Section 9 Waikato District Council Supplement

9  Waikato District Council Supplement


9 Waikato District Council Supplement 1

9.1 Introduction 1

9.2 General 2

9.2.1 Defects Liability 2

9.2.2 Temporary Traffic Management 2

9.2.3 Drainlayers 2

9.2.4 As-Built Records 2

9.3 Earthworks and Geotechnical Requirements 3

9.4 Transportation 4

9.4.1 Application 4

9.4.2 References 4

9.4.3 Road Names 4

9.4.4 Road Classification 4

9.4.5 Geometric Standards 4

9.4.6 Geometric Design 4

9.4.7 Walkways 5

9.4.8 Road Reserves and Fencing 5

9.4.9 Pavement Design 5

9.4.10 Drainage and Culverts (Road Drainage) 6

9.4.11 Bridges 6

9.4.12 Street Lighting 7

9.4.13 Intersections 7

9.4.14 Vehicular Entrances 7

9.4.15 Intersection and Access Separation 9

9.4.16 Access to Rear Lots (Rights of Ways) 9

9.4.17 Road Rail Intersections 9

9.4.18 Intersection Safety Audits 10

9.4.19 Road Design QA 10

9.4.20 As-Built Plans and Asset Details 10

9.5 Stormwater 11

9.5.1 General 11

9.5.2 On-Site Stormwater Soakage for Individual Lots 11

9.5.3 Stormwater Detention and Treatment 11

9.5.4 Pipes 11

9.5.5 Manholes 11

9.5.6 Culvert Inlet and Outlet Structures 12

9.5.7 Stormwater Pipes to Kerb and Channel 12

9.5.8 Backfilling 12

9.6 Wastewater 13

9.6.1 General 13

9.6.2 Pipes 13

9.6.3 Manholes 13

9.6.4 Connections 13

9.6.5 Pump Stations 14

9.6.6 Testing 14

9.6.7 Telemetry 14

9.6.8 Flow Meter 14

9.6.9 Backfilling 14

9.7 Water Supply 15

9.7.1 Level of Service 15

9.7.2 Document References 15

9.7.3 Reticulation Layout 15

9.7.4 Reticulation Depths 15

9.7.5 Fire Fighting 15

9.7.6 Intersections 15

9.7.7 Connection to Private Property 16

9.7.8 Pipe Material 17

9.7.9 Watermain Fittings 17

9.7.10 Water Meter Markers 17

9.7.11 Pipelayers 17

9.7.12 Valve and Hydrant Markers 17

9.7.13 Shutdown Procedures 17

9.7.14 Connections to Existing Watermains 17

9.7.15 Testing 17

9.7.16 Disinfection 18

9.7.17 As-built Plans and Asset Details 18

9.8 Landscape 19

9.8.1 Fencing 19

9.8.2 As-built Information 19

9.9 Network Utilities 20

9.9.1 Location of Above Ground Services 20

9.9.2 Waterway Crossings 20

9.9.3 Location of Underground Services (As-built Drawings) 20

9.9.4 Broadband 20


Table 91: Speed and SISD Distance 7

Table 92: Visiblity Distances 8

Table 93 Water Supply Approved Products 26

Table 94 Drawing Register 30


Figure 91 Stopping Sight Distances 8

Section 9 Waikato District Council Supplement

9.1  Introduction

Replaces (ITS Section 1, Clause 1.1.2)

This volume has been prepared as a supplement to the Hamilton City Infrastructure Technical Specifications (ITS) for use by the Waikato District Council.

This section sets out general variances to the Infrastructure Technical Specifications and/or additional design standards or technical specifications that should be followed for the installation of services in subdivision and contract works in the District Council area.

Where there is any discrepancy between this section and the council’s District Plan, then the District Plan shall have precedence.

Any ambiguities between documents should be addressed in the first instance by referring to the hierarchy below, and then by contacting the District Council directly if uncertainty remains.

Where possible, reference to the original Hamilton ITS clause that has been amended or added to is given in the appropriate location in bracketed italics. Where there is no reference this is either a new requirement not alluded to in the Hamilton ITS, or the requirements are spread over several non-sequential sections or clauses which makes it difficult to reference.

9.2  General

9.2.1  Defects Liability

(ITS Section 1, Clause

The Defects Liability Period for sub divisional works shall be 12 months.

9.2.2  Temporary Traffic Management

(ITS Section 1, Clause 1.10.3)

As for the Hamilton ITS, except Level 1 Traffic Management will always be acceptable on WDC managed roads of Level 1 or lower; no higher requirement will be insisted upon unless that road has been designated a higher level.

9.2.3  Drainlayers

All services are to be installed under the supervision of a registered drainlayer or a suitable reticulation service person approved by Council.

