County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing

RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2




RFP No. 901177


Transition Day Reporting Center

Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences

Held on December 16, 2013 and December 17, 2013

This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB, please ensure that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFP Addendum will also be posted on the GSA Contracting Opportunities website located at .

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RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2

Page 1

The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.

Responses to Written Questions

Q1)What is the approximate number of beds at any one time you are anticipating needing during year one?

A)At this time, the number of beds needed during Phase One is unknown. This is a new reporting center and the number of anticipated beds needed cannot be determined at this time. However we estimate a maximum of six (6) beds.

Q2)How many total clients do you estimate will be in need of emergency housing during year one and during subsequent years?

A)At this time, the number of clients needing emergency housing is unknown, however, we estimate a maximum of six (6) clients at any one time.

Q3)Will funding for the beds be per diem or on a cost reimbursement basis?

A)The funding will be on a cost reimbursement basis.

Q4)Is it permissible to meet the Emergency Housing requirement by subcontracting with a local emergency housing program, providing that beds would be immediately available for the clients?

A)The Transition Day Reporting Center (TDRC) is expected to have a bed made available for at least two (2) nights at the facility and the vendor will be expected to connect with the housing contract providers to help the Client with long term housing needs, if necessary. Subcontracting is permissible. However, the emergency housing services must be on-site and subcontracting for an alternate site is not permissible.

Q5)In light of the fact that an onsite childcare area is required, will the program not be providing services/housing to sex offenders?

A)The TDRCwill not be providing housing to sex offenders.

Q6)Page 5 of the, Section I.B.2.m. states


2. Services will include, but not limited to, the following:

m. Completion of programs started in Santa Rita Jail.

What are the current programs being facilitated in the Santa Rita Jail and can the County provide a description of the programs currently being provided at Santa Rita Jail?

A)Please refer to attached Exhibit D.

Q7)The program is expected to operate seven days per week, 24 hours per day, year round. Is programming i.e. educational groups, employment assistance, etc., expected to be provided on weekends as well?

A)Depending on the Client and their schedule, the program may need to be available on some weekends and evenings.

Q8)As staff would not necessarily be employed prior to a contract award, may job descriptions be submitted instead of copies of staff certifications?

A)Yes, job descriptions maybe submitted instead of copies of staff certifications, until staffare hired and then certification documentation will be required.

Q9)Will the vendor be responsible for any alcohol and/or drug testing? If so, what frequency? Just on-site testing or on-site with off-site lab confirmation?

A)No, vendor will not be responsible for any alcohol and/or drug testing.

Q10)Is the vendor expected to invoice the requesting department monthly or quarterly?

A)The vendor will invoice the Probation Department on a monthly basis.

Q11)Would the County be willing to expand the Exhibit C, Vendor Bid list, to include parties who have submitted questions and/or expressed interest in inclusion for networking/subcontracting purposes?

A)Exhibit C will include all vendors that participated in the bid conferences.

Q12)Does the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) do any assessments prior to referral and, if so, will the assessment(s) be shared as emphasized in collaborative case management?

A)The DPO will do an assessment prior to referral and the results of the assessments will be shared.

Q13)If referrals come to the program directly from jail/prison, will a short supply of currently prescribed medications be provided?

A)The County will work with the vendor to get the prescribed medication list.

The goal is to ensure pre-release planning that includes prescription medication, if applicable.

Q14)The RFP is proposing an initial term of one (1) year. However, a quality program will require substantial ramp up time and significant contractor resources. It will be difficult for ANY CONTRACTOR to justify commitment of resources with such a short contract frame. In addition, this appears to handicap ACPD in the event a successful program is developed since it would require a re-bid of services in three (3) years. Would ACPD consider increasing the initial contract term to three (3) years with two 1-year options? Will the contract be extended to account for the time to locate and establish the program site?

A)No, the term of the contract will be for only one (1) year since this is a pilot program. Probation has the option to renew for two (2) additional 1-year terms, which will give the vendor the opportunity to renegotiate.

Q15)Page 6 of the RFP, Section I.C.4 states

  1. Hours of Operation:

The T/DRC is expected to operate seven days per week, 24 hours per day, year-round, creating a one-stop model of service delivery. The vendor will ensure the T/DRC facility is secure by providing adequate supervision during hours of operation. The vendor will also provide provision for security.

Can the County clarify what kind of supervision and/or security is deemed “adequate” during hours of operation?

A)The County requires that there should be a sufficient staff to Client ratio so that there is a level of security to prevent problems from arising.

Q16)Page 6 of the RFP, Section I.C.4 states

  1. Hours of Operation:

The T/DRC is expected to operate seven days per week, 24 hours per day, year-round, creating a one-stop model of service delivery. The vendor will ensure the T/DRC facility is secure by providing adequate supervision during hours of operation. The vendor will also provide provision for security.

