Name____________________________ Date______________________

A History of the Holocaust Web-quest

To get the website: ( )

· Go to Google and type in United States Holocaust Museum and go to the site

· Click Learn About The Holocaust (bottom left, under photograph)

· Click Information for Students (left)

· Open The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students

· Go to Nazi Rule and click to open individual topics.

Answer the following questions as you go, but don’t limit your experience here to the questions themselves. The titles listed in parentheses after each questions will give you a hint as to the section where you can find the answer.

1) What conditions in Germany helped Hitler to rise to power? (Nazi Rule/Hitler Comes to Power)



2) Hitler persuaded his Cabinet to end individual freedoms such as freedom of press, assembly, and speech. Give some other examples of how individuals lost their privacy. ( Nazi Rule/ The Nazi Terror Begins)



3) What was the SS? (Nazi Rule/Police State)


4) How were schools used to spread Nazi ideas and anti-Semitism? (Nazi Rule/Nazi Propaganda)



5) According to Hitler what does the ideal Aryan “master race” look like? (Nazi Rule/Nazi Racism)


6) Explain Hitler’s attitude towards the “handicapped”. (Nazi Rule/The Murder of Handicapped)


7) What happened on April 1, 1933? (Jews in Prewar Germany)



8) What were the Nuremberg Laws? (Jews in Prewar Germany/Nuremberg Race Laws)



9) What was the “Final Solution”? (The Final Solution)


10) What is meant by “ARBEIT MACHT FREI”, and where might one have seen it? (The Final Solution/Auschwitz)


11) Give five interesting facts that you read about Auschwitz. (The Final Solution/Auschwitz)




12) What was the difference between the “concentration camps” and the “extermination camps”? (Nazi Camp System)


13) List at least five other interesting facts that you found while searching this site.



