8th Grade Health:

Disease Report Unit

Name: ______

Teacher: ______

Days: ______

Disease Report:

Written Report Due Dates and Grading


·  Notes/Research pages – 40 points (4 different sources – 10 points per notes page)

·  Outline – 20 points

·  Disease Report – 125 points

·  Health Fair Presentation – 100 points

·  Oral Presentation Questions – 2 points per presentation

1.  Notes/research pages to be shown to your teacher on or before:


2.  Your completed outline is due on or before:


3.  Your finished paper is due on or before:


Please have this paper signed by your parent or guardian and returned to your teacher by:



Disease Report Requirements:

1.  4 Notes Pages: This is where you will gather your information and research for your report.

2.  Outline:

·  Your outline must be neat. It is the only part of your report that does not have to be typed.

·  Use your outline as the basis (skeleton) for your report.

**Report Requirements**

3.  Title Page: Please refer to page 18 in this packet for an example.

4.  Length: Your written report must contain 2-3 pages of typed information with one-inch margins on all sides. All information should be double-spaced. Your bibliography, graphic, and title pages are all separate pages and are not included in the 2-3 pages of information

5.  Bibliography: You must have at least 4 different sources for your report. One of your sources MUST be a book or encyclopedia source.

You may find information in:

·  Encyclopedias

·  Internet Sites – You must have at least 2 internet sites with at least an 8 out of 10 score on the web evaluation forms.

·  Medical encyclopedias

·  Reference books

·  Periodicals (magazines and newspapers)

·  Interviews

·  Pamphlets from doctors or support groups

Be sure to use reliable source materials that contain current information about your topic. If you have questions about internet sources reliability and how to complete a web evaluation form ask your teacher.

6.  Graphic: is a picture, diagram, chart, map, etc… that is used to place emphasis or better explain an important idea in your report. Refer to page 19 in this packet for an example.

**Reports turned in late will receive severe penalties.

Reports received one class late will receive 10 points off the total grade. Beyond one class late, the report will receive a zero.**

If you have any problems or questions please see your health teacher as soon as possible.

Disease Report Topic Ideas Assignment
List 4 possible disease report topics you would like to research. Under each topic list the reason you would like to research and present on that topic and three (3) websites where you can find information on the topic. (Wikipedia, about.com, Webmd etc. do not count)
Topic 1:
Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:
Topic 2:
Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:
Topic 3:
Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:
Topic 4:
Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:

Disease/Condition List

Disease Report:

Written Report Evaluation Form

Name: ______

Topic: ______

______/10 points In on Due Date

______/5 points Title Page

______/10 points Typed, Neatness, Grammar

______4 points Written in the 3rd person

______3 points Size 12, Times New Roman Font, Double Spaced, 1 Inch Margins,

Correct/Appropriate Indentations

______3 points Adequate sentence and paragraph structure, and grammar

______/10 points Length (2-3 Pages of Information)

______/70 points Content of Report

______/10 points Introduction

______/10 points Description of Disease

______/10 points Signs & Symptoms

______/10 points Cause(s)/How Transmitted

______/10 points Methods of Treatment and/or Prevention

______/10 points History of Disease (or other information that doesn’t fit into any other category)

______/10 points Conclusion

______/10 points Bibliography

______/4 points All information required for each source is present and in bibliography format

______/3 points At least 1 book source and 2 reputable internet sources were used

______/3 points Bibliography is in alphabetical order

______/10 points Graphic

______/5 points Is the picture sharing some sort of information?

______/2 points Is the URL address present?

______/3 points Is there a description of what the picture is depicting?

______/125 POINTS TOTAL

Bibliography Information:

We will be using NoodleTools.com, to create your bibliography. Once you get to either website, please use APA format. Then, click on the type of work you are creating a citation for (e.g., book, internet site, magazine, etc.) We will explain what APA format means on the first day we are in the library. When doing your research, please make sure you are collecting all the bibliography information you will need (located at the top of each of your notes pages) to create your citation.


Bibliography Rules:

1.  The author’s name is the first thing that is written. If there is no author named, the title of the article comes first.

2.  All sources need to be listed in alphabetical order.

3.  Each source should be double spaced.

4.  The first line of each source should be in the left margin.

5.  Indent the second line of each source by about 5 spaces.

  1. Double space between sources.

7.  Do not number, bullet, or letter sources.

Bibliography Example:


Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.

Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM:

Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 38-48.

Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348.

Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary relationships. Behavior Change, 21(2), 127-140.

Notes Pages:

Gathering Information/Research

Here are some different places you might be able to find information on your topic:

·  Encyclopedias

·  Books

·  Magazines

·  Internet – make sure your internet sources are reputable (trustworthy)

o  If you use any internet site other than the “best internet sources” listed below, you must use the yellow internet evaluation forms.

Best Internet Sources:

www.kidshealth.org www.mayoclinic.org www.cdc.gov

www.cancer.gov www.nih.gov

Gathering Information:

When you find a good source and are going to take notes from that source, first you need to write down information about that source so you can cite it in your bibliography.

Notes Pages:

What to do:

1.  Put the source information the top of each notes/research page.

2.  Record research about the different sections of your paper (ex. description, signs and symptoms, etc.).

3.  If you don’t find info about a specific section of your paper, that’s ok. Find info about a different section.

4.  Make sure to put your name at the top of the notes page so if you lose it and we find it, we can give it back to you.


·  To steal another person’s ideas or words.

·  To copy another persons paper/content.

·  To copy another person’s images

Strategies to avoid it:

·  Take notes in your own words

·  Write a bibliography on your source cards

·  Read a book, close it, and then take notes

***NOTE*** We want 8th grade writing. We know you’re not doctoral scholars yet! We want to see how you can actually write.

