Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Committee held on Wednesday 19th July 2017 at

9.00 am at The Hub, Stortford Road, Dunmow.


John Versey (JMV) Chairperson

Jane Tadman (JT) Vice Chair & Welfare Officer

Anita Davey (AD) Secretary

Colin Bradley (CB) Treasurer

Amanda Brown (AB) Groups Co-ordinator

Mike Best (MB) Membership Secretary

Jenny Versey (JRV) Press Secretary & Facilitator Mentor

Pat Kelly (PK) Speakers Organiser

Terry Parker (TP) Events Manager, Facilitator Mentor & Associate Committee Member

In attendance:

Avril Nelson (AN) Minutes Secretary & Associate Committee Member


Marilyn Hammond (MH) Newsletter Editor

Peter Watson (PW) Web Administrator & Outings Co-ordinator

1.  JMV welcomed AN on her return to the committee meetings.

2.  Apologies for absence Marilyn Hammond and Peter Watson

3.  Minutes of the Committee meeting on 21st June 2017

4.  PK clarified that the entertainment by Fool’s Gold Acoustic is scheduled for the members’ meeting in October 2018. With this amendment, the Minutes were signed as a true record by the Chair.

5.  Matters arising not on the Agenda – none.

6.  Correspondence

7.  The Third Age Trust have sent a repeat invitation to their conference on 29-31 August in Nottingham.

8.  Arrangements for the Annual General Meeting on 26th July 2017

Arrangements were discussed for the Annual General Meeting –

a)  AD has circulated members with all necessary documentation for the AGM. Additional copies will be available on the day.

b)  The meeting will start with the AGM at 2:15 followed by the speaker at 3:00pm.

c)  No further nominations have been received other than from the existing Committee members.

d)  Signing In sheets will be used as normal, as every attendee must be recorded.

e)  There will be a raffle, as usual.

f)  The refreshment provision has been covered. PK will clarify who is providing the milk.

g)  Existing Committee Members will sit at the front and introduce themselves when requested by JMV. The committee members poster will be displayed, to facilitate their recognition by members.

9. New Business

a)  Chair’s Report – The report on the last year’s activities was issued on the 12th July.

b)  A facilitator has expressed concern that their phone number had been made available to a member interested in joining the group. The Committee agreed that the Facilitators’ phone numbers are generally available and published on the news letter. However an alternative number may be used if necessary as will be arranged in this case.

c)  Treasurer’s Report – The Independent Examiner is happy with the 2015-2017 reconciliation.

d)  MB expressed concern that the capitation fee was to be based upon the February membership count, which is usually higher than average. JMV said that the previous TAT secretary was happy with the principle of using the 1st April figure. CB is currently negotiating on this issue.

e)  JMV expressed thanks to CB on behalf of the Committee for the very hard work which he has undertaken on the financial returns.

f)  Membership Report – Currently stands at 403 members. AB will assist MB with a reconciliation of the group memberships against the full list.

g)  JMV thanked AB officially on behalf of the Committee for her excellent work in making the Open Day such a success, and which has received such warm feedback. CB asked everyone to submit associated expenses as promptly as possible.

h)  Group Co-ordinator’s Report – AB intends to arrange another conversation soon with Pat Dain, the Rodings Group Co-ordinator, in order to accelerate the joint groups proposals.

i)  AB has a meeting of the proposed History Group on 19th July to move this forward. There are 22 interested members, and this is likely to be joint group. A Facilitator is needed.

j)  The Book Club facilitator is looking to start up a second book group. Likewise Creative Writing has a second group starting. The Craft Group now has 2 new members and PW is suggesting a Bus Pass outings group. Dunmow already have more than 30 active groups.

k)  Outings Co-ordinator’s Report – CB has booked the tickets for the Canaletto Exhibition at the Queen’s Gallery, in the absence of PW. PW needs to progress this and book the coach.

l)  There is a concern that more tickets had been purchased for The Play That Goes Wrong than could be sold and this could potentially result in a loss on the outing. The Committee agreed that an informed assessment needs to be made upfront as to the likely number of tickets to be sold for each outing and this should not be exceeded, even if this means turning down any members wishing to book for the outing later.

m)  Welfare Officer’s Report – JT has sent 2 cards this month to members experiencing individual difficulties, and these have been appreciated.

n)  Press Secretary’s Report – The Dunmow Broadcast and 3 parish magazines are receiving monthly updates from Dunmow U3A.

o)  Newsletter Editor’s Report – MH is researching alternative formats with a view to reporting to the October Committee meeting.

p)  Speakers Organiser’s Report – The speaker for the 1st November members’ meeting is is Terry Hiscock on ‘Save the Children’. A donation will be appropriate as there is no charge.

q)  Website Administrator’s Report – Committee members are concerned about the delay in getting the website updated with current information. This is the main information resource for U3A and it is important that this is maintained promptly.

r)  Events Manager’s Report – All tables for the quiz have been sold with 1 reserve. AD will be responsible on the day for the Carnival on 16th September. Helpers are requested. TP will ask MH for a newsletter. The gazebo, tarpaulin and banners are arranged. An activity list, application forms and display boards will also be needed.

s)  Eric Midwinter, co-founder of the U3A, is giving a talk in Saffron Walden on 29th September. All U3A members are welcome, seating permitting.

t)  Any other Business –

u)  JMV has submitted an application for the Council grant, firstly to make provision for additional equipment needed for events and secondly to make provision for welfare needs and to develop a stronger outreach to members. AB advised that Essex CC will be awarding grants in September. The Town Council money is likely to be available in July.

v)  CB has a schedule of the existing Fixed Assets, which it is hoped will be expanding with new grant money. TP expressed willingness to undertake the Fixed Assets Management.

w)  JMV proposed that TP should become a full Committee Member. This was unanimously agreed by the Committee and TP accepted the nomination.

x)  AD raised the requirement for a mechanism to provide funding support to disadvantaged or disabled members, who may need some financial assistance to participate in groups. The Committee discussed the possibility of creating an appropriate fund, which may be drawn upon when needed, and which could be topped up if required within a maximum constraint. AB outlined her involvement in other charities, existing for this express purpose, namely the Alexia Wilson Trust and the Amalgamated Trust. It was agreed that welfare requests of this sort should be handled by JT, who would assess such requests and pass them to AB for consideration by the specific charity. JT will consider designing a suitable request form.

y)  AD advised that the November Committee meeting is being brought forward to 15th November.

z)  JT remarked upon the microphone quality on the Open Day. It was agreed that U3A should consider buying lapel microphones if the Council do not decide to provide them .

aa)  It was agreed that the AGM meeting should be set as the 4th Wednesday of July in 2018 and subsequent years, rather than the last Wednesday of July.

bb) The Summer Committee BBQ will be on Friday 11th August at 3 pm for committee members, facilitators and partners at the Versey’s house.

Signed Chairperson ………………………………… Dated ……………………………………………….