AFP and its members set the standards for ethical and effective fundraising worldwide.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents more than 33,000 professional fundraisers around the world, who together, raise more than $115 billion annually.. Through rigorous professional education, globally-recognized accreditation, an ethics pledge and donor bill of rights, AFP generates an environment of transparency, inclusion and continuous refinement of standards within the fundraising profession.
AFP believes that to guarantee human freedom and social creativity, people must have the right to freely form organizations that meet needs, advocate on behalf of social causes, and seek funds to support these activities. To guarantee these rights, AFP and its membership actively and effectively
· Foster development and growth of fundraising professionals committed to preserving and enhancing philanthropy.
· Require member adherence to a professional code of ethical standards and practices.
· Provide for a career-spanning continuum of education and professional development opportunities for fundraisers, including prestigious accreditations
· Implement programs that ensure cultural and social diversity among its membership and leadership.
· Collect, research, publish, and disseminate historical, managerial, and technical information on philanthropy and philanthropic fundraising.
· Promote public understanding of philanthropy and philanthropic fundraising.
· Conduct activities that maintain and develop policy and legislation favorable to philanthropy.
· Enlist, organize, and support members to achieve our purposes.
· Foster international cooperation, knowledge exchange, and education among fundraising professionals worldwide.
Mission: AFP, an association of professionals throughout the world, advances philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising. The core activities through which AFP fulfills this mission include education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy.
AFP informs and promotes local philanthropic giving
The Association of Fundraising Professionals (Name of Chapter Here) serves your local community. It is comprised of members representing nonprofit organizations from around our region.
Our goal on the local level is to uphold the mission and values of our worldwide association. We provide networking and professional development opportunities for fundraising professionals in our community and we celebrate the work of local philanthropists through events such as National Philanthropy Day. Our goal is to make sure fundraising is viewed as a credible and respected profession for civic betterment throughout the world.
Chapter History:
Recent Activities:
Chapter Officers and Their Organizations:
Dates to Save:
AFP is Here for You!
We are happy to share our knowledge about the field of fundraising with the media and the community at large.
Our group holds regular meetings at (Dates, times, location) and welcomes your attendance and involvement at those events. More information can be found on our website at (WEBSITE).
For more information please contact (Insert email, phone and address information here)
More than 33,000 members in 241 chapters around the world
Members raise more than $115 billion annually in charitable giving
Members raised more than $1 trillion since 1960
88 people attended the first conference 1963, a one-day program in 1963; more than 4,000 attend the three-day International Conference on Fundraising each year
8 Strategic Alliances
7 International Partners
30 countries signed the International Statement of Ethical Principles
100% of AFP members adhere to AFP’s Code of Ethical Standards
3,332 AFP members have the CFRE designation (as of June 30, 2015)