Materials needed EVERY CLASS for the research paper:

·  Your disease report packet

·  A flash drive

·  Your assignment book

·  Loose leaf paper

·  Something to write with

Please remember:

·  You are not to use quotations in this paper. We want ONLY your thoughts. Not someone else’s quotes.

·  Only use the 3rd person

This means:

§  DO NOT use the words: I, me, you, his, hers, etc.

§  Use the words: patient, individual, one, etc

·  No opinions

Writing in the Third Person

What Is Third Person? (with Examples)

The termthird personrefers to someone else, i.e., not the writer or a group including the writer (I,me,we,us) or the writer's audience (you). Whenever you use anoun(as opposed topronoun), it is in the third person.
Thepersonal pronouns(I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) are grouped into one of three categories:
·  First person:Iandwe
·  Second person:you
·  Third person:He/She/ItandThey
Note: First person refers to the speaker himself or a group that includes the speaker (i.e.,I,me,we, andus). Second person refers to the speaker's audience (i.e.,you).
First, Second, and Third Person Pronouns
The table below shows the first, second, and third person pronouns. The third person pronouns are shaded.
Person / Subjective Case / Objective Case / Possessive Case
Possessive Adjective / Possessive Case
Absolute Possessive Pronouns
First Person Singular / I / me / my / mine
Second Person Singular / you / you / your / yours
Third Person Singular / he/she/it / him/her/it / his/her/its / his/hers/its
First Person Plural / we / us / our / ours
Second Person Singular / you / you / your / yours
Third Person Plural / they / them / their / theirs


Notes Page #1, 2, and 4
Source 1, 2, and 4 –
Author/Editor or Group:
Date written/updated/reviewed:
Date you looked at info on the website:
Name of publisher (ex. The Nemours Foundation):
Title of the web page (ex. Diabetes):
URL address:
Title of website: (ex. KidsHealth):
What is it? If you had to describe the disease/condition/disability to someone who had no knowledge of it, what would you say?
What are the affected body parts?
Signs and Symptoms:
Signs: Observable and objective. Please try to list at least 5.
Symptoms: What a patient feels and are subjective. Please try to list at least 5.
Is there a cause for this disease/condition/disability? If so, what is it, or how can a person get it? Could it possibly be caused by genetics?
Is this disease/condition/disability communicable (transmittable)? If so, how?
Is this disease/condition/disability non-communicable (non-transmittable)? If so, why?
What are the risk factors that might make an individual more likely to get this disease/condition/disability?
What is the treatment for the disease? If the disease cannot be cured, what is the treatment for the symptoms (to make the patient more comfortable)? Is there a way to slow down the progression of the disease?
If there are medications or therapies that are used to treat the disease, how do they work? What do they do for the patient?
Is there a way for a patient to reduce the risk of getting the disease? If not, why?
Minimum of 3 dates. Look for when it was discovered, important breakthroughs, etc.
Other interesting facts:
Statistics, celebrities that have suffered from the disease, random facts about the disease that don’t fit into any other category.
Notes Page #3
Source 3 (print source: ex. book, encyclopedia, etc.) –
Author or Editor:
Title of book:
Page numbers or chapters used:
Name of publisher:
City the book was published in:
Most recent copyright year:
Edition (*leave blank except if the book has been published more than once) :
Volume (*only if it has a volume number):
What is it? If you had to describe the disease/condition/disability to someone who had no knowledge of it, what would you say?
What are the affected body parts?
Signs and Symptoms:
Signs: Observable and objective. Please try to list at least 5.
Symptoms: What a patient feels and are subjective. Please try to list at least 5.
Is there a cause for this disease/condition/disability? If so, what is it, or how can a person get it? Could it possibly be caused by genetics?
Is this disease/condition/disability communicable (transmittable)? If so, how?
Is this disease/condition/disability non-communicable (non-transmittable)? If so, why?
What are the risk factors that might make an individual more likely to get this disease/condition/disability?
What is the treatment for the disease? If the disease cannot be cured, what is the treatment for the symptoms (to make the patient more comfortable)? Is there a way to slow down the progression of the disease?
If there are medications or therapies that are used to treat the disease, how do they work? What do they do for the patient?
Is there a way for a patient to reduce the risk of getting the disease? If not, why?
Minimum of 3 dates. Look for when it was discovered, important breakthroughs, etc.
Other interesting facts:
Statistics, celebrities that have suffered from the disease, random facts about the disease that don’t fit into any other category.


Student’s Name

Health Class, Days 1/4

Mrs. Himes

Paper Due Date:


This graphic explains the prevalence of AIDS in Africa. It shows which country has had the most cases and what areas AIDS has affected the most.

Health Report – Rough Outline Name:______

Fill in this sheet for your final health report.

I.  Introduction (1 paragraph) – Why is this an important disease to study? What are some interesting facts about the disease? What are some statistics? What will grab the reader’s attention?

II.  Description/Signs and Symptoms (2+ paragraphs). Describe the disease – what is it? What are the affected body parts?

·  Description

·  Signs and Symptoms – Signs: observable, objective. Symptoms: what a patient feels, subjective.

III.  Causes/Transmission of (1-2 paragraphs). Is there a cause for the disease? Is it a communicable disease (can it be transmitted)? If so, how? Is it a non-communicable disease (is it non-transmittable)? What are the risk factors?

IV.  Treatment/Prevention (1-2 paragraphs). What is the treatment for the disease? What is the treatment for the symptoms? Is there any way to reduce the risk of a person getting the disease?

V.  History (1-2 paragraphs). Minimum of 3 dates. Look for when it was discovered, important breakthroughs, etc.