8th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Soille Hebrew Day School


Room: 211

Instructor: Mr. Mahr

Email: (best way to contact me)

School phone: 858-279-3300

Website: kmahr.ssdhds.org (need to sign in with your school email to access)


Welcome to my social studies class! I am very excited for my second year here and to continue to guide you on your path to learning more about history. I am passionate about the subject and it is my plan to instill that passion in all of you by the end of the year! You will be accountable for all of your actions this year, and will complete a rigorous curriculum, but I have faith that you are up to the challenge. Luckily I will always be here to assist you. Please do not hesitate to ask me questions, whether that is in class, or at home and you shoot me an email, I am here to help you succeed.

I am especially excited this year to continue our work with Google Apps for Education and using technology like our new Chromebooks to enhance our learning. You will have a lot of time this year for independent research and group work, along with the opportunity to create great projects using technology like movies, podcasts, animations, etc. I hope that you are looking forward to this as much as I am!

How to be successful in my class

-Follow all rules and directions

-Turn in COMPLETE assignments ON TIME. Late work will be docked 10% per day late up to three days. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to check the designated spot for make-up work or ask a classmate and turn in all assignments the day after they return.

-Ask questions, there are no stupid questions and it is better to stop and ask then for the class to fly by without you.

-Seek help from everyone when needed, friends, classmates, parents, teachers, etc

-Do your best. The work will require everyone’s best efforts.

-Participate in classroom activities. We will engage in lots of fun and educative activities like debates, Socratic seminars, plays, speeches, and other things to help make history come alive. Active participation is key and will be a large part of your grade.

-Be positive. There are few things that can’t be worked out with a smile, a positive attitude and a pleasant conversation. We are all human and have our bad days but trying your best to be positive will greatly benefit the classroom environment.

Classroom procedures

-Please use the restroom during lunch and passing periods. Class time is valuable and should be used for education. If it is an emergency a student may use one of three bathroom passes which they will receive each term.

-Enter the classroom quickly and quietly, get out your materials, check the board, and get to work so that we can make the best use possible of our instructional time together.

-When leaving class wait to be dismissed by the teacher, clean up your area, and file out respectfully.

-No unapproved electronics, toys, devices, non-educational resources or food or drinks (besides water in a closable container) in the classroom.

Classroom Rules

1. Follow directions quickly-so that we don’t waste valuable class time

2. Raise your hand for permission to speak-so that we can all hear each other’s ideas

3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat-so that we don’t distract other students

4. Make smart choices-to keep us all happy and safe

5. Make your teacher happy-A catch all rule, I am happy when everyone is learning and having fun safely

Student Materials (Bring to class every day!)

It is critical that you have all of the materials needed in class every day. Each second in class is important and should not be wasted asking classmates for materials or running to your locker. Every time you enter class you need to have:

-Spiral notebook just for social studies

-Class textbook

-Two pencils, two pens

-3-ring binder with labeled social studies section for loose papers

-Scotch tape


-Surface, Chromebook or your own computer

Grading Policy

Work will fall into the following four categories and be weighted accordingly:

Tests: 20% Projects: 30% Classwork and Participation: 30% Homework: 20%

A: 90%-100%

B: 79%-89%

C: 70%-78%

D: 60%-69%

F: 59% and below

Course Content –Early American History

1. U.S. Geography

2. Exploration and Settlement

3. Conflict with England

4. Rebels and Revolutionaries

5. Fighting the Revolution

6. The Declaration of Independence

7. The Articles of Confederation

8. The Constitutional Convention

9. The Constitution: Branches of Federal Government

10. Bill of Rights

11. The Ratification Debate

12. Brown vs. Board of Education


Please sign and return


I am hoping that I can count on your support in enforcing these rules and procedures. I plan to put all pertinent information onto Renweb at least once a week, so it would be great to get into a habit of checking on your student’s progress and homework assignments. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or have a matter you want to discuss. Email is the best method to do this and we can schedule an appointment to meet if we need an in person meeting.

Please fill in the information and sign below indicating that you have read and understood the rules and procedures for Mr. Mahr’s social studies class.

Student name:______

Parent/Guardian printed name:______


Phone number:______

Best email to contact you:______

Thank you for your support, I am looking forward to a great year!