A Pathfinder for Literary Analysis
Every source opens by hyperlink so place your mouse over any URL website address or image and follow the pop-up instructions.
This pathfinder is divided into five categories
·  General Literary Criticism Sources (click here)
·  British Literature (click here)
·  American Literature (click here)
·  Classical Greco-Roman Literature (click here)
·  World Literature (click here)
If you click on the picture on the left, you will be sent to the Literary Resources Archive at Rutger’s University. This site includes hundreds of literature resources organized into sixteen different categories.
To open any of these sites, place your mouse over the title and then press “Ctrl” and left click your mouse. Enter your search keyword(s) in the search box
How to search in any database/ web search engine
1.  Put the title of the book, short story or poem in quotes to make the search more narrow
2.  Add the phrase “+ criticism” or “+ analysis” to the search so Midsummer Night’s Dream + analysis will get more accurate results.
3.  For every article, read the abstract before reading the entire article. An abstract is a one paragraph summary of an academic article that tells the reader what the article is about. If the abstract is too confusing, the article will probably not be the one you want.
4.  JSTOR is good but not for everything. If JSTOR does not have an article that works for your topic, please contact the library and we will try to find a better alternative source.
5.  Wikipedia is not a source EVER…but it is helpful for finding other sources. Type in the author or title of the work in question; find the References, Further Reading and External Links section. Often there are links to acceptable academic sources.
(eBook link is set for “Google Books) / Open Source Directory / Intute / Internet Public Library / Virtual Learning Resources / New York Public Library Digital Collection
Purdue University
Writing Lab (MLA and APA
English Literature / American Literature / Classical Literature
(Greeks and Romans) / World
Literature / Online Writing Lab (OWL)
(Click here to go back to main menu)
1.  Arts and Culture Social Database: web index for literature. GOTO: http://www.artandculture.com/categories/262-literature.
2.  AuthorLinks: http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/litlinks/Pages/Main.aspx. List of Writing and Grammar Resources from Dr. Kristie Siegel: http://kristisiegel.com/
3.  Critical Reading: A guide to literary theory and criticism by Barry Laga, Mesa State College: http://mesastate.edu/~blaga/theoryindex/theoryhomex.html.
4.  Essaytown Academic Writing Blog: http://www.essaytown.com/writing/write-literary-analysis-essay.
5.  Helium Literary Criticism databank: search by using left toolbar. GOTO: http://www.helium.com/channels/102-Literature.
6.  Internet Archive: audio versions and video plus some texts of literature available from public resources and university collections. http://www.archive.org/index.php.
7.  Internet Public Library Literary Criticism Collection: searchable by title, author and period. GOTO: http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/.
8.  Literary History.com: http://www.literaryhistory.com/
9.  Poetry Foundation: While there is little analysis here, there are a number of works by contemporary poets and a poetry lab with a glossary and some representative essays on poetics. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/.
10.  The John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism: http://litguide.press.jhu.edu/
11.  The Modern World: Provides biographical and critical essays, bibliographies, and links relating to experimental twentieth century authors, such as Pynchon, Kafka, and Joyce: http://www.themodernword.com/default.aspx.
12.  Voice of the Shuttle Guide to Literary Theory in the 20th century: Web index of resources for major artistic and literary movements of the 20th century includes surrealism, existentialism and futurism. GOTO: http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=796
(Click here to go back to main menu)
1.  Aftermath: literature from the Post WWI period in Great Britain: http://www.aftermathww1.com/index.asp.
2.  Bibliomania: links to 2000 articles, book notes, articles and interviews. Search for study guides by title at or look for research. GOTO: http://www.bibliomania.com/
3.  British Literature database for University of Chicago: http://english.uchicago.edu/graduate/british/
4.  Britannia Panorama: web index of resources for British literature from Middle Ages to first half of the Twentieth century with links to texts online and websites devoted to specific authors and works of literature GOTO: http://www.britannia.com/arts/literature/
5.  Contemporary Writers in the UK: web index of 20th and 21st century British authors: GOTO: http://www.contemporarywriters.com/.
6.  ENotes online versions of Oxford Companion Series:
7.  ENotes: guide to articles, study guides and literary analysis of literature searchable by title or author. GOTO: http://www.enotes.com/
8.  Folger Shakespeare Library: choose “Students” or “Discover Shakespeare” link for academic information and some analysis. Also includes links to other Shakespearean sites: http://www.folger.edu/.
