Lion Pride Magazine

December 2014

Volume 43 – Issue 2


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Lion Roger Weyersberg -Spreading happiness and goodwill 365 days a year! Yes, Lions, there is a Santa Claus and he is a Lion, working undercover throughout the year as a band director. Lion Roger has been instrumental in the success of the Lions All State Band in his service as Band Director and his commitment to the hundreds of outstanding students who have performed with the band through the years.

2015 will be Lion Roger’s last year leading the band, and he will retire after the LCI Convention in Hawaii. We wish to express our gratefulness to Lion Roger, aka SANTA, for his devotion to the band as well as our mission: “WE SERVE.”

Upcoming Events

January 9

LCI Convention deadline for early discount

January 11

Worldwide Week of Service

January 15

Environmental Photo Contest Deadline for Districts

January 28

MI Forum Hotel Registration Deadline

February 28

MI Forum

Best Western Plus, Lansing

For complete calendar of events, check our website:


It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Who doesn’t love the festive lights, decorated store fronts, sweet treats and a few snowflakes this time of year? Perhaps my favorite: when friends come to call. My family has grown this year – two new grandchildren to play with their six little cousins! Adding to the growth, a sweet great-nephew and another nephew’s lovely bride. An ever-changing and exciting time for the Reath Clan. Even our name says “festive!”

It would be difficult to predict what new changes are coming in 2015, but I say bring it on. Are you a Changemaker? What does the word mean to you? Everyone has their own opinion on this. I see Lions as Changemakers who follow through with making a difference in society, no matter how small that difference may be. As Lions, we are transforming humanity on a global level! Was this the vision of Gamechanger Melvin Jones? Who knew that the small changes made by just one individual would help to create the largest service organization in the world, nearly 100 years later?

The Lions Worldwide Week of Service in January is an international event. Take this opportunity to showcase your club and its’ service to your community, and celebrate the “Changemaker” that Lions have come to be known as.

Have a beautiful holiday season.

Yours in Service,

Lion Wendy Burns

Executive Director

2015-16 Council Chair Elected

The 1st Vice District Governors met recently to elect their Council Chair for the 2015-2016 year. After interviewing three highly qualified Lions for the position of Council Chair, PDG Linda Tate was elected.

Here’s what PDG Linda had to say about her career as a Lion, and her commitment to serve:

“I have been a Lion for 15 years with the Detroit North Central Lions club. What started as invite from a neighbor to learn about Lionism has turn out to be a lifelong passion and commitment. I set some pretty high goals during my year as Governor and with great teamwork within my District I was able to accomplish those goals. Serving our communities is our Lion mission but to do this we must also continuously work on the mission of growth. We must continue to grow as Lions and we must continue to grow in membership.

One of my goals was to have a 5K fun run that would promote health and Lionism. I was able to complete that goal during my year as Governor by having the first Metro Detroit Lions Clubs 5k/1Mile Run/Walk. This race allowed me to get all my District Clubs involved in working together so that we all had a part in making the race succeed. It allowed me to promote Lionism as well as healthy living in the Metropolitan Detroit area.”

Congratulations, Lion Linda Tate!

Spotlight On Marne Lions Club, 11-C1

The Marne Lions Club located in District 11-C1 held their Charter Night Banquet in September 1963 at Kenowa Hills High School. The club celebrated 50 years of service last year. The sponsoring Lions clubs were both the Standale Lions, and Sparta Lions. Of the original 17 charter members, one remains with the club today. Charter member Lion Floyd Bradley, at age 92, is still active with several of the clubs activities and serves as the current Lion Tamer.

In the beginning meetings were held in Standale, and then moved to member Dr. John Miller’s office located in the Marne Train Depot Bldg. After Dr. Miller’s death, his wife donated the building as a gift to the Marne Lions which is maintained by the club today. And today it is better known as the Interurban Depot Café. The common name is because the building itself has a history from 1913 – 1928 the Depot served as a stop on the historic Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Muskegon interurban railroad.

The Marne Lions are deeply involved with the community they serve. They sponsoring the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, purchased uniforms for the Marne’s Little League players, previously hosted a picnic for the residents from Welcome Home for the Blind, supplied editions of large print books and magazines to area nursing homes and sponsored an Arts & Craft program, presented a gift of a Braille typewriter to local Teacher, Sandy Brown to use with the visually impaired, collect eyeglasses, conducted sight screening station at the Berlin Fair.

In 1999 the Marne Lions club purchased a one acre parcel of land across the street from their club bldg. and with the help of the community, local businesses, and several volunteers the Marne Veterans Memorial Park was developed. Now stands a pavilion with a mirrored plaque bearing the names of over 800 veterans from the Wright-Tallmadge area. The Park was completed and dedicated on Memorial Day in 2001. The Howitzer canon was donated by the US Military at Rock Island IL and was delivered in 2002 to be placed at the Veterans Memorial Park.

Several of the Marne Lions current day fundraisers and activities include the annual Fish Fry, warm weather clothing drives the past couple years, hosted events/fundraisers for families in need due to unexpected illnesses, and accidents, assisted the local Church to help build new playground for area children, helped purchase new band uniforms, work closely with Wright-Tallmadge Fire Department and the Marne American Legion with the annual Halloween open house, and the Memorial Day parade.

The Marne Lions created two new community events including the the Marne Christmas Tree lighting held the Saturday after Thanksgiving. After the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, warm beverages are served, live performance by St. Mary’s Junior Choir, and a visit from Santa. The event ends at the Township Hall with meal serving close to 150 – Had tables so children could decorate cookies, and create Christmas cards for the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.

