9th Grade Overview
Physical Education and Health are requirements at Harrisonburg High School.
Physical Education Philosophy
Physical Education is an essential aspect of the total education that contributes to the development of the individual through human movement. It is a carefully planned sequence of learning experiences designed to enable all students to become physically active and to improve fitness levels.
Physical Education
Students are not required to wear an "HHS gym suit." They are, however, required to bring a change of clothes for physical education. There are two reasons for this: 1. Workout clothes afford better range of motion during exercise and
2. Personal hygiene – Students will sweat during this class. Changing into clean clothes will reduce the growth of bacteria during the day. Students will be issued a locker and a lock. Towels will be made available to students wishing to take a shower at the end of each class.
Students are graded on participation in class. The participation grade is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on fitness. We try to incorporate at least 20 minutes of fitness at the beginning of each lesson. Fitness can be in the form of a fitness circuit, a fitness related game, or some type of run/walk. Students will also be required to keep a fitness portfolio. The second part of the grading policy for students will be participation in the main activity. This is a skill related activity. Examples of those activities are lacrosse, tennis, badminton, flag football, volleyball, etc).
Physical Education is an essential aspect of the total education that contributes to the development of the individual through human movement. It is a carefully planned sequence of learning experiences designed to enable all students to become physically active and to improve fitness levels.
· Students are expected to bring a change of clothes when in physical education. They will be given a lock/locker in which to store their belongings. If a student has a phone or other valuables they can keep them in the PE Office.
· A student is expected to participate in physical activity every day. Students can receive up to 30 points per day. Points are as follows:
o 10 points for the fitness part of class
o 16 points for the main activity (skill-related activity)
o 4 points for affective (how well students work together, attitude, etc)
o 4 points for dressing out
· Students will be expected to keep a fitness portfolio as part of their overall grade. The grade for this will be in addition to the above.
· All students in the 9th grade are required to take the physical fitness assessments.
· The fitness part of class will be achieved by either playing a fitness related game or spending time in the weight room/track/etc.
Health Education Philosophy
Health Education is an integral part of the total instructional program at HHS. The primary focus of our health instruction is to provide all students with the knowledge and practical life skills that will enable them to improve the quality of life ant total Well-being.
Health Education
During our time in health we will cover 5 different areas. Topics will include drug education, family life education, first aid, nutrition and wellness.
Classroom Requirements
Students will be required to have a 3 ring binder for notes and any handouts that we may distribute. If a student is absent, he or she can get the notes from the teacher’s website. Students will be graded on class participation as well as quizzes and tests. There may even be outside assignments from time to time.
9th Grade Overview
Family Life Education
All students will participate in the Family Life Education (FLE) unit unless a parent has completed an opt-out form. These are available from the teacher or can be printed off of the teacher’s webpage. If you would like to review our SOL’s please contact Pam Mason at Skyline Middle School or at .
Links of Interest
Harrisonburg High School
1001 Garber’s Church Rd
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Phone: 540-433-2651
Jennifer Thompson
Paul Rath
TJ Butler
Kevin Tysinger
Chris Grefe
Amy Wheeler
Ben Kurtz
Jennifer Thompson http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~jthompson/
Paul Rath http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~prath/
TJ Butler http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~tbutler/
Kevin Tysinger http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~kmtysinger/
Chris Grefe http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~cgrefe/
Amy Wheeler http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~awheeler/
Ben Kurtz http://staff.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/~bkurtz/
Anytime you want to check a grade you can go to Parent Portal at http://web.harrisonburg.k12.va.us/hhs. Parents can access the student’s progress reports, attendance, schedule, and 9 week grades through Parent Portal. To receive your id and password you will need to contact the guidance department.
The Course Syllabus is required to be kept in the students’ portfolio / notebook.
Student’s Name: Date:______
Parent’s Name: Date:______