8th Grade History

Ms. Kieser

Room 8

In eighth Grade, we focus on American History starting with the discovery of America to the creation of the constitution we then jump to post WWII and begin with Cold war all the way through modern history. When talking about the constitution we will be reading and analyzing the different amendments of the constitution. This a History course that will focus on events, people significant themes, ideas, beliefs and turning points in American History. Students will Utilize the tools of historical research by framing analytical questions and annotating historical materials.

Course outline:

Unit 1: Pre- Revolution

Unit 2: Enlightenment ideas

Unit 3: American Enlightenment

Unit 4: Road to Revolution

Unit 5: American Revolution

Unit 6: Creation of Constitution




Unit 7: The Cold War

Causes of Cold War

Arms Race


Korean War

Space Race

Vietnam War

Unit 8: Civil Rights Era

Unit 9: Modern History

Nixon and Watergate

Ford Presidency

Arab/Israeli Conflict

Carter Presidency

Reagan presidency

H.W. Bush Presidency

Clinton Presidency

G. Bush Presidency

Obama Presidency

Throughout the year we will be looking at a number of different text and resources, while also completing a variety of different assignments each quarter the students will be expected to complete a DBQ easy (document based question). This assignment students will be given documents and will be asked to use evidence from the documents to answer a central question.


  • 3 Ring binder or subject notebook with section for history
  • Lose paper
  • Pen or Pencil

Policies and Procedures:

  • Students will arrive every day in proper dress code, students not in dress code will receive a yellow card.
  • ALLERGYALERT​​Studentsarenotallowedtobringfood,gum,ordrinks(exceptwater)intothe classroom.
  • Cellphonesmustbeturnedoffandstowedaway.Ifnotayellowcardwillbeissued,but

phonewillnotbeconfiscatedperALApolicy. There may be times when a phone is allowed to be used per teacher approval

  • Studentsmaynotasktoleavetheclassroomwithinthefirst/last10minutesofclass.
  • 3ormoreunexcusedtardieswillresultinayellowcard
  • 3ormoremissingassignmentswillresultinmandatoryacademicdetention.
  • Lateworkwillbeacceptedforupto3calendardaysaftertheassignedduedate.Gradeswill


  • Studentsareallowedtomakeupmissedassignmentsfor​EXCUSED​​absences.

There will be NO RETAKES on any exams this year per ALA school policy. Therefore, that means students will not be allowed to retake a test to improve their grade.


  • Per ALA policy, grades will be updated every Friday by 5pm. This will reflect your most currentgrade to date.
  • Successful students will check their student portals located in Infinite Campus regularly.
  • Cheating and plagiarism on schoolwork will result in a zero, red card, and possible suspension.


Assessments / 50%
Midterm/Final / 20%
Homework / 30%

I do not have a website right now but this is the link to my google drive that will have copies of power points, DBQs and other assignments throughout the year

Ms. Kieser’s 8th Grade HistorySyllabusAcknowledgement

IacknowledgethatIhavereceived,read,andunderstandMs. Kieser’ssyllabusinitsentiretyas

evidencebymysignaturebelow.IunderstandthatthissyllabusisalsoavailableonMs. Kieser’s









Preferred for of contact:

____ Phone call

____ Email

Please add or email any questions or concerns you have about the course or the syllabus