9.2.4  As-Built Records

Generally as per Hamilton ITS requirements, plus the following sections have their own requirements:

9.3  Earthworks and Geotechnical Requirements

No amendments or additions required.

9.4  Transportation

9.4.1  Application

This section sets out the general roading standards for the design of subdivisional roads in the District Council area.

9.4.2  References

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.1)

Additional design reference documents:

·  “Rural Road Design - A Guide to the Geometric Design of Rural Roads” - Austroads (AP-G1/03)

·  “Intersections at Grade” - Austroads Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice – Part 5 (AP-G11.5/05)

9.4.3  Road Names

The Council, wherever possible, will seek to use road names as a way of recognising significant history of an area. Some Community Boards and Committees have developed a list of “Approved Road Names” for naming new roads in their community. Where these exist, the developer shall choose from that list or submit a written request to use other names, including the reasons why they want that name or names to be used.

Refer to Council’s Road Naming Policy on Council’s website for further details.

Council will arrange any necessary authority for the regulatory signage and marking. All costs associated with the gazetting and implementation of the traffic services are to be paid by the consent holder.

9.4.4  Road Classification

HCC’s Criteria for the form of Transport Corridors (ITS Section 3, Appendix A) has been replaced for the District Council by Appendix A of this document.

9.4.5  Geometric Standards

Typical cross section requirements relating to Waikato District Council are shown on the Road Classification Table in Appendix A, or the District Plan.

Turning heads will be required at the end of all no-exit roads in accordance with Austroads Rural Road Design.

9.4.6  Geometric Design

Geometric design, including gradients, super elevation and road widening shall generally be in accordance with the Austroads publication “Guide to Geometric Design for Rural Roads” except for the following points:  Crossfall

(ITS Section 3 Clause

Normal crossfall in rural areas may be -3.0% or -4.0% at the designers discretion.  Super-elevation

(ITS Section 3 Clause

Super-elevation shall not normally be required on curves in rural/residential subdivisions.

Where it is required, super elevation design shall generally be carried out using Austroads Guide to Rural Road Design. See Road Classification Table in Appendix A for maximum super-elevation at intersections.  Longitudinal Gradients

(ITS Section 3 Clause

Where Kerb and Channel is not required or proposed, there is no minimum longitudinal gradient on the road.  Turning Heads

(ITS Section 3 Clause

The maximum longitudinal, or cross sectional slope in turning heads is 6.0%, with the desirable matching normal camber.

9.4.7  Walkways

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.16)

Rural residential subdivisions should make provision for pedestrian access along grass berms. Refer to the District Plan, or Appendix A of this document.

9.4.8  Road Reserves and Fencing

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.1 to 3.2.8)

Adequate width of road reserve is important and is normally 20 metres. Increased width is likely to be required where earthworks are extensive. A minimum clearance of 3 m is required between the road reserve boundary and tops of cuttings or toes of embankments.

All road reserve boundaries shall be fenced before the 224 certificate will be authorised, unless written permission to do otherwise has been received from the District Council.

9.4.9  Pavement Design  Subgrade Improvement Layer (Blue/Brown Rock)

Further to (ITS Section 3, Clause, the following requirements shall also apply for the application of blue/brown rock:

In some places, the blue/brown rock material needs to be tapered to thicknesses less than the materials maximum size. Therefore an AP40 material may be used in the finishing of this sub-base layer to ensure that this can be achieved.

The construction shall comply with NZTA B/2, however the Contractor shall carry out the compaction testing (may need to break up larger particles to perform the compaction curve and CBR test to replicate field conditions). The Contractor shall confirm that the target density will consistently satisfy the minimum CBR requirement  Sealed Pavements

Pavement design shall be in accordance with the ITS (Section 3, Clause 3.2.12), except:

1.  The percentage HCV’s shall be 9%

2.  Basecourse aggregates for unbound pavement shall be NZTA M/4 only  Unsealed Pavements

Unsealed pavements shall be compacted with a minimum compacted thickness of 300mm of well graded granular material with a minimum soaked CBR of 20. The maximum particle size shall be no greater than 100mm. This pavement material shall have sufficient fines to ensure that it does not unravel under the action of traffic. A material typically used on Waikato District Council unsealed roads is a high grade brown rock but will vary depending on locality. A 50mm minimum compacted thickness wearing course shall then be constructed using WHAP20. Normal camber of unsealed pavements shall be 5 to 6%.

9.4.10  Drainage and Culverts (Road Drainage)

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.14)

Channels shall generally be provided for the efficient drainage of surface water (refer to the relevant table in the appendices or relevant District Plan) and shall be graded to outlets at regular intervals not exceeding 150m. On steep grades where channels are subject to scouring, protection work may be required.

