9th National Scout Archery Competition

10th- 11th May 2014


01329 318519


07799 397168
5 Chantrell Walk
PO15 6EL /

9th National Scout

Archery Competition /
10th – 11th May 2014
Phasels Wood Scout Activity Centre
Rucklers Lane, Kings Langley,
Herts, WD4 9NA


This pack includes the administrative notes, competition rules and entry forms for the 2014 National Scout Archery Competition open to all Cubs, Scouts, Explorers Scouts, Network Scouts and Leaders.

The event is a weekend camp held at the Phasels Wood Scout Camp & Activity Centre, Herts WD4 9NA.

There are two main events, 20 yard and 40 yard Target Archery.

The 20 yard is certainly not reserved as an “elite” event and relative beginners are welcome but entrants must have some prior experience of the sport (see Rule 2 in particular).

The 40 yard is for experienced archers only with their own equipment (NOT FOR BEGINNERS).

There are four categories, Compound, Recurve, Longbow and Barebow. Two age groups: 14 to 17 and

18 and over (under 14’s to shoot in 20 yard competition).


There are two additional competitions, Clout and Field Target Archery.

The Clout competition will be supplied equipment only.

The Field competition will be own or supplied equipment.

The entry fee of £23.00 includes the main events (20 yard or 40 yard Target) entry and camp fees.

Additional entry fees of £3.50 are payable for the Clout and Field events.

Entrants are responsible for their own catering arrangements.

All competitors must enter either of the main Target Archery events; both the Clout Archery and Field Archery are optional.

Site fees of £15.00 for the weekend are payable for Leaders (helpers) or Young Leaders (helpers) who are not competitors.

The Competition will be run by Hampshire Scout Archery Club with support from other archery leaders from around the county, whose members will control the events and be responsible for safety and scoring on all ranges.

Competing Groups are required to supply sufficient Leaders to ensure adequate supervision of Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers and to help with team administration.

Because of the number of competitors, we will have to split up groups so please make sure you have enough Leaders / helpers to take your participants to each range and look after your younger group members if they are not shooting.

Groups / Units are urged to arrive at Phasels Wood on the Friday night if at all possible and should state their estimated time of arrival when returning their entry form. However, it is recognised that those from distant parts of the UK may need to arrive during Saturday morning.

Shooting times will be allocated on this basis as far as practicable.

Local Group / Units and any making offsite accommodations arrangements must still bring and erect sufficient tentage to allow competitors to remain on site and under shelter in poor weather between events, as the intervals between events may be insufficient to leave site and return.

Many entrants can expect to have their shooting events spread over Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

Closing Date for Entry

The closing date is 22nd March 2014 to allow adequate time for the organisation of the event. Early application is recommended. Limited participant of 400 for 2014.

IMPORTANT – Please can you email me when you have posted your entry forms so I know they are on the way. We have had problems in the past when incorrect postage has been put on the envelopes which has resulted in entry forms not arriving.

To obtain early confirmation that your entry has arrived, please supply an email address and / or enclose a stamped address envelope for your receipt.

Medals, trophies, and equipment are supplied by Hampshire Scout Archery Club.

Presentations are scheduled for 15:30hrs on Sunday. Trophy presentations at this event represent a first class PR “photo opportunity” for Scouting, but we will only do justice to this if all participants are in full and correct uniform. Please stress this to all competitors.

Return entry forms (postmarked on or before 22nd March 2014) to:

HSAC, c/o 5 Chantrell Walk, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 6EL.

Cheques payable to “HCSCAC”.

Entries may be reduced or closed early if the event is over subscribed. Early entry is strongly recommended.

Questions to HSAC by email: or phone 01329 318519 / 07799 397168.


20 yard Target Archery (own equipment and supplied equipment)

3doz scoring arrows in ends of 6

60cm target face

10 zone scoring

Max scoring 360

40 yard Target Archery (own equipment only)

5doz scoring arrows in end of 6 (may changed to end of 3 depending on numbers)

80cm target face

10 zone scoring

Max scoring 600

60 yard Clout Archery (supplied equipment only) Age Groups U11 & U14

2doz scoring arrows in ends of 6

5 4 3 2 1 scoring

Max scoring 120

100 yard Clout Archery (supplied equipment only) Age Group U18 & O18

2doz scoring arrows in ends of 6

5 4 3 2 1 scoring

Max scoring 120

Field Archery (own equipment and supplied equipment)

Varying sizes and distances

Number of arrows and scoring TBA on weekend

Have-A-Go events on Saturday only

The following have-a-go events are included in your event fees:

High Ropes, Crate Stacking, Zip Wire and The Rock.



