? / OS Platform /
ABB IMS Advant Station to PI Interface / 4.13 or
higher / OSI / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 10.20
Intel NT 4
(Interface uses the AdvaInform UserAPI) / 2.0 / ABB / Yes / Yes / Yes / HP-UX 10.20
Intel NT 4
PI-API-Windows Client / or higher / OSI / - / - / -

The AdvaInform UserAPI provides functions that can be used to perform data transfer between an ABB IMS Advant Station 500 using an HP-UX operating system or INTEL NT operating system and a connected ABB Master DCS (ASEA masterpiece) or a MOD 300 DCS.
The PI Interface makes internal use of the PI-API to provide a standard way of interfacing the HP-UX or NT client node to the PI Home node.
The interface accesses the ABB objects directly in the DCS. No local copies of the Process Objects are required on the IMS!
The interface supports the following Object types:

Basic Objects read write

Analog Input AI any numerical attribute VALUE
Analog Output AO any numerical attribute VALUE
Digital Input DI any numerical attribute Bit 9 of STATUS
Digital Output DO any numerical attribute Bit 9 of STATUS
Dat objects DAT any numerical attribute not tested
Text objects TEXT any numerical attribute INT_LONG, TEXT_REAL

MOD 300 Process Objects read write

CCF Objects any numerical attribute any numerical attribute
TLL Objects any numerical attribute any numerical attribute
TCL Objects any numerical attribute not tested

Other object types (selection) read write

PIDCON any numerical attribute not supported
PIDCONA any numerical attribute not supported
VALVECON any numerical attribute not supported
MOTCON any numerical attribute not supported
MANSTN any numerical attribute not supported
RATIOSTN any numerical attribute not supported MULTIDAT any numerical attribute not supported

There are three methods of read transfer:

  On demand

  On event

  Cyclic

Output to the DCS is possible on exception in “On Demand” interfaces.

A general note about supported object types, attributes, transfer methods, input and output

Generally, any attribute of any object type that represents a numerical value up to a length of 32 bits can be read by the interface. This includes even object types not listed above. As long as the desired attribute can be accessed via ABB’s AdvaInform UserAPI, using the function bciGetAttributes, its value can be stored in PI. You can use ABB’s example program getObj to check if the attribute you want to read is supported. For more information about getObj, consult chapter “Hints for Point Configuration for HP-UX” later in this manual. There is no restriction other than the data type for an attribute to be supported.

There is an additional restriction if you want to read attributes “On Event”. Events for ABB objects have names. For the Basic object types AI, AO, DI, DO and the other object types on ABB Master that were tested (PIDCON, PIDCONA, VALVECON, MOTCON, MANSTN, RATIOSTN), the name is always “EVENT”. For MOD 300 process objects of type CCF and TLL, the event name is just the attribute name, with a preceding “CHG_”. For example, the event name for the attribute “MEASURE” is “CHG_MEASURE”.
If the interface finds either “EVENT” or the “CHG_…” construction in the list of available events for the desired object type/attribute combination, the attribute can be read on event. If the event name follows other rules, then the attribute is currently unsupported for the event transfer method (you can read it “On Demand”, however). Note that DAT and TEXT objects are unable to generate events although the overview retrieved via getObj may state otherwise.
The interface currently supports output to the DCS for selected object types and attributes. See the above table for details. For writing towards the DCS, so-called operations are being used. Operations have names. For AI, AO, DI, DO, DAT and TEXT, the operation name is “ORDER”. Note that outputs to DAT and TEXT objects could not yet be tested. Although PIDCON, PIDCONA, MULTIDAT, VALVECON, MOTCON, MANSTN and RATIOSTN objects have an operation “ORDER” as well, output to these object types is not yet supported.
For MOD 300 process objects of type CCF and TLL, the operation name is just the attribute name, with a preceding “PUT_”. For example, the name of the operation that is used to write a value back to the attribute “MEASURE” is “PUT_MEASURE”.
If the interface finds the “PUT_” construction in the list of available operations, even for object types other than CCF and TLL, this attribute can be updated in the DCS. Otherwise, output is not supported.

Note that all event and operation name constructions discussed above are automatically performed by the interface internally. There is no impact on what the user has to specify in the Extended Descriptor (attribute name) and the Instrument tag name (object name). For complete tag setup information, refer to chapter “PI Point Configuration”.


The ABB software is described in detail in:

  ABB Master AdvaInform Basic Functions User’s Guide Part 1 and 2

  ABB Master AdvaInform Object Handling User’s Guide

  ABB Master AdvaInform Object Types Reference Manual

  Advant OCS with MOD 300 Software AdvaInform Object Types Reference Manual