Ms. Sindt

8th Grade English

Course Overview: The 8th grade curriculum continues building students’ reading, writing, and communication skills, with the goal of preparing each student for success in high school and beyond. We focus on mastering new reading and writing strategies, critically examining literary genres and elements, using Web 2.0 tools to increase media literacy, developing presentation skills, and growing students’ academic and conversational vocabularies.

Classroom Expectations:
Respond in an appropriate manner
Exert your best effort(no excuses)
Stay in your own space (and out of others)
Pay attention and participate (take risks)
Encourage others (be a team player)
Come prepared to learn (bring materials)
Take responsibility(advocate for yourself) /

Consequences for not meeting expectations include verbal warning, written behavior reflection, parent contact, student conference, detention, and referral.

Rewards for meeting expectations may include acknowledgement of work ethic, academic success, or good behavior, positive notes or phone calls home, and classroom privileges.

Assignments:Work will be completed both in and out of class. Homework may include reading, writing, and vocabulary assignments and/or projects.It is expected that any work not completed in class will be completed as homework. Extra handouts are always available in my room and/or on my website.

To Do List: The daily “To Do List” for students (i.e., assigned homework) will be posted every day in the classroom and on my website (accessed via or scan the QR code above). Students are responsible for recording this information.

Organization: Students are expected to keep their materials and assignments organizedusing a system of their choosing.Reader/Writer notebooks and assignments are the responsibility of the student and may be graded at any point during the six weeks. I am available during Excel if a student needs organizational assistance.

Grading Policy & Late Work: A weighted grading system is used for English 8. This means an assignment weighted x3 counts for 3 times as many points as an assignment weighted as x1.

Major Summativex3

Minor Summativex2

Formative x1

Incomplete or illegible work will not be graded and will be returned to the student to complete/redo. All work (including incomplete work) turned in after the due date will be penalized according to the late work policy.

Late Word Policy: Work turned in late will receive 5 points off per day with a maximum of 20 points off. If it is not turned in after 4 days the MSG in the grade book will be changed to a zero. Students who are concerned about late assignments and/or their grade should conference directly with their teacher to discuss the issue.

Absent Work Policy:Absent work must be completed within 3 days unless priorarrangements are made. Any make-up work not labeled “ABSENT” will be counted late.Please contact the main office if absences exceed 3 days. STUDENTS ABSENT FOR SCHEDULED SCHOOL FUNCTIONS ARE EXPECTED TO OBTAIN WORK IN ADVANCE; due dates willnotbe extended and late penalties will apply.

Academic Integrity: It is expected that all work submitted by students is their own. Cheating can include copying answers from others or the Internet, allowing someone to copy your answers, plagiarism, using unauthorized sources on a test/quiz, or having someone else complete an assignment for you.Please refer to the Student Handbook for consequences regarding this offense.

Required Materials/Supplies for English 8:

  • One folder, binder, or other organizational tool of the student’s choosing that is dedicated to English work. Students will need to keep track of the following:
  1. Reader-Writer Response Notebook (RWs)
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Reading assignments/projects
  4. Writing assignments/ projects
  5. Class Notes
  6. Graded work
  • Pencils and pens (black or blue ink only)
  • Grading pen/marker (NO yellow and NO permanent markers)
  • Highlighters – a variety of colors is preferred
  • Loose-leaf paper, wide-ruled is preferred

Please note that Kleenex and hand sanitizer are NOT provided by the district. While not required, a donation of either would be greatly appreciated.