CHUSY Region
8th Grade Shabbaton
December 4th – 6th 2009
American Gladiators
Saturday Afternoon; 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Purpose and Overview:
This is a fun program. We will do various types of team oriented relay races to show the value of teamwork and to have a good time.
Materials & Quantities:
- 16 Foam Dodge balls
- 1 large package of Ping Pong balls
- 2 Baseball Bats
- Spoons (a lot)
Schedule Break-down:
1:00 to 1:10 - Give intro andsplit up into teams
1:10 to 1:25 - Relay Number 1
1:25 to 1:40 - Relay Number 2
1:40 to 1:55 - Relay Number 3
Specific explanations/ Step-by-step outline:
- Introduce program to group.
- During this program you will all be divided into 4 teams. Teams 1 and 3 will compete against each other while Teams 2 and 4 compete against each other. You will rotate between 3 stations. At the first station, in the Elk Grove room, one team will line up and every person will run a ping pong ball held on a spoon in his or her mouth to the other side of the room. At the same time, the other team will be throwing dodge balls at them to distract them (no faces). The teams will switch positions after everyone has gone. The team with the most ping pong balls on the other side of the room wins. In the Long Grove room, we will all play “limb loss tag.” Every person is it and the idea is to tag other people’s limbs. When a limb is tagged, it is useless and must not be used. The last person in wins for his or her team. On the basketball court there will be a dizzy bat/lay up relay. The two teams will line up and spin around a bat 20 times to get dizzy. The two people will then race down court and try to make a lay up. They will then run the ball back to the line so the next person in line can go. The first team to finish wins. Team 2, your captain is Liora and you are all going to the basketball court now. Team 3, your captain is Lexie and you are all going to the Elk Grove room. Team 4, your captain is Alex and you are going to the basketball court. Team 1, your captain is myself, Adam, and we’re going to the Elk Grove room. HAVE FUN!
- Split into 4 teams
- In the Elk Grove Room, Long Grove Room and the basketball court there will be three different relays.
- In the Elk Grove Room there will be a relay where the Kadimaniks will each have to take turns carrying ping pong balls on a spoon (held by their mouths) to the other side of the room. At the same time, the opposing team will be throwing dodge balls at them to distract them and make it more difficult for them to cross the room.
- The team that carries the most ping pong balls to the other side wins.
- After one team has gone, the two teams will then switch positions.
- In the basketball court, there will be a Dizzy Bat/Lay Up relay race.
- In this relay, the Kadimaniks will each have to take the bat and spin around it 20 times. They will then have to go make a Lay Up while they are dizzy.
- Two teams will go at the same time and they will both try to score a Lay Up on the same basket.
- Which ever team finishes first wins.
- For the third “relay,” we will play “Limb Loss Tag” in the Long Grove Room.
- For this game, the teams will play a game of tag together, and the last “man” standing wins for his or her team.
- Each player will be “it” and can be tagged by anyone else who is still playing.
- When a player is tagged, he or she will lose the function of the limb on which he or she is tagged. The loss of all four limbs makes someone out.