Is the vendor permitted to outsource the security requirement to a subcontractor?


Q17)Page 5 of Exhibit A, BID FORM(S) states:


Will the County allow the contractor to alter Exhibit A to include security staff?

A)No alterations can be made to the Bid Form. The cost of security staff should be included and if clarification is needed, please do so on the Exception/Clarifications.

Q18)What is the allotted yearly budget for this project?

A)Since this is a new center, there is no allocated budget for this project. Probation Department is relying on the vendor community to present the best program at the most reasonable cost.

Q19)Page 6 of the RFP, Section I.C.5. states

  1. Number of Clients Served:

It is expected that during phase one the T/DRC will serve approximately 100 Clients annually, averaging approximately 20 Clients per day. After phase one, it is expected that the Client numbers will expand to a minimum of 200 Clients annually, averaging approximately 50 – 100 Clients daily, both male and female.

Will the yearly budget increase to reflect the increase in clients served?

A)Yes, the vendor shall submit a monthly invoice for costs incurred to serve the actual number of clients served.

Q20)Page 4 of the RFP, Section I.B.2.e. states:


2.Services will include, but not limited to, the following:

e. Health (includes: Mental Health; Physical Health; Substance Abuse; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Domestic Violence; Anger Management; and Gang Prevention/Intervention);

What specific kind of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is the County requesting? Is the vendor expected to provide the CBT or outsource the CBT services?

A)The County and vendor will work together to figure out the types of CBT required. The vendor can provide CBT if there is adequate staff, but this can also be outsourced.

Q21)Will the County or the vendor be providing the site for the TDRC?

A)The County is working on obtaining a site, however, the vendor may be asked to help in participate in developing a community engagement process to help securethis location.

Q22)If the County is providing the site, will the vendors be able to tour the site?

A)Currently, there is no site available.

Q23)If the County is providing the site, can the County provide the floor plans and any information which may help the vendor estimate costs of utilities, systems, and maintenance?

A)Currently, there is no site available.

Q24)If the vendor is providing the site, would it be acceptable to provide emergency and temporary hours at an offsite location, provided there is transportation to the site?

A)No, the County will not allow emergency and temporary hours at an offsite location.

Q25)Can the County clarify the role of the vendor? Is the vendor expected to leverage existing services in the community to provide them onsite at no additional cost to the County?

A)The Probation Department is hoping that the vendor will utilize the existing programs in the community to help provide these services. Currently, the Probation Department has existing contracts for housing, employment, mental health, and substance abuse.

Q26)Page 6 of the RFP, Section I.C.3.b states:


3. Performance/Process Measures:

b. The vendor will connect with the assigned ACPD Deputy Probation Officer within 24 hours and collaboratively develop an initial assessment based on the terms and conditions of probation that feeds into the case plan;

Can ACPD provide details of the assessment process? Specifically, will the assessment be done by ACPD or the Contractor and what assessment tool will be used (if any)?

A)The Probation Department can provide details for the assessment process. The risk and needs assessment will be done by the Probation Department, but the vendor will be expected to work with Probation on implementation of the case plan based on the risk and needs assessment. The Probation Department will be providing an adequate training on the assessment tools to ensure appropriate implementation of the case plan.

Q27)Page 6 of the RFP, Section I.C.3.b states:


5. Number of Clients Served:

It is expected that during phase one the T/DRC will serve approximately 100 Clients annually, averaging approximately 20 Clients per day. After phase one, it is expected that the Client numbers will expand to a minimum of 200 Clients annually, averaging approximately 50 - 100 Clients daily, both male and female.

What are the assumptions used for calculating the expected number of clients? Specifically, how long will clients be on the program and how often will they be seen? For example, during phase one, if the center is open 7 days a week and sees 20 clients a day, clients could be seen approximately 3 times per week for 6 months to get 100 clients per year. Is this consistent with ACPD’s expectations? What the expectations are after phase one?

A)The Client will be in the program for at most one year. The Client will be seen as necessary, as prescribed by the case plan based on the needs and risk assessment. The expectation of Phase One is that it will start with Clients in PRCS (Post Release Community Service) and will expand to include any Clients supervised by Probation. This expansion will occur at the Probation Department’s discretion.

Q28)Page 7 of Exhibit A, REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION AND SUBMITTALS, item 4 states:

4.Key Personnel: Bid responses shall include a complete list of all key personnel associated with the RFP. This list must include all key personnel who will provide services/training and all key personnel who will provide support services.

Will the County accept duty statements and required staff certifications in place of attaching actual staff resumes and certifications?

A)Yes, the County will accept duty statements and required staff certifications.