1) The National Scout Archery Competition is open to all members of the Scout Association as defined in POR (both youth and adult), aged eight years and above and qualified under Rules 2 below.


2) It is the responsibility of the Scouter in charge of each team to satisfy themselves that each entrant is physically capable of: loading, drawing, aiming and shooting a bow and, unaided, is mentally capable of understanding the need for safety rules and is willing to obey them; has received sufficient practical instruction beforehand; and has sufficient experience not to need constant correction on the range to the detriment of other shooters.

3) Phasels Wood Scout Activity Centre will be in use by others throughout the weekend. Whilst Scouts are free to move around Phasels Wood in a responsible manner, they must not enter other camping areas or any area that is out of bounds.

Infringement of this or any safety rule or any other conduct likely to damage the good name of Scouting will result in the offender being removed from the Camp, possibly with the remainder of their Group / Unit.

4) A variety of types of archery will be use for the competition. All the archery (Target, Clout and Field) will be outside. All competitors are required to dress appropriately for the conditions prevailing at the time on the range to which they are allocated, and to treat the inevitable variations in a sportsmanlike manner. Outdoor shooting will not be stopped unless the conditions become dangerous.

5) In the first instance, the Field Captain of each event is responsible for all matters relating to safety, equipment and range conduct. In the case of a dispute, the organiser’s decision is final.


6) Entries must be made on the form provided (which may be photocopied). The “GSL’s Certificate” must be signed by the GSL / A-GSL / Scouter in charge, or, for those not attached to Groups, the relevant Commissioner, and returned to HSAC and must be postmarked on or before 22nd March 2014.

7) Entry fees must be enclosed with the entry form. Late entries, substitution or refunds for non participants will be allowed only in exceptional circumstances and at the organiser’s absolute discretion. The “GSL’s Certificate” must be revalidated for any substitution. PLEASE ENSURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT POSTAGE ON YOUR ENVELOPE.

8) Participant changes will only be permitted one month before the event. PLEASE DO NOT TURN UP ON THE WEEKEND AND CHARGE ANY PARTICIPANTS DETAILS.

9) Age groups are as at 10th May 2014. The age of each entrant under 25 on that date shall be shown on the entry form. Those aged 25 and over may be shown as “25+”.

10) There is no limit to the number of entrants per Group / Unit, but the organisers may restrict entries or declare an earlier closing date if the competition is oversubscribed.


11) Competitors must report to the relevant Range ten minutes before the allocated time for safety briefing prior to shooting. All sessions are time limited and latecomers will not be permitted any extra time.

12) In Equipment Provided Events, no equipment other than that provided may be used.

13) Participants in Own Equipment events may use:

20 yard Target – any “legal” Recurve Bow.

Field Archery – any “legal” Recurve, Longbow, Mongolian, Hungarian, Flatbow or glass fibre type bow NO compounds.

14) All permitted equipment will be provided for Equipment Provided events.

14a) All supplied equipment will not be fitted with sights, therefore will be classed as Barebow.

15) Trophies will be awarded as below:

Kit / Supplied / Own / Own / Supplied / Own / Supplied / Own / Mixed
1st Place / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medals
2nd Place / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medals
3rd Place / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medals

40 yard Target

Group / 14 - 17 / 18 + / 14 - 17 / 18+ / 14 - 18 / 18 + / 14 – 18 / 18 +
1st Place / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal / Trophy
& Medal
2nd Place / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal
3rd Place / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal / Medal

16) The Team Event applies to the 20 yard Main Event. The score for this will be the combined score of all four team members. The team shall comprise of at least three competitors aged under 18, and at least three using provided equipment.

17) Archers from different age groups and equipment classes will shoot alongside each other in all three events.

18) Age groups for all events excluding 40 yards competition shall be:

Under 11 – ages 8, 9, &10

Under 14 – ages 11, 12 &13

14-18 – ages 14, 15, 16 &17

Over 18 – age 18+

40 yard Competition in all categories

Ages 14 – 17

Ages 18+


19) Presentation of Trophies will take place on the main camping field or 20 yard range on Sunday afternoon. TBA Saturday at the assembly.

20) Although Scout Uniform is not necessary during the shooting events, it MUST be worn at the presentation of Trophies.

21) Holders of Scout Decorations are requested to wear them at the presentation.


Camping will be on the main site opposite the site office. As you arrive on site via the lay-by on A41 take the first left after you enter the main gate and go the end of the track where the main camping area will be in front of you.


Each tent / mess tent can be given a name but it must have something to do with Archery, ie:

Boss manor

Fletcher’s cottage

Compound fracture Hospital


If the sign can look something like it’s name, all the better. A prize will be given to the best sign.

If you have any questions please feel free to email or phone me.


Tim Beeching

Event organiser