In May of 2014 launched “Marne Fest”, which followed the annual Memorial Day Parade; events included 5K walk/run, car/motorcycle show, craft booths, live music and Chicken BBQ meal (serving 400 meals)

The club is working on hosting a benefit dinner for the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department to be held on Friday, December 12, 2014 at the Marne American Legion – proceeds to benefit the Policy Unity Tour -Team Ottawa – “We Ride For Those Who Died”

In 2012 The Lions District 11C1 established the Rodney Prys Spirit and Pride Award in recognition of the service of PDG Rod Prys a member of Marne Lions who served the club, community, and lions faithfully. In addition, Julie May from the Marne Club currently is serving a second term as a zone chair for the district.

As the Marne Club continues to grow, we also remember those who helped bring us to where we are today and have entrusted us to carry on with our motto…. “WE SERVE”.

Governor Dennis Poirier, District 11 D1

District Governor Spotlight Governor Diane Wehby, 11-Cl

Well it seems that fall may be ending much sooner that so many of us would like. Certainly the end of fall brings with it the celebrations that come with the winter holidays and end of the year festivities. As we gather with friends, family, and colleagues, we also spend time helping others to have a greater celebration. We share our gift of abundance with those with less. Our Lions projects are vast and diverse as we end the year. Lions will provide food baskets for the winter holidays, stock home and community pantries, provide gifts for children, families, and the elderly. We will celebrate by bringing people together for fun and fellowship – an afternoon or evening to forget that sometimes reality is just tough. We provide extra blankets, coats, socks, slippers, and basic toiletries to the homeless or those who cannot afford to heat their homes. And sometimes, we even do the simple items like shoveling the walkway that is covered with snow or taking someone to the grocery store when they can no longer get out alone.

So no matter what your plans are for the winter season, I wish you peace, joy, happiness, and friendship. When I was at a recent region meeting, a very special Lion asked us to reflect if there was an old book that was nearly 100 years old and all the pages were made of the finest parchment but only the names of the finest Lions and the best projects were written on these pages would your name be on it? Yes indeed, your name and your projects – big and small would be written on this parchment because you are a very special person. You are the legacy that continues to make the Lions the world’s largest and greatest service organization. When we service our communities, the world becomes a better place. Congratulations for all you do and know that you have truly made a difference.

Governor Diane Wehby, District 11 C1

District Governor Spotlight Governor Billy D. White, 11-C2

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year can either be the craziest of days or the best of days the trick to making those days significant and meaningful is to keep everything in perspective. Tip: Use the acronym KISS, Keep It Simple Silly. Really simple is better. Make your holidays as stress free as possible, don’t go overboard trying to impress anyone. That will be the best gift that you can ever give yourself. ‘Nuff Said!

Thanksgiving-what a wonderful time to look back over the year even before the New Year arrives and count our blessings. Remember that blessings come in many forms; keep an eye out for the seemingly insignificant things, those will usually be the sweetest, look at your service in your Lions Club there should be countless blessings.

The Christmas season starts even before the Thanksgiving dinner plates have been cleared from the table or dinner has had time to settle, are you kidding me! Do yourself a favor this year: go the extra mile and just Say No! I’m not going out to do battle with the traffic, weather or wild shoppers, I’m staying home and enjoying my family (probably the best gift that you can give them is some of your time). Don’t be fooled into believing that you will not be giving the latest greatest electronic paraphernalia if you miss some door busting sale, Puuleez…. Spare me…

Need a gift idea? Give generously to the Leader Dog Kennel Project or Lions Bear Lake Camp, or any of the State projects. Make a donation in someone’s name and tell your family to consider doing the same for you. A donation can be made in your name to help the Lions with their (fill in the blank) project. Hand them one of the brochures that are available that outlines the different levels of giving to the project that is special to you.

New Year’s resolutions: Resolve to be a better Lion this New Year 2015 and even better, resolve to bring in a couple new Lions members. Now that would make the GMT and the DG Happy! Resolve to get some Advance Lions training and become a Club Officer or District Cabinet member. Now that would make your GLT and your DG very Happy! Sign up to be a Donor in 2015, attend a District Cabinet meeting or Zone meeting, learn to use the Kid Sight camera and computer, help to build a wheelchair ramp, join a District Committee, attend the Michigan Forum in Lansing, attend the U.S./Canada Forum in Grand Rapids, attend a District Convention in Mt. Pleasant, attend a District Convention in … need I Say more?

My wish for you and yours this holiday season is to be safe and enjoy your families to the fullest, not only during the holidays but every day.

Governor Billy and Lion Donetta White, District 11 C2

Spotlight On Olivet Lions Club, 11-C2

Serving on the most southern edge of Eaton County is the tiny little farming community of Olivet Michigan. Hometown of Olivet College and the Olivet Lions Club of District 11C-2.

28 Members strong the Olivet Lions enjoy sharing a meal together at the Kirk Center where the Olivet College students dine on the Oak tree forested Campus, after a meal they may have a program or special guest speaker from the community. Then they get to work planning their next project or fund raiser.

Projects include all of the things that you may expect a Lions club to do like Collecting eyeglasses and hearing aids, selling “White Canes” to heighten community awareness of the visually impaired and Candy-Canes during Candy Days.

The Olivet Lions Club is closely knit into the fabric of the rural community serving up hot dogs and potato chips to help a family to meet unexpected expenses, and by sponsoring their annual “Cram the Cart” in downtown Olivet where the club collects non-perishable food stuffs, personal care items and laundry soap to support the Olivet Good Neighbor Program Food Pantry. Building wheel chair ramps for local citizens is also a big part of the clubs summer activity. Love of community is what keeps the Olivet Lions engaged and active and attractive to others looking for a place to serve.