9.  Geoffrey Chaucer, Harvard University: http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/
10.  Helium British Literature and British Authors Article database: http://www.helium.com/channels/911-British-Literature and http://www.helium.com/channels/910-British-Authors.
11.  Labyrinth Resources for Medieval Literature and Studies: http://labyrinth.georgetown.edu/.
12.  Literary History Web Index: http://www.literaryhistory.com/
13.  Lumarium Anthology of English Literature: http://www.luminarium.org/lumina.htm
14.  National Endowment for the Humanities British Literature Web Index: http://edsitement.neh.gov/tab_websites.asp?subcategory=38&grade=0&Display=Display
15.  Norton Anthology of English Literature: http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/nael/
a.  Oxford Companion to English Literature: http://www.enotes.com/topics/british-literature
b.  Oxford Companion to Shakespeare: http://www.enotes.com/ocs-encyclopedia
c.  Oxford Companion to World Mythology: http://www.enotes.com/oca-encyclopedia
d.  Oxford Dictionary of Plays: http://www.enotes.com/oca-encyclopedia
16.  Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature: Online free version of print encyclopedia searchable by author, title, subject or era. GOTO http://www.oxford-britishliterature.com/?authstatuscode=202
17.  Representative Poetry Online: database of thousands of English poems from Caedmon to the present with critiques, sample works, glossary of terms and timeline. Includes Canadian poetry as well. http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/display/index.cfm.
18.  Romantic Circles, University of Maryland: http://www.rc.umd.edu/.
19.  San Antonio College LitWeb by Dr. Roger Blackwell Bailey: searchable web index of materials for literature including British Literature, African American literature and Women’s Literature. GOTO: http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/britlit.htm
20.  Southern Connecticut State University Buley Library English literature collection (by period): http://www.library.southernct.edu/litbib.html.
21.  The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: http://www.bartleby.com/cambridge/
22.  The Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry: British and world poetry. Use the “History & Criticism” and “Commentaries” tabs to find literary analysis on specific poets or poetic works. GOTO: http://www.columbiagrangers.org/Home.html
23.  The Literary Encyclopedia: http://www.litencyc.com/
24.  The Longman Anthology of English Literature: Use right toolbar to search by period or author. Check digital archives link as well for specific works (poetry, etc.) http://wps.ablongman.com/long_damrosch_britlit_3/42/10785/2760987.cw/index.html.
25.  University of Virginia: British Poetry 1780-1910 hypertext editions with annotations. GOTO: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/britpo.html.
26.  Victorian Web: All things Victorian including original texts and periodicals: http://www.victorianweb.org/.
27.  Wade Edwards Learning Lab for British Literature: GOTO: http://www.wade.org/BritishLit.htm
28.  Wired for Books: Interviews and readings from major American and British writers of the 20th century plus readings: http://www.wiredforbooks.org/.
(click here to go back to main menu)
1.  Academy of American Poets: http://www.poets.org/.
2.  All American: Literature, History and Criticism by Dr. Mark Canada: http://www.uncp.edu/home/canada/work/allam/allam.htm
3.  American Collection, National Council of Teachers of English: http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/.
4.  American Literary Movements: http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/amlit/litfram.html
5.  American Literary Studies, Stanford University: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/ablit/amerlit/compPrim.html
6.  American Literature Anthology Author’s Index, Sam Houston State University: http://www.shsu.edu/~eng_wpf/amlitchron_index.html.
7.  American Literature Archives, University of Texas: http://www.en.utexas.edu/amlit/.
8.  American Literature Megasite created by Dr. Donna Campbell, Washington State University, Gonzaga: http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/amlit/aufram.html.
9.  American Masters (PBS): http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/.
10.  American Memory, Library of Congress: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html.
11.  An Outline of American Literature by Katherine VanSpanckeren: http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/.
12.  Bibliomania: links to 2000 articles, book notes, articles and interviews. Search for study guides by title at or look for research. GOTO: http://www.bibliomania.com/http://www.library.southernct.edu/litbib.html
13.  CSPAN American Writers Series: http://www.americanwriters.org/index_short_list.asp
14.  Helium American Literature and American Authors article database: http://www.helium.com/channels/908-American-Authors and http://www.helium.com/channels/909-American-Literature.
15.  Jack Kerouac Alley: http://kerouacalley.com/.
16.  Literature and Culture of America, 1950’s, University of Pennsylvania: http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/home.html.
17.  Modern American Poetry: http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/
18.  Oxford Companion to American Literature: http://www.enotes.com/oca-encyclopedia
19.  PALS Perspectives on American Literature by Paul Reuben, CSU Stanislaus: http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/table.html.
