Haynes Academy

8th GradeScience Syllabus

Teacher: L. Weaver





COURSE OBJECTIVES: The goal of this Science class is to provide students with opportunities to make discoveries and be an active participant in his/her own learning using a variety of teaching styles in order to help the student achieve mastery of Grade Level Expectations for 7th Grade Science.

CLASS MATERIALS: Students will be provided with a textbook/workbook. This will be what most of the subject matter on tests and quizzes will come from. However, we will also have supplemental activities and texts available in the classroom.


  • 3 Ring Binder (for student)
  • Package of Dividers (for student)
  • Pencils (Mrs. Weaver)
  • Printer Paper (Mrs. Weaver)
  • Colored Paper (Mrs. Weaver)
  • 3 2oz. bottles of acrylic paint any color(Mrs. Weaver)

HOMEWORK: Homework will be given on a supplemental basis in order to help students think deeper about a topic or develop a better understanding of materials. This may not be often (depending on students’ demonstration of understanding of the material). However, homework will be taken for a grade. Unless otherwise specified homework will be due on the next day the student attends Science class. NO LATE WORK will be taken.It is suggested that students study all material covered that day for at least 10-20 minutes each night. Write down any questions about content you are unsure about or don’t understand. This will help the student be a part of his/her learning. ASK QUESTIONS!!!!!!!

TESTS: Students can expect a test approximately every two to three weeks. Tests will be thorough and if students wait until the end of the unit to begin studying, they will not accomplish all they are capable of doing. I will usually give a week's notice before a test.

QUIZZES: Students will take a quiz each week. Quizzes may be from 5 to 50 points and may be announced OR unannounced.

LABS: Labs are designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned in class. Students are required to follow laboratory rules at all times. We will try to have about one lab a week in order to make learning a little more hands on. However, depending on testing and other events as well as material being covered this may not be possible every week. Labs will be taken for a grade. Students will be given a rubric for labs. Some things to expect may be: following directions, following lab safety, journaling, reporting on findings, following the scientific method, etc.


Points will be assessed for all student work including labs, homework assignments, worksheets, quizzes, chapter exams, class participation and individual projects, case studies, research, etc. Letter grades will be determined by percentages of total points per the following school-wide grading scale.

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 75-84


F66 and Below


As part of the requirements of passing this course, students will need to “keep” a binder. This binder should include any handouts or materials the student gets in class, lab notes, and your daily teaching notes.

ATTENDANCE: It is the student’s responsibility to make up any work he/she missed. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missed work. Make-up work is to be turned in at the BEGINNING of class on the designated due date. IF STUDENTS ARE ABSENT FOR A TEST, THE MAKE-UP MAY BE A DIFFERENT TEST/DIFFERENT FORMAT.

LATE WORK: All work is expected to be turned in on the due date. I DO NOT TAKE WORK THAT IS LATE. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please see me.

EXTRA HELP: If a student needs extra help, please see me to schedule a suitable time. DO NOT WAIT until the day of or the day before an assignment is due to seek help. I am often available during lunch. Please do not hesitate to come in and ask questions.


Cheating of ANY form will not be tolerated.Academic honesty is expected in all classes at Haynes Academy. Cheating will not be tolerated. Violationsof academic honesty include, but are not limited to, copying, allowing someone to copy yourpaper, using cheat sheets, using technology to transmit or receive information with the intent tocommit academic dishonesty, plagiarizing, and self plagiarizing.

Just as there is no such thing as just "stealing a little" there is no such thing as "cheating a little". Cheating is copyingone answer or 100 answers or allowing a friend to copy one answer or all your answers.

Follow these two rules and you will not have problem with cheating in Anatomy & Physiology:

1. Do your own work in and out of class.

2. Do not give your work to another student for any reason - no matter what they might promise. If anotherstudents is too lazy to do their work why put your grade in jeopardy by giving it to them. Just say No.

What is considered cheating:

1. Copying any part of another students work.

2. Showing other students your answers on homework, class work, lab conclusions, worksheets...

3. Having another student's work in your possession.

3. Copying from encyclopedias, the internet, or other sources of copyrighted work.

4. Falsifying a grade.

5. Plagiarism is the theft of ideas, writings, or words of another person and passing this informationoff as one's own.

6. Self plagiarism is completing an original paper for one class assignment, thenturning in that same paper to another teacher for another class assignment without permission.

Generally speaking cheating is turning in work that is not entirely your own or giving another student your work.

Violations of academic honesty will be handled according to the Student Handbook.


  • Students are expected to show respect for themselves, the instructor, their classmates, schoolproperty and the property of others.
  • Come to class on time and prepared.
  • Do not talk when someone else is talking.
  • Students are responsible for equipment, software and textbooks they use during class. Students will be required to pay for school property that is lost or damaged.
  • No writing on or destroying the desks, chairs, tables, textbooks, or anything of JPPSS (Haynes) property.
  • Students will sign out on a clipboard and take a pass to go to the bathroom. Any student who abuses this policy may lose the privilege.
  • Follow all rules laid out in the Haynes Handbook.
  • CONSEQUENCES – 1st Offense is a Warning; 2nd Student/Teacher Conference-Lunch Detention; 3rd Student/Teacher/Parent Conference; 4th Referral to Discipline Office.

*Please note that this syllabus may be altered at any time during the year as the need arises.

Syllabus and Course Requirements Acknowledgment Page


Please fill out and return the form below for my records.


I have carefully read and understand these course requirements for Mrs. Weaver’s 8th Grade Science class.


Student Name (please print) Student Signature


Period Date


I have carefully read and discussed these course requirements with my child.


Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature




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The best way to contact me is: ______