The best practices in the attached document are taken from the publication Emerging Best Practices in Mental Health Recovery, published by the Ohio Dept. of Mental Health in June 1999. They are organized by the nine components for providing effective services and support. Within each component, the best practices begin with those identified for consumers at the "dependent/unaware" stage and go through the 4th stage of "interdependent/aware". The attachment is only a partial listing, identifying selected clinician roles and community supports.
You can discuss these items in appropriate agency groups (program, supervisory, QI, etc.) and come to some consensus about the degree of implementation for each items, going from 1 (not implemented at all) to 3 (implemented sometimes but not consistently) to 5 (implemented consistently and reflecting agency commitment to this item).
After that exercise, go back and identify items as a priority 1 (highest), 2 (medium priority), or 3 (not a priority at this time).
1. CLINICAL CAREA. Develops rapport and positive relationships with consumer's family and/or significant others
B. Connects consumer with successful role models
C. Makes psycho-education and peer support groups available to families/significant others
D. Provides and supports drop-in centers
E. May involve consumer in groups re goal setting, relapse prevention strategies
F. Provides information on diagnosis and available resources
G. Provides psycho-education services to consumers
H. Makes peer support groups available
I. Teaches problem-solving, decision-making, and coping skills
J. Monitors status of consumer's recovery goals
K. Assists consumer in developing a personal support system, including peers, friends, significant others
L. Supports and provides opportunities for volunteer work, paid employment, training, etc.
M. Provides opportunities for consumer to be included in community cultural, social, physical and entertainment activities
N. Involves consumer in groups for goal setting and cultivating healthy relationships
O. Uses other consumers as mentors re successful community living
P. Educates re interpersonal and social skills
Q. Expects consumer to be involved in community
R. Keeps consumer/family informed about new medications
2. Peer Support and RelationshipsA. Involves consumer in groups (peer support, self-esteem, etc.) designed to stimulate appropriate interpersonal interaction, facilitate dialog about relationships/intimacy, provide opportunities to practice social skills, share information about systems and about medication management, promote awareness of transitioning into community (when institutionalized)
B. Refers consumers to peer support and other interest groups (spiritual, cultural and recreational)
C. Utilizes team tasks to establish a sense of teamwork (support team and other groups)
D. Uses peer supporters to accompany consumer on community trips to support groups, AA/NA, & other resources
E. Provides resource information about community programs and services
F. Involves consumer in groups that participate regularly in some type of recreational/social activity (or non-group equivalent)
G. Recruits consumers interested in becoming peer supporters
3. Family Support
A. Recognizes the importance of including family/significant others in recovery process; disseminates educational materials focused on family involvement in recovery process
B. Involves family members/significant others in recovery process
C. Uses a strengths approach to consumer/family interactions
D. Provides "Family to Family" training
E. Provides information about support groups, AMI
F. Provides opportunities for families to gather and participate in social events focused on supporting consumer in recovery process
4. Work/Meaningful Activity
A. Promotes participation in meaningful activities on a regular basis
B. Involves consumer in groups to enhance self-confidence
C. Evaluates with consumer the ability & emotional skill level to participate in employment or meaningful activities
D. Supports active development of needed skills for employment
E. Uses understanding of ADA to benefit consumer
F. Uses tours, speakers, volunteer work to promote employment and meaningful activities
G. Maintains resource list of volunteer opportunities, recreation facilities, etc. for consumers
H. Mental health provider hires, trains and retains consumers
I. Provides groups to discuss benefits of employment and share successes with others in the recovery process
J. Ensures consumer understanding of Social Security and work incentive programs
K. Involves consumer in groups for purposes of understanding expectations of "good employee", relationships on the job, productivity, & safety issues
L. Provides services through peer support providers, consumer operated services
M. Provides opportunities for work adjustment
N. Advocates for consumer work rights and works to reduce stigma in the workplace
5. Power and Control
A. Identifies persons successful in their recovery to serve as role models
B. Involves consumer in groups
C. Values consumer feelings & preferences; Educates support teams about importance of valuing these & promoting self-reliance
D. Identifies non-medical factors (e.g. attitudes) that impact consumer's recovery
E. Empowers consumers to be independent and healthy
F. Involves consumer in groups to set goals, cultivate healthy relationships
G. Uses other consumers as mentors for successful community living
H. Provides educational opportunities re interpersonal and social skills
I. Expects consumer to be involved in community
J. Rewards positive participation and celebrates successes
6. Stigma
A. Treatment environments reflect anti-stigma and mental health recovery philosophy
B. Educates family, friends and significant others about stigma
C. Provides consumer with educational materials
D. Agency coordinates community stigma busting activities with consumer, family and other community organizations
E. Uses groups to discuss cause and effect of stigma and consumer responsibility for his/her actions
F. Maintains a speakers' bureau as part of anti-stigma efforts
G. Encourages consumers to volunteer
H. Uses groups to focus on "good citizenship" behaviors
I. Maintains support groups
J. Encourages consumers to take leadership role in advocacy and support groups, including making presentations
7. Community Involvement
A. Introduces consumer to others who are involved in community
B. Learns about consumer strengths & preferences from consumer, family and friends and uses these to promote community involvement
C. Provides consumer with information about community activities, contacts
D. Assists consumer to develop goals shaped by internal vs. external ideals
E. Offers opportunities for volunteer work in libraries, churches, hospitals, etc.
F. Educates consumers about avoiding victimization
G. Selects consumers to be on boards and fulfill leadership roles in community organizations
8. Access to Resources
A. Involves consumer in self-help group to educate about illness, recovery, resources
B. Maintains office hours that are convenient for consumers
C. Disseminates information about community resources within community (at hospital, residential sites, shelters, churches)
D. Develops peer support groups for specific illnesses
E. Arranges training seminars re access to entitlements, services
F. Refers consumers to DVR, GED programs, etc.
G. Assists consumer with learning self-advocacy and problem-solving skills
H. Peer support groups schedule social activities and provide information to community organizations
I. Helps consumers use work incentives
J. Emphasizes to consumer the importance/value of contributing back to the community
9. Education
A. Identifies consumer's educational level/preferred learning methods
B. Provides educational materials/opportunities relevant to consumer
C. Educates community about mental health issues
D. Provides training on developing problem-solving skills, coping skills
E. Teaches consumer symptom management skills
F. Peer support groups provide educational opportunities that focus on vocation and life issues
G. Peer supporters mentor others