9th Grade Course Selection Class of 2021

Name: ID: Middle School:

On the chart below, classes have been assigned to EVERY student based on his/her 8th grade performance, teacher recommendation, and student SAT test scores. Beginning February 1st,students will be able to select additional courses by going to the “Course Request” tab in their StudentVUE account. This process of selecting courses MUSTbe completed by February 10th. Requests for level changes must be made by contacting the high school department chair, no later than February 8th.

English: cience:

Math: ocial Studies:

World Languages:

Pre-assigned courses for 2017-2018


1. English

2. Math

3. Science

4. Social Studies

5. Physical EducationFreshman PE

6. Lunch/AccessLunch/Access

***Social Studies Recommendation: If a Social Studies class is not pre-assigned in StudentVUE, the student MUST select one of the recommended courses (both semesters):

050115 050116 World Civilization (I)050121050122AP Human Geography (A)

050117 050118World Civilization (A)050119050120Gifted Global Seminar (A)


You should have a total of 2 electives for each semester from the courses listed below noting that World Language is a year-long course while all other electives are 1 semester in length. Students may elect to enroll in band, chorale, or orchestra course for a full year.The selections of semester choices arepreferences only. During the scheduling process, it may be necessary to move some courses to the opposite semester.

Course Name: Semester 1: Semester 2:

7. Elective

8. Elective

***Students recommended for both Algebra 1 w/Supportand Academic Reading will not have any additional electives.

***Students recommended for only for Algebra 1 w/Support will only have 1 yearof additional elective choices.

***Students recommended for only Academic Reading will only have 1 year of additional elective choices.

World Language (Year Long Course) Pre-assigned course:

020201020202French 1020203020204French 2020211020212German 1

020231020232Spanish 1020233020234Spanish 2202301020302Spanish for Heritage Speakers 1


First SemesterSecond Semester

Applied Technology:Applied Technology:

100101Computer Literacy100102Computer Literacy

100107Information Technology 1100108Information Technology 1

100127Introduction to Business100110Information Technology 2

100131Computer Programming 100128Introduction to Business

100132Computer Programming

Fine Arts:Fine Arts:

070701Jewelry 1070702Jewelry 1

070731Drawing 1070704Jewelry 2

070745Painting 1070732Drawing 1

070751Ceramics 1070734Drawing 2

070789Art & Design070746Painting 1

080105JV Women’s Chorale070748Painting 2

080107Men’s Chorale070752Ceramics 1

080201Concert Band 070756Ceramics 2

080213Percussion Studies070790Art & Design

080301Concert Orchestra080106JV Women’s Chorale

780101 Online Music Theory – eLo080108Men’s Chorale

080202Concert Band

080214Percussion Studies

080302Concert Orchestra

780102 Online Music Theory – eLo

Fine Arts OR Applied Tech:Fine Arts OR Applied Tech:

070779Commercial Art 1070780Commercial Art 1

080185Music Keyboarding070782Commercial Art 2

100103Web Page Design 1080184Music Technology

100115Introduction to Multimedia100104Web Page Design 1

100311Architectural Drafting 1100106Web Page Design 2

100261Interior Design100116Introduction to Multimedia

070791Photography 1100312Architectural Drafting 1

100135 Mobile Makers100314Architectural Drafting 2

700101 Online Web Design 1 – eLo ***070792Photography 1

700103Online Video Game Design – eLo***070794Photography 2

100136 Mobile Makers

700102 Online Web Design 1 – eLo ***

700104Online Video Game Design – eLo***

General Electives:General Electives:

100211Culinary Arts (Foods ) 1100212Culinary Arts (Foods) 1

010595 Academic Reading100222Culinary Arts (Foods) 2

010596 Academic Reading

Non-Credit Elective:Non-Credit Elective:

110101Study Hall110102Study Hall

*** eLo online courses can be taken as an additional course outside of the regular school day or during the day in a Study Hall. Please go to more information on eLo courses. Please contact Mike Kosky, Counseling Department Chair, if you would like details on how to select an eLo course.