8801357F Erection of two storey extension to owners residence.
8801358F Erection of conservatory to provide dining room/bar area
E2/88/20029/CADemolition of garage (in order to provide extension to owners accommodation).
E2/88/20851/CA Demilition of sun-lounge bar. (In order to provide dining room/bar extension).
E2/89/20715/F Erection of extensions to hotel to provide single storey dining room together with extensi
on to first/second floor bedrooms and provisi
on of balconies.
E2/94/20246/OUT Outline application for the erection of two dwellinghouses. Construction of new vehicular/pedestrian access.
E2/96/20244/FUL Erection of extension under existing over
hanging upper storey.
E2/97/20221/FUL Alterations to convert garage into lounge.
E2/98/20103/REM - Details for the erection of a pair of
semi-detached dwellings with integral
garages. Construction of new
vehicular/pedestrian acceDetails for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings with integral garages. Construction of new vehicular/pedestrian access to highway. (Reserved Matters following Application No. 94/0716/O dated 18/7/95)ss to highway.
reserved matters follow
E2/98/00752/OUT Outline application for the erection of two dwellings. (Renewal of application no. 94/0716/O dated 18/7/95).
E2/98/00753/REM Details for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings with integral garages. Construction of new vehicular/pedestrian access to highway. (Reserved Matters following Application No. 94/0716/O dated 18/7/95)
E2/98/00919/FUL Alterations and extensions to roof to enlarge second floor bedrooms and erection of first floor extension to form family room.
E2/98/01283/FUL Alterations and extensions to roof to enlarge second floor bedrooms and erection of first floor extension to form family room. (Revised scheme following application no. 98/00919/FUL dated 19/10/98.)
E2/00/01211/FUL Construction of two detached dwellings with integral garage. (Amendment to approved application 98/0753/REM.)
E2/00/01312/FUL Construction of sun deck to East of property.
E2/00/01211/DCND1 Application to discharge condition 7 (works to trees) of Planning decision 00/01211/FUL.
E2/03/00049/FUL Construction of two single garages and associated works.
E2/03/00089/TRECON Consent to remove trees within Looe Conservation Area.
E2/03/00940/TRECONApplication to carry out works to trees within a Conseravtion Area
E2/00/01211/AMD Minor amendment application to pull rockface clear of building, amend rear staircase to suit, roof changed to omit parking area and windows added to rear/side of LGFP of decision 00/01211/FUL
E2/04/01321/FUL Construction of two detached domestic garages and associated works.
E2/04/01665/FUL Construction of two dwellings and alteration to existing vehicular/pedestrian access to highway.
E2/00/01211/DCND2 Application to discharge condition 9 (tree protection) of decision 00/01211/FUL
E2/05/01660/FULConstruction of sun deck
E2/04/01321/DCND1 Application to discharge conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of application no. 04/01321/FUL.
E2/04/01665/DCND1 Application to discharge conditions 1-12 of application no. 04/01665/FUL
E2/03/00049/AMD Minor amendment application for the removal of the store room and vary the design of garage 1 and entrance gateway
E2/04/01321/AMD Minor amendment application to alter position of garage no. 2
E2/06/00316/FUL Conversion and redevelopment to include three storey extension to side elevation of existing hotel to form 12 apartments. (Part demolition of existing hotel).
E2/06/00674/FUL Repositioning of two domestic garages and associated works (revision to previously approved scheme 04/01665/FUL).
E2/07/00070/CON Conservation area consent for the demolition of hotel extension block
E2/07/01019/TRECON Application to clear scrub and two self seeded sycamore trees
E2/06/00316/DCND1 Application to discharge condition 2 (materials) of planning consent 06/00316/FUL
E2/06/00316/DCND2 Application to discharge condition 3 (landscaping scheme) of planning consent 06/00316/FUL