Swale drains may be allowed in suitable locations at the District Council’s discretion.

Culverts, where required, shall be designed in accordance with approved engineering standards. Notwithstanding the outcome of any design calculations, no culvert traversing a road or vehicle entrance shall be smaller than 300mm in diameter.

In non-urban subdivisions where stormwater from the road formation and adjoining properties cannot be discharged via either open channels or a piped system to an approved outlet, the construction of drilled and lined soak holes and/or roadside berm drainage beds are options. Any application for this type of disposal system must be accompanied by results of soil percolation tests, specifications and design calculations for Council’s approval. The design and testing of these drainage systems shall be carried out by an approved geotechnical engineer.  Catchpits

(ITS Section 3, Appendix E)

Delete Drawing No. D4.10 and replace with Drawing WDC 10 (See Appendix D).

Fish symbol plates shown on HCC Drawings D4.6 to D4.9 shall be replaced with ‘Tip No Waste’ plates as detailed on Drawing WDC 10 (See Appendix D).

Contact WDC Water Manager for supplier

9.4.11  Bridges

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.28)

Where bridging is required, the design shall comply with NZ Transport Agency standards and requirements. Approval of waterway area shall be obtained from Waikato Regional Council and the bridge design shall be prepared and certified by a Chartered Professional Engineer. Design calculations shall be provided to Council.

9.4.12  Street Lighting

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.20)

For intersections where any leg has an AADT > 1000, intersection flag lighting shall be required.

In rural areas where design speeds are greater than 80kmh, slip-base frangible approved lighting columns shall be used.

Alternative street lights may attract an additional whole-of-life cost charge.

9.4.13  Intersections

(ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.9)

·  The location of intersections shall be chosen to ensure adequate spacing and sight distance is available for all vehicle movements.

·  New intersections shall not be designed to form crossroads with existing roads.

·  Intersection design shall be in accordance with Austroads “Intersections at Grade” (Part 5).

·  Safe Intersection Sight Distance (SISD) shall be provided at any intersection, in accordance with the following table.

Table 91: Speed and SISD Distance

Speed (km/h) / SISD Distance
40 / 70
50 / 90
60 / 115
70 / 140
80 / 175
90 / 210
100 / 250
110 / 290
120 / 330

9.4.14  Vehicular Entrances

(ITS Section 3, Clause

Vehicular entrances onto district roads shall generally be constructed in accordance with WDC standard drawings TSG E1 to E4 (See Appendix D).

Visibility shall be in accordance with the following table. Refer to Austroads “Rural Road Design”. (ITS Section 3, Clause 3.2.5)

Table 92: Visiblity Distances

Design Speed (km/h) / Distance (m)
40 / 28
50 / 44
60 / 63
70 / 86
80 / 115
90 / 140
100 / 170
110 / 210
120 / 250
130 / 300

Figure 91 Stopping Sight Distances

Vehicular entrances onto State Highways will require New Zealand Transport Agency approval as to siting and design.

Access drives shall be formed and maintained so as to adequately control stormwater and prevent materials such as mud, stones, chip, gravel or stock effluent being carried onto a public road.

Definitions / Refer to Drawings TSG E1 to E4 for layout diagrams
Road intersections / Public or Private Roads, Right-of-ways and vehicle entrances generating more than 100 traffic movements per day.
Entrance / Up to 2 individual vehicle entrances adjacent to each other.
Vehicular entrance land or right-of-way. / Vehicle access from a public or private road to public or private
Separation distances / As per Drawing DCS302

9.4.15  Intersection and Access Separation

(ITS Section 3, Clause3.2.9.7)

Intersection and entrance separation requirements shall be in accordance with Drawing DCS302.

9.4.16  Access to Rear Lots (Rights of Ways)

(ITS Section 3, Clause

Pavement Design

Pavement Design shall be in accordance with the ITS . A Producer Statement shall be provided by an Engineer for the design and construction of a Right-of-Way.


Access shall be in accordance with the Road Classification Table in Appendix A or relevant District Plan.

Surface Treatment

Surfacing of right-of-ways shall be in accordance with requirements of the table in Appendix A or the District Plan.

Producer Statements

A Producer statement shall apply for the design and construction of Rights-of-Way. On completion of construction the applicant shall provide the Waikato District Council with a producer statement signed by a suitably qualified engineer. See Appendix C.

9.4.17  Road Rail Intersections

Where a railway and a road intersect on the same level, no building or other obstruction which may block the sight lines shall be permitted within an area bounded by lines connecting points 30m along the roadway in each direction from the centreline of the nearest railway track to points 140m along the nearest railway track measured in each direction from the centreline of the nearest roadway.