12 & UNDER


DATES: June 16th-17th, 2018

WHERE: Shiocton Lake Park Diamonds

ENTRY FEE: $ 225, Guaranteed 3 Games.

OPEN TO: Girls who turned 13 before January 1, 2018 are not eligible


➢Everybody present bats. Players coming late for games will be added to the bottom of the batting order. Players leaving the game early will be skipped as long as 9 players remain. If 9 players do not remain, an out will be recorded for that spot in the order.

➢Unlimited substitution in the field, including pitcher. Pitcher: 4 inning limit per game.

➢Maximum of 10 players in the field. 4 players must remain on the outfield grass until the pitch leaves the pitcher’s hand.

➢6 run limit per inning. Unlimited runs in final inning. 6 inning games, time withstanding.

No new inning will begin after 1 hour and 15 minutes from the beginning of the game. Championship game will have no time limit. Consolation Championship and 3rd place game WILL have the time limit in effect. The team in the lead will not be allowed to bat in the bottom of the 6th in order to score additional runs. In case of inclement weather, time limit may have to be shortened.

➢15 run rule after 4 innings. 10 run rule after innings 5 and 6.

➢Third strike drop rule is in effect. If the catcher drops the ball on the 3rd strike the ball is live and the batter should run to 1st base. If the base is occupied, the 1st base runner advances on their own will.

➢Sliding is required when a play is being made on a runner. It is the umpires judgment as to whether or not a play is being made and if a slide is necessary. If the umpire decides that a slide should have been made, the runner will be called out.

➢A disciplined player is out for the entire game.

➢WIAA rules apply when not already covered.

➢Tournament Director reserves the right to change or amend rules as unforeseen situations arise.

➢Profanity or harassment by a team member, coach, or fans toward an opposing team, official, or coach will not be tolerated. This type of activity can lead to ejection from the tournament by a tournament official or umpire without warning.


➢Please keep the game moving. Intentional stalling, as deemed by the umpires or tournament officials, may result in forfeiture of game.

➢Final rosters must be turned into the tournament director no later than ½ hour before your first game. No changes can be made after this time. Roster violations of any kind will result in forfeiture of game and may result in forfeiture of tournament eligibility.

➢Coaches must make age verification available if requested.

➢There is no roster limit, but only 15 awards will be available for each eligible team.

➢Coaches must have lineups to the scorekeeper’s booth at least 10 minutes prior to game time. Lineups must have first and last names as well as uniform number.

➢Concessions will be provided. No carry-ins, please.

➢Fields will be dragged and maintained per tournament director’s discretion.

➢Players are not allowed on the infield to warm-up. All warm-ups WILL take place on the outfield grass.

➢The only person that has the authority to halt the time limit is the tournament director.

This is a Class B tournament. Please don’t send your AA, A teams or “All-Star” teams.

Please make checks payable to Shiocton Summer Sports and send to:

Chelsi Brown

W7615 Park Ave

Shiocton, WI 54170


Please direct any questions to Chelsi at the above number or

(If you are no longer involved in youth sports, please pass this information along to someone who is.)