Q29)Page 7 of the RFP, Section I.E.6. states


6.Contractor shall coordinate pre-release planning meetings between Contractor, ACPD and the releasing local/state prison to ensure successful transition.

Is ACPD expecting contractor to go to state and local prisons to coordinate release and/or transport of clients to the program?

A)The vendor is expected to coordinate the release, but the Probation Department will do the transport.

Q30)Page 7 of the RFP, Section I.E.7. states


7.Contractor shall have barriers to off-site services, including transportation.

Can ACPD clarify what transportation options the contractor should include? Specifically, is a vehicle being requested? Or would an allowance for public transportation tokens be sufficient?

A)Public transportation tokens aresufficient; however, if there is a need for other types of transportation, the vendor will need to work with Probation.

Q31)Page 7 of the RFP, Section I.E.8. states


8.Contractor shall describe, in detail, the plan to provide short-term (one (1) to two (2) days) emergency onsite housing to include food, clothing, medications, etc.

Can the County clarify how many short-term emergency housing beds are expected to be provided?

A)The vendor is expected to have a maximum of six (6) beds available.

Q32)Page 11 – 14 of the RFP, III.H. Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee, Evaluation Criteria. The narrative indicates a potential score of 550 points. However, the Evaluation Criteria chart only totals 100 points. Can you please clarify the scoring?

A)Each criterion will be rated on a scale of 0-5. This score will then be multiplied by the weight of the criteria. For example, if the Implementation Plan is scored at 4, the total number of points this criteria will receive is 40.

Q33)Page 13 of the RFP, Section III.H. Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee, Evaluation Criteria, G. Oral Presentation. The Oral Presentation only comprises 10 Points out of a possible 100 points. This seems low for a 60 minute presentation. Please confirm that this portion of the evaluation is only weighted at 10% of the total. Would ACPD considering increasing this weight?

A)The Oral Presentation criteria weight will remain at 10 points.

Q34)Exhibit A Bid Forms (page 5). Can ACPD please clarify the assumptions for the staffing pattern shown, specifically, is staffing expected to be the same during phase one and after phase one?

A)The number and titles of staff listed is an estimate and is not to be construed as a guarantee of staffing positions. This is to be used for cost comparison purposes.

Q35)Exhibit A Bid Forms (page 5). Please confirm that the number of positions indicated in the Personnel chart at the bottom of page 5 (Exhibit A) is correct. This would imply 31 staff members for no more than 20 program clients at a time. What is the staffing ratio case management? How many staff needs to be on duty simultaneously during the overnight shifts?

A) The vendor shall outline the type and number of positions required to efficiently and effectively operate the TDRC at appropriate staffing levels. Please see revised Exhibit A Bid Form.

Q36)Exhibit A Bid Forms (page 5). Please clarify what “Client Training” and “Personnel Training” are? Is this expected to be done by outside trainers? Does this include training for client curriculum?

A)Please refer to A35.

Q37)Exhibit A Bid Forms (page 5). It does not seem cost efficient to include “administrative costs” imbedded in the price of personnel. Can these items be broken out as separate line items in the proposed budget?

A)Yes,please see revised Exhibit A Bid Form.

Q38)Exhibit A Bid Forms (page 5). How should expenses other than personnel and administrative costs be listed for direct program services such as curriculum, incentives, food, and equipment (i.e. security cameras, computers, database system, appliances, furniture, etc.)? Is the County planning to buy these items directly?

A) The County plans to build out the facility, to include furnishings; however, all other costs (computers, database systems, food, equipment, etc.) should be itemized.

Q39)Exhibit A Bid Forms (page 5). Other similar programs use a direct reimbursement formula for all direct costs, including assigned personnel, plus an overhead percentage. This seems to be more efficient and provide for better program utilization of resources. Would ACPD consider a pricing format that includes reimbursement of all direct costs plus an overhead percentage?

A)Yes, direct reimbursement of costs is acceptable, along with a percentage for indirect costs not to exceed 15%.

Q40)Exhibit A, Required Documentation and Submittals, 3. Exhibit A – Bid Response Packet, (c) References (page 6). The requirement for 5 current and 5 former references will be difficult for ALL CONTRACTORS given that programs most similar are a recent phenomenon related to AB109. In addition, the requirement for past clients penalizes firms that have been able to maintain continuing relationships with their clients. RFPs for similar programs typically request a minimum of 3 references. Would ACPD consider revising the reference requirement to a minimum of 3 references, past or current?

A)References should be submitted from current or former collaborative partners, not individual clients.

Q41)Exhibit A, Required Documentation and Submittals, 7. Financial Statements (page 8). Since Dunn and Bradstreet is not an official rating agency, and often inaccurate for smaller firms, would ACPD accept current financials in lieu of a Dunn and Bradstreet Supplier Qualifier Report? Are there other items that could be submitted instead?