20.  Post World War II American Literature and Culture Database sponsored by the English department UC, Berkley GOTO: http://english.berkeley.edu/Postwar/default.html
21.  Scribbling Women, Public Media Foundation of Northeastern University, MA: a collection of dramatizations of short stories by American women writers http://www.scribblingwomen.org/.
22.  Southern Connecticut State University Buley Library American literature collection (by period): http://www.library.southernct.edu/litbib.html
23.  The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: http://www.bartleby.com/cambridge/
24.  The Modern World: http://www.themodernword.com/default.aspx.
25.  The Web of American Transcendentalism: http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/index.html
26.  Wired for Books: Interviews and readings from major American and British writers of the 20th century plus readings: http://www.wiredforbooks.org/.
27.  Wright American Fiction 1851-1875 database: http://www.artandculture.com/categories/262-literature.
(click here to go back to main menu)
1.  Bibliomania: links to 2000 articles, book notes, articles and interviews. Search for study guides by title at or look for research. GOTO: http://www.bibliomania.com/http://www.library.southernct.edu/litbib.html
2.  Classical Resources on the Net Web index, Department of Classical Philology, University of Tartu.: http://www.ut.ee/klassik/links/pages/
3.  Classics Unveiled: Portal to three reference and resource sites for ancient Roman history, culture, and daily life; Greek mythology; and Latin vocabulary words. GOTO: http://www.classicsunveiled.com/.
4.  Digital Dante: http://dante.ilt.columbia.edu/new/.
5.  Helium Classical Literature and Mythology article database: http://www.helium.com/channels/913-Classical-Literature-Mythology.
6.  Internet Classics Archives: http://classics.mit.edu/index.html.
7.  Mythology: Exploring mythology and art from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the legends of the Celts. GOTO: http://www.loggia.com/myth/
8.  Online Medieval and Classical Library: A few rare but classic works, edited and translated into modern English (apart from original Middle English texts). Includes works from all over ancient and medieval Europe. GOTO: http://omacl.org/
9.  Oxford Companion to World Mythology: http://www.enotes.com/oca-encyclopedia.
10.  Perseus Project, Tufts University: The largest archive of information on classical literature including both fiction and non-fiction texts. GOTO: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/.
11.  San Antonio College Classics Web index by Dr. Roger Bailey Blackwell: http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/classics.htm.
12.  The Power of Literature by Gary Gutchess, PhD.: http://englishare.net/literature/POL-Index.htm.
13.  Theoi Greek Mythology: comprehensive reference guide to Greco-Roman mythology. GOTO: http://www.theoi.com/
14.  Timeless Myths and Classical Mythology: contains information on heroic legends and royal families as well as Olympian gods and goddesses. GOTO http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/
15.  Western World Literature: Criticism and Resources: Euripides, Virgil and Homer from DeKalb College: http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~shale/humanities/literature/world_literature/resources.html
16.  World of Dante: multimedia guide to all things Dante and Florentine including history, analysis and music associated with the period: http://www.worldofdante.org/.
(click here to go back to main menu)
1.  Bibliomania: links to 2000 articles, book notes, articles and interviews. Search for study guides by title at or look for research. GOTO: http://www.bibliomania.com/http://www.library.southernct.edu/litbib.html
2.  Contemporary Post-colonial and Post-Imperialist Literature in English: searchable by country GOTO: http://www.postcolonialweb.org/.
3.  Digital Dante: http://dante.ilt.columbia.edu/new/
4.  Google World Literature Directory: http://www.google.com/Top/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/.
5.  Norton Anthology of World Literature: http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/worldlit2e/full/
6.  San Antonio College LitWeb by Dr. Roger Blackwell Bailey: searchable web index of materials for literature including British Literature, African American literature and Women’s Literature. GOTO: http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/britlit.htm
7.  World Literature Forum: http://www.worldliteratureforum.com/forum/
8.  World Literature Reviews (Danny’s Reviews): non-scholarly reviews of world literature: http://dannyreviews.com/s/world_literature.html.
9.  Indigenous Peoples Literature: http://www.indigenouspeople.net/ipl_final.html.
10.  Western World Literature: Criticism and Resources: Dante, Cervantes, Moliere from DeKalb College: http://facstaff.gpc.edu/~shale/humanities/literature/world_literature/resources.html.
11.  World of Dante: multimedia guide to all things Dante and Florentine including history, analysis and music associated with the period: http://www.worldofdante.org/.


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